The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

The new "America"

President Donald Trump’s bigoted and nonsensical attack on progressive Democratic women in Congress on Sunday drew praise from the hosts of his favorite morning cable news show.

Jedediah Bila, co-host of the weekend edition of “Fox & Friends,” along with “Fox & Friends” correspondent Todd Piro and Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins, laughed it up over the president’s tweets calling on the congresswomen to “go back” to other countries.

Piro and Bila chuckled as Jenkins read the president’s vitriolic comments aloud.
The new "America"

President Donald Trump’s bigoted and nonsensical attack on progressive Democratic women in Congress on Sunday drew praise from the hosts of his favorite morning cable news show.

Jedediah Bila, co-host of the weekend edition of “Fox & Friends,” along with “Fox & Friends” correspondent Todd Piro and Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins, laughed it up over the president’s tweets calling on the congresswomen to “go back” to other countries.

Piro and Bila chuckled as Jenkins read the president’s vitriolic comments aloud.

When attempting to " Digest " information you should always weigh both aspects of a presentation....
As with any low information Rodent hurriedly swallowed the whole thing without understanding
what you were about to regurgitate.....
Chew your food slowly some research.
Democrat 2020 Candidates Pounce on Trump ‘Go Back’ Tweet: ‘Un-American’

JOEL B. POLLAK14 Jul 20199,947
Nearly every single candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 2020 criticized President Donald Trump’s tweet Sunday morning advising left-wing members of Congress to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

As Democrats Fight Civil War, President Trump Dons His Ballistic Vest, Kevlar Helmet And Stirs The Pot, Forcing Pelosi To Make Nice With The Serpents Who Want To Destroy Her.

Posted at 5:00 pm on July 14, 2019 by Mike Ford


As Democrats Fight Civil War, President Trump Dons His Ballistic Vest, Kevlar Helmet And Stirs The Pot, Forcing Pelosi To Make Nice With The Serpents Who Want To Destroy Her.

My good friend and RedState colleague Bonchie, has written a chiding post regarding a series of tweets by President Trump this morning. His position appears to be that President Trump’s tweets and inferred (by the leftists) choice of targets, will leave our side open to charges of racism. My initial response to that is, “So What?” They are gonna call us racists no matter what we say or do. Time to cowboy up and push back against patently false accusations…and do so with force, which the President did this morning.

Let’s take a look at the tweets in question. It appears to most reasonable folks that the President is referring only to two Congresswomen, Reps Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib. Although due to the obvious corruption and mishandling of hurricane recovery in Puerto Rico, he could possibly be including Rep Cortez, but I doubt it.

What the President tweeted, is what most of middle America is thinking; Your families fled some third world hell hole that practices abuse of women—including genital mutilation, in order to come to these United States. You and your families live under the protection that a Constitutional Representative Republic provides. Your family has more opportunity here, than in any other nation in the World. Instead of continually badmouthing these United States, why don’t you and your family go back to the third world hole you came from and fix it.

That’s a reasonable response to their caustic and unfounded (and often profane) criticism of the President. It’s certainly not racist, unless you are a leftist or a RINO enabler like Paul Ryan. It might sound ugly, but the President’s tweets this morning echo a sentiment that a good majority of Americans strongly support, although they might not admit to it outside their circle of close friends.

Of course, rather than look at what the President wrote, like most leftists, Pelosi and her posse joined the usual screeching of “Racisim!” What is sad, is that in some quarters our side are still afraid of that epithet. Nothing, repeat nothing that President Trump said in that series of three tweets was out of line or remotely racist. He is merely pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of fleeing a country that is racist, that is misogynist and that is intolerant of other religions, to the point of destroying Churches and killing Christians, while badmouthing the country that took you in. Let’s not forget the odd homosexual or two being tossed off a building.

Let’s not also forget, the two Congresswomen he was likely referring to, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib made a big deal out of browbeating the House to amend its rules so they could wear their hijabs on the floor. How nice, they insist on changing the rules to wear an article of clothing that openly symbolizes the maltreatment of women in the Muslim world.

Trump is saying and doing exactly what I sent him to Washington to do, push back on leftist propaganda and do so in plain language. Not only is he doing that, but he’s giving us on the right the courage to also push back. We don’t have to be afraid of being labeled as racists. We now have the courage of our convictions to merely snort in derision and get on with the job of making America great again.

Great Job Mr. President. Keep putting these mindless twits in their place. Oh. One final note—President Trump has managed to get Nancy Pelosi to come out in support of these children. How do you think that is going affect her grip on the levers of power in the House? This newfound “unity” my colleague points to, is merely a chimera.

I wish Melania would go back where she came from and fix Yugoslavia. That country is barely existing... They need another aging meretrix.

Trump To Progressives: Fix Where You Came From First
July 14th, 2019

Trump at a rally. SHUTTERSTOCK/Evan El-Amin
  • President Donald Trump tweeted Sunday about some Democratic congresswomen, telling them to fix their homelands before legislating in America.
  • Congresswomen involved responded to the president, calling him racist.
  • Trump also included a jab regarding the growing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez v. Nancy Pelosi feud.

President Donald Trump launched an attack at some Democratic congresswomen Sunday, suggesting they should fix their “corrupt and inept” homelands before legislating in the U.S.

Trump’s tweets were likely directed at Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts. All of these legislators were born in the U.S. except for Omar, who was born in Somalia, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world … loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run,” wrote Trump. “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it’s done.”

He also alluded to the tension between the freshman representatives and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, suggesting Pelosi would happily cover travel costs if they leave. Pelosi and all four congresswomen responded to the president via twitter. (RELATED: 11 Highlights From Democrats’ Insult Fest Between Team Pelosi And Team Ocasio-Cortez)
NEWS JULY 14, 2019
Ilhan Omar claims Americans accept migrant children being treated 'worse than a dog' because racism
She also claimed she loves America 'more than anyone that is naturally born'


Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) claimed Saturday that Americans accept migrant children being treated "worse than a dog" because they are racist.

Speaking at the Netroots Nation conference, Omar alleged the Trump administration, her colleagues in Congress, and Americans in general do not understand why migrants are coming to the U.S., which results in racist behaviors.

"These people are faced with cruel decisions, inhumane decisions, on what they should do to make their children's lives better, and what they should do to make their own lives better," Omar said.

"And instead of us saying here is 'A,' 'B,' and 'C,' we're saying there is zero option. And if you ever think that you have a chance, we're going to treat you worse than a dog," she added. "One of our members said to me, if there were dogs in those cages, every single member of Congress would vote to make sure that all of these cages didn't exist any more."

"So we live in a society and govern in a body that might value the life of a dog more than they value the life of a child who might not look like theirs," Omar claimed.
I'm just guessing that Matt Wolking will not have to go back where he came from and look for a new job tomorrow. He does his current one so well.
Democrat Ayanna Pressley: No More ‘Black Faces That Don’t Want to Be a Black Voice’

Bill Sikes/Associated Press
JOEL B. POLLAK14 Jul 20192,872
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of the “Squad” that Democrats claim was the target of a racist attack by President Donald Trump on Sunday, told left-wing bloggers Sunday afternoon: “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

Pressley is one of the four left-wing Democrats disparaged out last week by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as the “Squad.” The most prominent member, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), called Pelosi’s attack racist. That, in turn, drew criticism from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

In response, Pressley appeared to blast the members of the CBC. The Washington Post reported:

An all-out racially charged fight within the House Democratic Caucus escalated Saturday when an African American freshman lawmaker said the party doesn’t need “any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) made those comments during a speech at the liberal Netroots Nation conference where she, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) appeared after a week-long clash with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her allies.

“This is the time to shake that table. . . . We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” Pressley said, seemingly taking a stab at the Congressional Black Caucus, which is allied with Pelosi. “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

On Sunday, Pelosi, the Squad, and almost the entire 2020 Democratic presidential primary field called Trump a racist for

Separately, one of the “Squad” members, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), a former refugee from Somalia, told a high school audience that the United States had failed to become a just society. She and Trump also traded barbs late last week.
Big surprise t bailing from the Iran nuclear deal was to spite Obama. No duh, the whole reason t ran was out of spite after being roasted by Barrack at the correspondents dinner. The whole basis behind being a t-nutter is spite. The aggrieved, victims of a cruel liberal democracy where people have rights, all people.
Speaking of spite.
I should have read more closely, but I was busy yesterday. It seems clear now that Pence is in denial, even calling what he saw (hundreds of men caged in poor hygiene conditions, some calling out loud complaints in English) as evidence that families "were being treated well". Then he called news outlets "dishonest" for reporting what actually happened.
Poor guys. They should have stayed home.
Democrat 2020 Candidates Pounce on Trump ‘Go Back’ Tweet: ‘Un-American’

JOEL B. POLLAK14 Jul 20199,947
Nearly every single candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 2020 criticized President Donald Trump’s tweet Sunday morning advising left-wing members of Congress to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
As t once again gives power to the powerless . . . yeah great deal maker that buffoon. Well add these ladies to the ever growing list of those t gave power to with nothing in return except the barking approval of his loyal dogs.