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US Lawmaker Calls For Puerto Rico Governor To Resign Amid FBI Arrests
July 10th, 2019

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello speaks during a Facebook live broadcast in the library of the governor's mansion, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan. 24, 2018. REUTERS/Alvin Baez

The chairman of the House committee that oversees Puerto Rico called on the territory’s governor to step down after the FBI arrested two of his former officials on corruption charges Wednesday.

“We’ve crossed that crucible now,” Democratic Rep. Raul M. Grijalva of Arizona, chair of the House Natural Resource Committee, said Wednesday to The Washington Post. “The restoration of accountability is so key going forward.”
The governor of Puerto Rico and his administration have now given President Trump the ammunition he needed,” San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz, a political opponent of Rossello and a Trump critic, said Wednesday, according to WaPo.

The arrests renew questions over whether Puerto Rico’s government is capable of managing billions in funds recently given to them by Washington, D.C.

After months of fighting between Republican and Democratic lawmakers, Congress was able to pass a $19 billion aid package that gave financial relief to Puerto Rico and states hit by hurricanes, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters. Trump signed the aid package in early June.


Rescue workers help people after the area was hit by Hurricane Maria in Guayama, Puerto Rico September 20, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017. The storm killed an estimated 3,000 people and wiped out power for roughly 1.5 million residents. The effort to fully restore the island’s power took nearly a year to complete. The slow process of allocating funds to Puerto Rico generated criticism against Trump.

The president has noted the island’s government was rife with corruption. (RELATED: Puerto Rican College Republicans Receive Backlash Over Effort To Build Trump Statue)

“Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before, & all their local politicians do is complain & ask for more money. The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA,” the president tweeted in April.

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CA Governor Signs Bill Extending Health Care To Illegal Immigrants

Photo by Arun Nevader/Getty Images


July 10, 2019
On Tuesday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law State Bill 104, which now extends health care benefits to illegal immigrants between the ages of 19-25, in addition to the law that already had guaranteed coverage to illegal immigrants under the age of 19.

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NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Signs Bill Allowing Release Of Trump's State Taxes

The Hill noted, “The bill, introduced earlier this year, is estimated to cover about 90,000 low-income residents overall and comes with a roughly $98 million price tag.”

The bill states:

The federal Medicaid program prohibits payment to a state for medical assistance furnished to an alien who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law.

Existing law requires that individuals under 19 years of age enrolled in restricted-scope Medi-Cal at the time the Director of Health Care Services makes a determination that systems have been programmed for implementation of these provisions be enrolled in the full scope of Medi-Cal benefits, if otherwise eligible. Existing law requires the department to maximize federal financial participation in implementing the provisions.

This bill would extend eligibility for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits to individuals 19 to 25 years of age, inclusive, and who are otherwise eligible for those benefits but for their immigration status. This bill would additionally require the department to claim federal financial participation to the extent that the department determines it is available, and to the extent that federal financial participation is not available, would require the department to use state funds. Because counties are required to make eligibility determinations and this bill would expand Medicaid eligibility, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.

Newsom was elected last November; before that, last August, he said that he planned on expanding Medicare to cover every Californian, even illegal immigrants. Newsom stated:
I wasn't arguing anything. I am just reporting what I see.

Today I bought gasoline at USA Gas in Escondido for $3.260/gallon. Usually if I think the price will be going up, I fill it up. If I think it will be going down I buy less. Today I got 6.11 gallons ($20 worth).
What is it with white women in public places lately? Twice in the news today I read about white women objecting to people speaking Spanish in their presence and suggesting that the Spanish speakers should go back to Mexico or hoping they will be deported. In an interesting twist, in both of those cases the Spanish speakers were from Puerto Rico, so they were already US citizens and undeportable.
What is it with white women in public places lately? Twice in the news today I read about white women objecting to people speaking Spanish in their presence and suggesting that the Spanish speakers should go back to Mexico or hoping they will be deported. In an interesting twist, in both of those cases the Spanish speakers were from Puerto Rico, so they were already US citizens and undeportable.
Here fishy, fishy
What is it with white women in public places lately? Twice in the news today I read about white women objecting to people speaking Spanish in their presence and suggesting that the Spanish speakers should go back to Mexico or hoping they will be deported. In an interesting twist, in both of those cases the Spanish speakers were from Puerto Rico, so they were already US citizens and undeportable.
What is it with white women in public places lately? Twice in the news today I read about white women objecting to people speaking Spanish in their presence and suggesting that the Spanish speakers should go back to Mexico or hoping they will be deported. In an interesting twist, in both of those cases the Spanish speakers were from Puerto Rico, so they were already US citizens and undeportable.
Anyone can be ignorant. Some, like the t-swallowers in here, choose ignorance.
Is the Acosta resignation crafted to carry the heat away from t? Or is this just another drip in the melting of the iceberg of corruption burying DC right now?
Is the Acosta resignation crafted to carry the heat away from t? Or is this just another drip in the melting of the iceberg of corruption burying DC right now?
If I were going to write a parody of a guy who can't write, but truly believes he can, would it be possible to borrow this last post of yours?