Sporting California! What are they doing?

I doubt college coaches cared much about watching teams below ECNL/GA on the girls side and ECNL/MLSNext on the boys side even before the NCAA settlement. Not that there aren't good kids below those levels. I believe a kid from Elk Grove EA got offered a spot on UCLA. But generally you get more concentrated talent at the higher levels and the play is better because of it. College soccer programs don't have robust scouting budgets. The coaches go to those top league showcases, league post-season, and prominent open tournaments with top level teams competing to see who might project. Much more bang for your small budge buck this way.
P4 schools don't look below ECNL/GA, but mid majors, lower D1's, D2's and lower hit up the next level all the time for girls soccer. Guys soccer is just screwed with only 2000 scholarships at D1, or about 500 per year, and 1/3 of those going to international players. Good luck.
I think a lot parents would disagree. They are already falling for the ECRL title. I assume a patch will follow. And nobody is putting the "2" after it except people who aren't on those teams. Official name is ECRL SoCal.
The official name is RL. S.Cal G09. ECRL is not a thing.
The official name is RL. S.Cal G09. ECRL is not a thing.
Correct - but to differentiate ECNL and ECNL-RL, RL has been abbreviated for years as ECRL as a shorthand that was easily understood. And any league just below RL has been referred as ECRL2, as when it was being discussed, that made it clear to most what people were talking about. This 3rd league (such as the one in Texas, and now the one in California), now that it has kicked off, has the official name you listed. But I imagine that people will use ECRL2 or RL2 to refer to it going forward.
Word on the street is that Jenny has been suspended. Four G12 RL girls have left the team...maybe more on the horizon.
I am not sure other teams are affected, but a whirlwind is brewing.
I am NOT surprised...
Word on the street is that Jenny has been suspended. Four G12 RL girls have left the team...maybe more on the horizon.
I am not sure other teams are affected, but a whirlwind is brewing.
I am NOT surprised...
sounds like you have first hand knowledge of what's transpiring? thats a hefty portion of a team all at once
Word on the street is that Jenny has been suspended. Four G12 RL girls have left the team...maybe more on the horizon.
I am not sure other teams are affected, but a whirlwind is brewing.
I am NOT surprised...
Any knowledge on why the suspension, how long the suspension and reason girls are leaving?
Not sure what is going on with Coach Jenny but wished I had listened to my gut when wanting to leave this joke of a club Sporting after the challenge game nonsense. Several of my daughter's teammates have been told that they will not be rostering in their RL game this weekend since it's a "must win" game against SD Surf. Although there's less than 17 girls on the RL roster, the coach is planning to bring down a bunch of NL players for this "must win" game thereby displacing the RL players. Curious as to other clubs - now that NL plays mainly on Saturdays and RL plays on Sundays, is this happening with other clubs too? NL players playing for the RL team just for the win? I guess it's allowed under the ECNL rules but seems fishy and wrong. Not to mention their NL team at this age group is in dead last so not sure how much help these players will be anyway against a much superior club.
Not sure what is going on with Coach Jenny but wished I had listened to my gut when wanting to leave this joke of a club Sporting after the challenge game nonsense. Several of my daughter's teammates have been told that they will not be rostering in their RL game this weekend since it's a "must win" game against SD Surf. Although there's less than 17 girls on the RL roster, the coach is planning to bring down a bunch of NL players for this "must win" game thereby displacing the RL players. Curious as to other clubs - now that NL plays mainly on Saturdays and RL plays on Sundays, is this happening with other clubs too? NL players playing for the RL team just for the win? I guess it's allowed under the ECNL rules but seems fishy and wrong. Not to mention their NL team at this age group is in dead last so not sure how much help these players will be anyway against a much superior club.
I will speak on Legends due to having friends on their NL teams. (with the reverse problem). A coach told his team that the RL players will be playing instead of the actual rostered NL players because they are better. And that if the NL player is not rostered for game day, they can go help the RL team or the RL2 team.
I will speak on Legends due to having friends on their NL teams. (with the reverse problem). A coach told his team that the RL players will be playing instead of the actual rostered NL players because they are better. And that if the NL player is not rostered for game day, they can go help the RL team or the RL2 team.
Technically this is how ECNL and ECRL is designed to work since both teams players are in the same player pool. Parents hate this kind of action and fight against it.
Technically this is how ECNL and ECRL is designed to work since both teams players are in the same player pool. Parents hate this kind of action and fight against it.
It's on the boys side too with MLS Next. Only core players are exclusive to MLS Next. Futures players are allowed to play a certain number of games in MLS Next and otherwise with the second team. Reserve players can guest up on the MLS Next side but otherwise (at least in the ideal) are usually suppose to play with the second team (but the issue is the double practices). They are supposed to be interlocking, which is why sometimes the teams in second tier with MLS Next Teams over them can fluctuate in performance. Also a reason why the east coast clubs broke out of EA (to give more flexibility in their ability to interlock).

The stupid parts of this are "must win" (there's no such thing...maybe make a case for national championship rounds)...and the RL kids playing up on the NL (that means the coaches either made mistakes in placement, or worse, sent some weaker players down to RL in order to make that team competitive and filled the bench with fillers).
Not sure what is going on with Coach Jenny but wished I had listened to my gut when wanting to leave this joke of a club Sporting after the challenge game nonsense. Several of my daughter's teammates have been told that they will not be rostering in their RL game this weekend since it's a "must win" game against SD Surf. Although there's less than 17 girls on the RL roster, the coach is planning to bring down a bunch of NL players for this "must win" game thereby displacing the RL players. Curious as to other clubs - now that NL plays mainly on Saturdays and RL plays on Sundays, is this happening with other clubs too? NL players playing for the RL team just for the win? I guess it's allowed under the ECNL rules but seems fishy and wrong. Not to mention their NL team at this age group is in dead last so not sure how much help these players will be anyway against a much superior club.
ask Blues;)
Technically this is how ECNL and ECRL is designed to work since both teams players are in the same player pool. Parents hate this kind of action and fight against it.
Yep. NL parents would hate it, while the RL parents in question not so much. Especially if the kid took the RL spot since they were promised they could guest NL games from time to time.
Is the Blues/Sporting merger true? Lots of dots are connecting in the background,
no idea, what would actually merge though? Blues would take on all those teams and then they would be blues teams so blues would have double spots at all age groups? Or it would be like Legends/Sharks and Sporting would call themselves Blues CA or something?