I can see both sides to this argument. Hey, if you have a good smaller size club team why not just take over that spot based one one game? The people on here agreeing with this - has your player ever been in this position that their team has been taken over and displaced by another? We have been in this position with another club on the boys' side and it's not fun or funny to my child. In Sporting's case, we have girls coming from all over the IE, OC and LA areas to the main Sporting Hub out of Ontario/Walnut where it's always been to make that NL or RL commitment. One of the reasons we decided to try out there in the first place was location of the NL/RL hub. If that hub is moving to Temecula, then yep we probably wouldn't bother trying out for NL/RL for Sporting. But now the RL will be limited mainly to girls in Temecula area unless parents are willing to make that drive to training 3x a week. But doesn't appear that this coach is looking to add to the team, but to keep the girls she always has had, is my understanding. Look at Legends. If you want to play on a top girls team there your butt better be driving out to Silverlakes 3x per week for training. If you don't like it, then play at a local club which may be a big or small club. Hopefully this team understands the money, travel and time commitment required for NL/RL and this isn't just a desire of the coach. RL level at Sporting has now been determined by one game and not multiple weeks of trying out and seeing how players all fit in with one another and whether these players can play at this level against the dominant clubs like Legends, Surf, Slammers. And because of this upheaval, we will be looking for a new club whether this game is win or loss.