@Desert Hound responded to the question sufficiently. You just chose not to accept his answer. It seriously isn’t a great expense in the grand scheme of things. ONE trip in fall and ONE in the spring is not going to make or break anything for travel teams. As someone stated earlier, consider it a college prequel. To come on hear and to complain about TWO trips per year is just annoying af. You want to hear something even crazier, with all of the travel Nevada and Arizona teams do to SoCal, we probably pay much less then the SoCal teams pay for their “local” games from what I’m hearing, Also, driving from San Diego to anywhere in the valley Or even L.A. can take 3 hours. Talk about frustration.
I already answered your question....just in case you missed it.
There are some things that money just can’t buy. When I ask my DD what are some of her favorite memories, and to hear her say team travel, travel with her parents/family , or about a random adventure that happened while traveling. To hear stories about the times we went to this place or that place, to hear the joy in her stories is worth more than $300. She will always have those moments and memories. I’m glad I’m in the position for her to have these experiences. I’m just lucky that I have had WAY more travel memories

than most of those in SoCal who complain about driving up the 405.