The great awakening is powerful, and nothing can stop 5D ascension except you. It's a choice point, The Christ or stay in hell in the 3D with the Cheaters, killers, liars, MAPs, Pedo and the thieves and thus become the Ultimate Loser like espola and Husker Du Du. These two have zero ability to feel or have remorse. They can't admit that bothsides have human errors, they & them only point out Trumps short coming. It's obvious Pedo Peter (Joe) had a medical event in Vegas and we all know what happens in Vegas will always stay in Vegas. We will never know. Watty told us all not to jump to conclusions but here's my two cents. A small group of evil people live among us and they live on top of the pyramid of pure lust, adultery, SRA, Abuse children and full of greed. They do NOT belong to a country; they belong to bloodlines. Each bloodline has its own thirst for power and control. These people are ruthless and feed off the pain of kids.
Joe is TOAST!
We are dealing with something bigger and more powerful that Sleepy Joe. Creepy Joe was just being used by "IT." Let's see what Barak and Michelle have up their sleeves of sleaze. This movie is far from over. Harris just took in $80,000,000 from 880,000 new people who signed up at the last minute to pay their support to lyin Kamala, who dated the great Willie Brown when she was 29. Buckle your seat belts and get more popcorn out because you haven't seen nothing yet. Just wait to see what is about to drop. "Children will unite Humanity."
"Kids that go missing are runaways." Dumb & Dumber
"Anyone but Trump." Dumb & Dumber
"I hired illegal Nanny." Dumb & Dumber
"Hunter's Laptop from Hell is Russian disinformation campaign." espola
"Crush is the forums #1 liar." espola
"I switched sides because of what kind of father Joe is." espola
Joe took shower with his dd and used Hunter to do all his dirty deeds in the dark for big pay day. Joe used his brother James to purchase land and build house on private island with Epstein. Epstein named the Island after Uncle James, Little Saint James. These people did very naughty things on the island. They did unthinakble evil to children.