President Joe Biden

I'm telling you guys many witches are being exposed. Some of these ladies are nasty like Nancy. Hillary will go down and as of the biggest mass killers ever, along with Dr. Fraudster Tony. These witches blackmail their husbands and then control them by the blackmail and not their p****. They use p**** to bait them in like fang fang did Eric.

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From what I'm reading it's not the same woman..
When you can't win on policy, you demonize.

As it stands right now, the only policy the Dems have majority support on is abortion. They have some support for other policies, but have gotten on a bridge too far. I.e. gay rights are widely supported, but men identifying as women competing against women is not. And even some Dems are on bridge too far with abortion.
It could be that she lacks the intellect to articulate policy. It gets ugly/comical when she goes very deep into anything.
"Reminder; If you are voting for Joe Biden because you don't like Trump, is like eating dog shit because you don't like Cucumbers." Joel Fischer TS
Get the popcorn out!

Kamala should rightly be the heir, but democracy and integrity seems to be no longer relevant for the Dems.
To the demons on here. Please allow Crooked Joe to finish what he started. He won fair and square losers who always cheat, lie, spy, kill and steal from others. Stop cheating espola and Husker Du, aka Dad4, EOTL, fourteenknots, Surf Futbol, The Long Game and a few others I will name later. He Creepy Joe is the one you guys need to honor. Joker Joe is the guy you guys voted for.
When Chuck came out and said Biden needs to step down because he can't win.. I guess Dems believe that you can replace your nomination when they are not polling well.
It's what cheaters and liars do so well. The Dems are in a hot mess. I have a few Lib pals and none of them are on the same page. Hillary might have to jump in. My bff wants Michelle, but she said no. Gavin has 100% now way Jose. Pedo Joe also said he was in it to win it but just quit. WTF happened the last 24 hours? How much $$$ did crooked Joe get to quit? Open Convention?