President Joe Biden

This is not from the Bee.

PA Trump Rally Shooter Building Reportedly Owned by BlackRock, Managed by Executives from Pfizer​

I'm telling you guys many witches are being exposed. Some of these ladies are nasty like Nancy. Hillary will go down and as of the biggest mass killers ever, along with Dr. Fraudster Tony. These witches blackmail their husbands and then control them by the blackmail and not their p****. They use p**** to bait them in like fang fang did Eric.

Olive branch🫒🤝

"Biden doesn’t have to charge himself. He’s finished. He’s heading to his Delaware beach house. We know, because his wife said so. He’s going to recover from the “you-can’t-possibly-win” fake flu, while the Democrats who control him try desperately to stem the flow of evidence coming out about their failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. But it is ALL coming out.

My advice would be to stop hugging the trees and start hugging your family a little tighter, because whatever the Democrats have planned for us (and I include YOU with US) it’s not over yet, and none of it is good." Patriot
"So let me get this straight:
Blackrock took a massive financial gamble that Trump's stock would plummet one day before the assassination attempt, Thomas Crooke was inexplicably in a Blackrock commercial, and now Crowdstrike (Owned by Blackrock) caused a massive power outage the day after Trump is nominated for President of the United States.
If you're not realizing it yet:
The most powerful forces in the world are desperate to stop him from returning to the White House.
There are no coincidences.
We are living in a shadow war." Pepe
I'm telling you guys many witches are being exposed. Some of these ladies are nasty like Nancy. Hillary will go down and as of the biggest mass killers ever, along with Dr. Fraudster Tony. These witches blackmail their husbands and then control them by the blackmail and not their p****. They use p**** to bait them in like fang fang did Eric.

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Not sure. She could've been doing her job in a very calm manner by documenting the shooting. In her position she was probably there just in case something happened. Not gonna jump to conclusions...
Gee wiz Chrostopher, what kind of plan are you guys thinking of this time? These guys are sending message like,
"I'm done talking about the debate. It's time we put a bullseye on Trump." FJB
"This ticket poses a profound threat to our security (no, just your cheating lifestyle loser)." "I hope we (WHO is we) are planning accordingly." Steele
"Anyone but Trump." Dumb & Dumber

These cheaters, liars, killers and thieves sure have guts to even write their BS. Reminds me of Dumb & Dumber. The two dumbest dummies on the forum.

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It's almost like these losers forget we're still waiting for the threat from Trump's 1st go around. Clowns.
Biden is Toast as is Dumb & Dumber.

"Four months from now, we will have an incredible victory, and we will begin the four greatest years in the history of our Country. Together, we will launch a new era of safety, prosperity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed." DJT