President Joe Biden

I don't know. I don't watch Fox News. Then again, Fox News doesn't blame Trump for Biden's 3.5 years running the border. I did see Beaker Scarborough, head dipshit at MSNBS, recently do a video calling Biden "very cogent, more than cogent and F-you if you don't want to hear it." Maybe Beaker doesn't know what 'cogent' means. I wonder if he thinks we're all stupid.

I also wonder why you refuse to answer legitimate, direct questions. Is it that difficult? Because you really wear the "LIBTARDS" jersey quite well. You check all the boxes. Hit and run. Run and hide. Hide for days if necessary.

If you don't watch Fox News, how is it that you are unaware of the two points I raised when I answered a direct question?
Dodge ball again? The one you ran to vote for is now blaming his horrible debate on travel now. He also said he should have listened to his staff and not debated Trump at all.
The 'Tato has blamed everyone, Crush. He's blamed CNN, he's blamed the late night start, he's blamed the makeup people, he's blamed the trainers for working him too hard, he's blamed Europe for being too far away, he's blamed a cold, etc. The only one he didn't blame is Trump.

Nevermind Biden was locked in a basement, for nearly 2 weeks, preparing for the debate THEY wanted.
The 'Tato has blamed everyone, Crush. He's blamed CNN, he's blamed the late night start, he's blamed the makeup people, he's blamed the trainers for working him too hard, he's blamed Europe for being too far away, he's blamed a cold, etc. The only one he didn't blame is Trump.

Nevermind Biden was locked in a basement, for nearly 2 weeks, preparing for the debate THEY wanted.
The good news today is Pedo Joe has a plan to save you money at the grocery store. It's like the dude WHO invented cancer and then started the cancer society.

If you don't watch Fox News, how is it that you are unaware of the two points I raised when I answered a direct question?
Which one of your 16,000 posts actually answered a direct question? Was it one of these and you were just using the Force?

A. "THey don't cover these things on Fox News?"
B. "Your position has long been obvious."
C. "T torpedoed the bipartisan border bill. T offered a billion dollars in tax cuts to wealthy prospective donors."
D. All of the above.
Which one of your 16,000 posts actually answered a direct question? Was it one of these and you were just using the Force?

A. "THey don't cover these things on Fox News?"
B. "Your position has long been obvious."
C. "T torpedoed the bipartisan border bill. T offered a billion dollars in tax cuts to wealthy prospective donors."
D. All of the above.
That's not an answer. It's a fabricated lie drummed up by democrats. I asked you how Trump could torpedo something when he's not in office and you chose to ignore that. Are you suggesting Biden didn't open the borders, spend 3.5 years saying there's no crisis and now wants to blame Republicans for it?

I also pointed out that Trump gave a tax cut to the middle class and you ignored that, too. It's amazing how you're okay with Biden driving the debt up by spending our money on illegal aliens, college deadbeats and wars you people said Trump would get us in, but you have a problem with Trump giving tax cuts/incentives to American businesses that actually employ people and fund programs for the less "fortunate".

How do you possibly defend your position on that? I guess you're never going to address the fact that the top 1% of this country already fund 40% of the nation's tax burden. I've posted that half a dozen times and you ignore that like you ignore all the other, inconvenient truths.
Pedo Joe made Transgender Day on Easter Sunday this year. espola did all he could to run to Joe's side and come on here sharing how bad Trump ("I will end sex trafficking") is and, well you know the man now.



and espola "switched" sides to vote for Pedo Joe. Husker Du Du says, "anyone but Trump." Basically, these fruit cakes would rather have a Pedo in charge then Trump.

That's not an answer. It's a fabricated lie drummed up by democrats. I asked you how Trump could torpedo something when he's not in office and you chose to ignore that. Are you suggesting Biden didn't open the borders, spend 3.5 years saying there's no crisis and now wants to blame Republicans for it?

I also pointed out that Trump gave a tax cut to the middle class and you ignored that, too. It's amazing how you're okay with Biden driving the debt up by spending our money on illegal aliens, college deadbeats and wars you people said Trump would get us in, but you have a problem with Trump giving tax cuts/incentives to American businesses that actually employ people and fund programs for the less "fortunate".

How do you possibly defend your position on that? I guess you're never going to address the fact that the top 1% of this country already fund 40% of the nation's tax burden. I've posted that half a dozen times and you ignore that like you ignore all the other, inconvenient truths.
The reality is that @espola is likley part of a russian bot farm. Not programmed to answer questions or provide data to prove/disprove talking points. 1st Gen bot so expectations are low.
It's because Dem's aren't good with cause and effect, aka long term ramifications. They do what benefits them in the moment without considering the future. (There are probably some Republican examples also).

Example A is Harry Reid getting rid of the filibuster for judicial nominations and other appointments. That back fired big time now with 6-3 conservative majority. Before that it was the Borking of Bork.

The Dems are now whining about the immunity decision yesterday. It benefits them as much as it does Republicans and hopefully it will put an end to any potential tit-for-tat lawfare. They're just apoplectic because it helps Trump. Biden should breath of a sigh of relief because it prevents the families that lost loved ones to illegal aliens from suing him because he failed to enforce the law on the border (not to mention other potential lawsuits and prosecutions).
That's not an answer. It's a fabricated lie drummed up by democrats. I asked you how Trump could torpedo something when he's not in office and you chose to ignore that. Are you suggesting Biden didn't open the borders, spend 3.5 years saying there's no crisis and now wants to blame Republicans for it?

I also pointed out that Trump gave a tax cut to the middle class and you ignored that, too. It's amazing how you're okay with Biden driving the debt up by spending our money on illegal aliens, college deadbeats and wars you people said Trump would get us in, but you have a problem with Trump giving tax cuts/incentives to American businesses that actually employ people and fund programs for the less "fortunate".

How do you possibly defend your position on that? I guess you're never going to address the fact that the top 1% of this country already fund 40% of the nation's tax burden. I've posted that half a dozen times and you ignore that like you ignore all the other, inconvenient truths.
Angry and ignorant is a sad way to spend your life.
It's because Dem's aren't good with cause and effect, aka long term ramifications. They do what benefits them in the moment without considering the future. (There are probably some Republican examples also).

Example A is Harry Reid getting rid of the filibuster for judicial nominations and other appointments. That back fired big time now with 6-3 conservative majority. Before that it was the Borking of Bork.

The Dems are now whining about the immunity decision yesterday. It benefits them as much as it does Republicans and hopefully it will put an end to any potential tit-for-tat lawfare. They're just apoplectic because it helps Trump. Biden should breath of a sigh of relief because it prevents the families that lost loved ones to illegal aliens from suing him because he failed to enforce the law on the border (not to mention other potential lawsuits and prosecutions).
Bork should have known what was going to happen to him and declined the nomination.