
I am funny, I am big. My kid the expert was definitely tongue in check since she got out of school a couple weeks ago. You thinking I am an elitist, is funny. You not knowing the difference between an elitist and an arrogant ass, as well as you having some sort of personal thing with me is sad. That is my emotion. You can have your own. I am glad I can make you laugh.
Of course you're funny, you said so yourself. The fact that you chose to get defensive about what you posted says volumes about you, not me, I just pointed it out.

But you're right, you're a big fella. You always reminded me of a shorter version of the wrestler Man Mountain Mike. Speaking of your daughters ex fiancee I ran into him a few months ago. Awkward...
One comment I will make, is having now lived almost 2 years in "Progressive" controlled NYC... is boy have I soured on socialists. The highest taxes in the country, beat up infrastructure and what feels like everyday another story about how another of the progressive pet projects has blown through another billion with no results.

I love the city but it's hard not to feel like the future of the country is out west.
One comment I will make, is having now lived almost 2 years in "Progressive" controlled NYC... is boy have I soured on socialists. The highest taxes in the country, beat up infrastructure and what feels like everyday another story about how another of the progressive pet projects has blown through another billion with no results.

I love the city but it's hard not to feel like the future of the country is out west.
I agree with you on the first part, but have you been to San Francisco or Downtown LA or San Diego lately?
I agree with you on the first part, but have you been to San Francisco or Downtown LA or San Diego lately?
The increasing income inequality and lower taxes prevent, even in a growing economy, infrastructure work or assistance to the homeless.
In fact, a significant infrastructure program was Trump's only good idea, but McConnell told him no at the outset of his presidency.
But the wealthy in SF and SD and LA are doing better than ever, for sure.
The increasing income inequality and lower taxes prevent, even in a growing economy, infrastructure work or assistance to the homeless.
In fact, a significant infrastructure program was Trump's only good idea, but McConnell told him no at the outset of his presidency.
But the wealthy in SF and SD and LA are doing better than ever, for sure.
That is why you people shouldn't dismiss churches. The government isn't the solution. You people think the government is the divinity, if the government can give you it, the government can take it away.
I agree with you on the first part, but have you been to San Francisco or Downtown LA or San Diego lately?

Can't really speak to San Fran or the Salty Dog... but DTLA has really come to life. Have a friend down there and I can remember 5 years ago when I'd visit him it was like driving to the Bat Cave it was so dark and empty. Now there are lights and life everywhere. My take, and I work and spend time in cities all across the country from Miami, Austin, Boise to NYC & LA... most cities are going through a renaissance as the countries population is leaving the suburbs and heading back into the urban centers. Not to say 'gentrification' is all good, but if you like living in cities it's boom times.
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The increasing income inequality and lower taxes prevent, even in a growing economy, infrastructure work or assistance to the homeless.
In fact, a significant infrastructure program was Trump's only good idea, but McConnell told him no at the outset of his presidency.
But the wealthy in SF and SD and LA are doing better than ever, for sure.

I agree. In much the same way small towns in rural America are dying, the culture and people that traditionally lived in places like Harlem are also getting squeezed out. And I think in both cases, most people agree something needs to be done to protect the have-nots. That said, having now lived in a place where the "progressives" are in charge... it doesn't feel like they are proving to be any better at solving any of these problem.. despite spending a lot more $$ for the same results. It's even worse when you look at infrastructure here in NYC- where the highest taxes in the nation buy you third world pot holes and train delays. They certainly haven't improved the public schools, reduced the number of homeless, or fixed the subway.

Yes I'll agree Trump and McConnell suck and are plainly sticking it to blue states, but maintaining a cities infrastructure fall primarily on local politicians not the federal government... so I can't blame this on them.
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And churches can't take it away? Please........
Correct. An individual church may end supporting a particular charity or cause and move onto another but snother will take its place. The church as a whole will always be found helping the less fortunate in ways that you will never know unless you are directly involved.
I agree. In much the same way small towns in rural America are dying, the culture and people that traditionally lived in places like Harlem are also getting squeezed out. And I think in both cases, most people agree something needs to be done to protect the have-nots. That said, having now lived in a place where the "progressives" are in charge... it doesn't feel like they are proving to be any better at solving any of these problem.. despite spending a lot more $$ for the same results. It's even worse when you look at infrastructure here in NYC- where the highest taxes in the nation buy you third world pot holes and train delays. They certainly haven't improved the public schools, reduced the number of homeless, or fixed the subway.

Yes I'll agree Trump and McConnell suck and are plainly sticking it to blue states, but maintaining a cities infrastructure fall primarily on local politicians not the federal government... so I can't blame this on them.
So, you agree with messy? Someone call CNN. What a dope.

BTW Happy Womens Day.
That is why you people shouldn't dismiss churches. The government isn't the solution. You people think the government is the divinity, if the government can give you it, the government can take it away.
People are being taught to look to the government for help instead of the church. Government is all knowing and knows best is an easy sell these days with all the church scandals going on... too many people making big $$ in the church now and that leads to corruption, just like in the government.
Correct. An individual church may end supporting a particular charity or cause and move onto another but snother will take its place. The church as a whole will always be found helping the less fortunate in ways that you will never know unless you are directly involved.
I have not always been a agnostic church questioner. My sister runs a food bank out of her church. It is right next door to the Head Start center that is also located at the church. Both receive funds from outside sources besides the church and both could function without the church but the congregations support is great. The issue I have is organizations like the Catholic Church where their mythology over rules the science and they tell people in Africa that condoms do not stop AIDS so don't wear them. It is a sin against God. That my friend is fucked up. It is evil. And there lies the problem. if we take the moneys that churches are given and then redirect those funds to NGO's and other organizations, you will see the impact without as much bullshit from mythology.
People are being taught to look to the government for help instead of the church. Government is all knowing and knows best is an easy sell these days with all the church scandals going on... too many people making big $$ in the church now and that leads to corruption, just like in the government.
That is not a new phenomenon. The largest, most influential and wealthiest organization in the world is the Catholic Church. They still can't get their shit together because of the doctrines that are millennium old and the patriarchal power structure that emboldens them.
That is not a new phenomenon. The largest, most influential and wealthiest organization in the world is the Catholic Church. They still can't get their shit together because of the doctrines that are millennium old and the patriarchal power structure that emboldens them.
Sounds like the democrats.
That is not a new phenomenon. The largest, most influential and wealthiest organization in the world is the Catholic Church. They still can't get their shit together because of the doctrines that are millennium old and the patriarchal power structure that emboldens them.
The Catholic Church does have its issues but its doctrines are not it. It's the people, like in any organization, that cause the problems. Like I said.. too many people making big $$ and add power to that.
I have not always been a agnostic church questioner. My sister runs a food bank out of her church. It is right next door to the Head Start center that is also located at the church. Both receive funds from outside sources besides the church and both could function without the church but the congregations support is great. The issue I have is organizations like the Catholic Church where their mythology over rules the science and they tell people in Africa that condoms do not stop AIDS so don't wear them. It is a sin against God. That my friend is fucked up. It is evil. And there lies the problem. if we take the moneys that churches are given and then redirect those funds to NGO's and other organizations, you will see the impact without as much bullshit from mythology.
I would never suggest someone not use a condom to protect against STDs.. what your source for that story?
Did you read the second article? Doesn't exactly make your point, in fact the article never states that the Catholic Church says not to use a condom.

"The Catholic Church has always held that artificial contraception use is immoral. In a 2010 book interview that made waves, Pope Benedict XVI said that while using a condom can represent a step in the right direction as far as showing concern for the other person, it is still an immoral solution to the HIV crisis."

The other link, the hit piece by Salon.. well that was anything but biased.

So I take it you have a problem with abstinence? If you read the second article you would have seen that the HIV infection rates where going down prior to the United States getting involved in Africa... but thanks for posting the articles big guy, good reads.