
Does that mean we szhould keep criminal lunatics out of the White House?

Heck... he's got the support of around 40% of the people. There are issues like not allowing the government to start negotiate drug prices that are have only 20% approval and somehow we can't get any movement on those issues either.
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Heck... he's got the support of around 40% of the people. There are issues like not allowing the government to start negotiate drug prices that are have only 20% approval and somehow we can't get any movement on those issues either.
Nixon had a 25% approval rating when he entered the helicopter in disgrace. However just one year earlier he was almost to 70%. Things change. Sometimes quickly. Just look at the chart I reference.

How many posters post pictures of celebrity half naked, (sometimes taken by a peeping tom) other than Joe? It is a direct correlation.
Peeping Tom? Or maybe a pose.

How many posters post pictures of celebrity half naked, (sometimes taken by a peeping tom) other than Joe? It is a direct correlation.
Are you trying to deflect or change the subject?You posted "so sad" in regards to me posting that YOU seem to like to post about masturbating. You're the only person who has done that and now somehow it's the Sheriffs fault? Good grief Andy.. just freaking own it!
What's going on with you Joe? The other day you were complaining about England blocking free porn. Now your posting creeper pics of women in swimsuits...
This goes back a year or 2 with me and Andy, he thinks these pictures are from a peeping tom and I say she is posing. She is that way.
Are you trying to deflect or change the subject?You posted "so sad" in regards to me posting that YOU seem to like to post about masturbating. You're the only person who has done that and now somehow it's the Sheriffs fault? Good grief Andy.. just freaking own it!
My post about joe jerking off was funny. You having a tizzy about it was sad. I have no issue with joe man handling his special purpose.
My post about joe jerking off was funny. You having a tizzy about it was sad. I have no issue with joe man handling his special purpose.
Whatever you say big fella. You're post are funny, your kids an expert, you're not an elitist. Keep posting big guy, I need more laughs today.
Whatever you say big fella. You're post are funny, your kids an expert, you're not an elitist. Keep posting big guy, I need more laughs today.
I am funny, I am big. My kid the expert was definitely tongue in check since she got out of school a couple weeks ago. You thinking I am an elitist, is funny. You not knowing the difference between an elitist and an arrogant ass, as well as you having some sort of personal thing with me is sad. That is my emotion. You can have your own. I am glad I can make you laugh.
I am funny, I am big. My kid the expert was definitely tongue in check since she got out of school a couple weeks ago. You thinking I am an elitist, is funny. You not knowing the difference between an elitist and an arrogant ass, as well as you having some sort of personal thing with me is sad. That is my emotion. You can have your own. I am glad I can make you laugh.

Oh Andy, how did you let yourself get sucked into a conversation with that idiot? You're too nice...

John Kelly,who left the administration in January, tore into his former boss’s immigration platform, calling the wall a “waste of money” and breaking with the president’s characterization of immigrants from Mexico and Central America as violent and dangerous to Americans. “They’re overwhelmingly not criminals,” Kelly said. “They’re people coming up here for economic purposes. I don’t blame them for that.”

“We don’t need a wall from sea to shining sea,” the retired general added

Kelly not only bashed Trump’s signature issue, he also seemed to take a dig at Trump himself, calling his year and a half as chief of staff “the least enjoyable job” he’s ever had, and telling the crowd that he saw his role as a civic duty—one he would have likely carried out if Hillary Clinton, Trump’s mortal enemy, had won the 2016 election and asked him to fill it instead.

Throughout his White House tenure, Kelly was sometimes regarded as one of the “adults in the room,” a kind of frustrated dad to Trump’s screaming toddler. Of course, that characterization has always been flawed. Kelly, at times, enabled some of Trump’s worst tendencies, including in 2017 when he launched a vicious, false attack on Rep. Frederica Wilson, the congresswoman who’d criticized the president’s comments to the widow of soldier La David Johnson. He also dismissed and papered over horrifying abuse allegations against former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. And, naturally, his mandate to contain Trump did not go quite as planned.

Still, Kelly represented a faction of the administration that maintained at least some independence from Trump, however small. That cadre is mostly gone, forced out and replaced by what seems to be evermore sycophantic Trump devotees. That Kelly is publicly breaking with the president after the fact may bolster his image as a one-time moderating influence on Trump, albeit one that, like so many others, ultimately proved unsuccessful.
