DECEMBER 30, 2018
Leftists eat their own in San Francisco's Mission District
Monica Showalter
In San Francisco, a city of no conservatives to speak of, things get weird (and not in a good way) when the crazy left gets the urge to "pick a target," "freeze it," "personalize it," and all that.
That's why some jackass has gotten his mojo up and is seeking to run an Israel-supporting lefty Jewish bookstore owner in the Mission District, out of town.
According to the
Forward (Hat tip:
Daily Wire):
Manny’s, a new business in San Francisco’s Mission District, is part cafe, part bookstore, part political event hall. Owner Manny Yekutiel, a 29-year-old rising star in the world of liberal political organizing, calls it a “civic social gathering space.”
It’s hosted incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, activists with Black Lives Matter — and on the sidewalk outside, protesters upset because Yekutiel is a “Zionist gentrifer.”
“Zionists out of the Mission!” one marcher
yelled on Wednesday, Dec. 26, as about 20 members of the Lucy Parsons Project and allied groups gathered outside Manny’s.
Apparently, the creeps doing this couldn't find any Trumpsters to harass, so Manny got it.
This, frankly, is brownshirt stuff, very disturbing to observe in of all places the supposedly "tolerant" Mission. In the past, doing things Nazis did was considered so unacceptable, so convict-y, so trashy that anyone involved in it wouldn't be welcome in public. Now open Nazi tactics against anyone who supports Israel is out there as the avant-garde setting the tone. We see disturbing tweets like this:

If you’re a Zionist that continues to support what’s happening to the people in Palestine, then NO..
Zera Kodesh Haym 
Replying to @leanrum and 2 others
Are Jews not allowed to own businesses in SF?
9:57 AM - Dec 27, 2018
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Equipto, one of the ringleaders of this, seems to be a hip-hop "star" with 14,000 Twitter followers. His real name is Ilyich Sato and he tweets he's
proud of its communist provenance.
Anti-Semitism is not new in the Mission District. I recall that several years ago, the hippie collective known as Rainbow Grocery was targeted for selling Israeli soap and lotion products. Lefty ideology at the time was to boycott "the collective."
But this seems more disturbing, because it's got some mainstream referentials, what with the much-vaunted
LeBron James openly expressing anti-Semitism before backtracking, and actual anti-Semites getting elected by unassimilated immigrant voters to congressional seats elsewhere in the country. In an atmosphere such as this, a smaller fry such as Equipto feels perfectly comfortable to try to run a Jewish merchant out of town.
Way back in the old days, I used to live in the Mission District of San Francisco. I got into journalism by writing about it for the late-and-much-missed Victor Miller's New Mission News. I know the place pretty well, and though my experience is dated, based on what I can tell, the place is no different from what it always was. It's loaded with the same, all manner of lefties of the most radical stripe (Code Pink's Global Exchange headquarters was on the corner of 16th and Mission, for one, and New College was out around 17th and Valencia or so.), illegal immigrants, artists, drug addicts, misfits, bums, perverts, project-dwellers, activists, drunks, rock bands, and criminals (the San Francisco County Jail used to dump its freed convicts on the corner of 24th and Mission to get back to business), so you get the countercultural flavor of the place.
Manny himself is likely a very nice guy, and his cafe is warm and inviting. Look
at the pictures. If you went in as a rightwinger respectfully, it's very likely you would be treated with respect in return. He seems to be relatively close to the Democratic establishment, given his "collective"
listed, and his model of starting with a cafe, making it nice, and then using it as a springboard to politics is exactly the model that Gavin Newsom used to achieve the political success he's achieved from San Francisco. That said, it takes a lot of guts to open a cafe in the Mission District, which suffers from high rents and taxes as all of the city does, and instead of being positioned in a nice place such as tony Pacific Heights, where Newsom got his restaurant start, instead brings high crime, drunks peeing in the doorway, and urban blight for Manny. Many lefty bookstores in the area, such as Modern Times, an old lefty stalwart bookstore opened for 45 years, have shut their doors. Many other cafes are gone too as I look at a Google map for San Francisco cafes. The cute French crepe place, Cafe Nidal and Cafe Macondo seem to be gone. The taco shops seem to be holding on, but cafes with big chairs and old wood furniture in the Bohemian style that Starbucks tries hard to franchise on are looking sparser. Now Manny's, which has restored the better parts of the San Francisco Bohemian atmosphere, is getting a crazed leftist organizing for weekly protests in a bid to shut his place down.
With this garbage going on, you have to wonder why it's happening. Is it part of the crackup of the left, which Clarice Feldman noted and explained in her piece on "intersectionality" and how the left always eats its own
here? Many of the leftists upset at the Democrats, Bernie-ites and others, aren't embarrassed at all about their open embrace of anti-Semitism and if Manny is aligned with Pelosi, as his events page suggests, is he a target because he's seen as part of her establishment?
Or is it something far stupider, given the presence of Equipto? News accounts say he's been in trouble with the law right there in the area
a few months ago. Maybe the boycott is the result of a grudge related to that?
Either way, the left is hungry, and the attack on Manny is clearly a sign of the rabid side of the equation feeling bolder.
Where's Nancy Pelosi to put paid to this garbage?