Hüsker Dü
Yes , quite, covfefe! "I meant to do that!"No, I meant lire, it rhymes with fire, Get It?
Yes , quite, covfefe! "I meant to do that!"No, I meant lire, it rhymes with fire, Get It?
So the squeaky wheel gets the grease? The golden tongued ones get more of the gold? What about Boxer, works harder than anyone, never questions or complains about a thing, how will he be compensated in your every man for himself conservative wonderland?Individual workers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill levels. Employers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill requirements. Negotiation is a good skill.
Bad law. Long irrelevant. But citing a 1905 case shows how modern your argument is.
Individual workers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill levels. Employers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill requirements. Compensation calculated by considering the aforementioned.So the squeaky wheel gets the grease? The golden tongued ones get more of the gold? What about Boxer, works harder than anyone, never questions or complains about a thing, how will he be compensated in your every man for himself conservative wonderland?
Time is one thing there is plenty of in Es ward.He's waaaaay over your head......so it's a waste of " Your " time.
Doesn't ca have an assisted suicide law?So the squeaky wheel gets the grease? The golden tongued ones get more of the gold? What about Boxer, works harder than anyone, never questions or complains about a thing, how will he be compensated in your every man for himself conservative wonderland?
Doesn't ca have an assisted suicide law?
I would sacrifice pelosi, boxer and feinstein from the white team.Yeah ....California Politicians - Democrats will assist in that....SB128 was the Dems push in California.
Anything to change the demographics of California as fast as humanly possible....
Why is always about looks and skin color?I would sacrifice pelosi, boxer and feinstein from the white team.
Great article. Thanks for posting.A 15 hour work week.....continued
Universal basic income
A universal basic income (UBI) has been proposed as one possible solution to the loss of jobs caused by automation. A UBI would give everyone a fixed amount of money, regularly, no matter what. Proponents say not only would it help eradicate poverty, but it would be especially useful for people whose jobs are eliminated by automation, giving them the flexibility to learn new skills required in a new job or industry, without having to worry about how they'd eat or pay rent.
Some also suggest it would breed innovation. In his Harvard speech, Zuckerberg told the audience: "We should have a society that measures progress not just by economic metrics like GDP, but by how many of us have a role we find meaningful. We should explore ideas like universal basic income to give everyone a cushion to try new things."
Several countries are exploring or experimenting with a UBI, including Kenya, Finland, the Netherlands and Canada.
Concerns about automation aren't new
Americans have been worrying about automation wiping out jobs for centuries, and in some occupations, automation has drastically reduced the need for human labor.
But the relationship between automation and employment is complex. When automation replaces human labor, it can also reduce cost and improve quality, which, in turn, increases demand.
- In 1900, 41% of American workers were employed in agriculture, but by 2000, automated machinery brought that number down to just 2%, MIT professor David Autor wrote in the Journal of Economic Perspectives in 2015.
- The arrival of the automobile ushered out horses, reducing the need for blacksmiths and stable hands.
- In the 21st century, computers are increasingly performing tasks humans once did.
Such was the case in textiles. In the early 19th century, 98% of the work of a weaver became automated, but the number of textile workers actually grew.
"At the beginning of the 19th century, it was so expensive that ... a typical person had one set of clothing," Bessen said. "As the price started dropping because of automation, people started buying more and more, so that by the 1920s the average person was consuming 10 times as much cloth per capita per year."
More demand for cloth meant a greater need for textile workers. But that demand, eventually, was satisfied.
When ATMs were introduced in the 1970s, people thought they would be a death knell for bank tellers. The number of tellers per bank did fall, but because ATMs reduced the cost of operating a bank branch, more branches opened, which in turn hired more tellers. U.S. bank teller employment rose by 50,000 between 1980 and 2010. But the tasks of those tellers evolved from simply dispensing cash to selling other things the banks provided, like credit cards and loans. And the skills those tellers had that the ATMs didn't — like problem solving — became more valuable.
When computers take over some human tasks within an occupation, Bessen's research shows those occupations grow faster, not slower.
"AI is coming in and it’s going to make accountants that much better, it’s going to make financial advisers that much better, it’s going to make health care providers that much more effective, so we’re going to be using more of their services at least for the next 10 or 20 years," Bessen said.
These examples, though, are of occupations where automation replaces some part of human labor. What about when automation completely replaces the humans in an entire occupation? So far, that's been pretty rare. In a 2016 paper, Bessen looked at 271 detailed occupations used in the 1950 Census and found that while many occupations no longer exist, in only one case was the demise of an occupation attributed mostly to automation: the elevator operator.
A 2017 report from the McKinsey Global Institute found that less than 5% of occupations can be completely automated.
What's in store
History has taught us a lot about how automation disrupts industries, though economists admit they can't account for the infinite ways technology may unsettle work in the future.
When a new era of automation does usher in major economic and social disruption — which Bessen doesn't predict will happen for at least another 30 to 50 years — it's humans that will ultimately decide the ways in which robots get to change the world.
"It's not a threat as much as an opportunity," he said. "It’s how we take advantage of it as individuals and a society that will determine the outcome."
Ah yes another idiot who thinks they know all about "union workers" ask Bernie the plumber, he has a union employee in his house. Ask if she is a slacker? I doubt she is.
Wasn't America at its greatest when unions were strongest? I mean non-public unions...isn't that when he had a strong middle class?Ah yes another idiot who thinks they know all about "union workers" ask Bernie the plumber, he has a union employee in his house. Ask if she is a slacker? I doubt she is.
Yep, everyone's wages and work conditions got better the stronger unions grew. The war on non-public unions, as you put it, is basically the war on the middle class. Production based incentives (having and keeping a job in my case) are what makes companies money. Non-union companies never keep up with safety and production advancements and when they do (due to trying to keep up with union production) they soon fall off. They can attempt to mimic union safety and production, and that is fine, but once the union is gone all standards fall. The cooperation I work for is international, the only union branch is here on the west coast SD, LA, SF areas, and also are the companies most profitable. You pay for what you get as a consumer and as as industry. Low pay, unsafe conditions, lack of benefits lead to a lot of employee turnover and retraining costs. The best always want to be where their compensation is greatest, that is the American way, that is capitalism.Wasn't America at its greatest when unions were strongest? I mean non-public unions...isn't that when he had a strong middle class?
Because they are white. I am giving them to whatever race will have them.Why is always about looks and skin color?
I am sure she is not, Bernie wouldn't have it. You on the other hand obviously didn't enough male guidance growing up, I am here for you. All you have to do is drive through any city and check out the city workers, 1 working and 3 watching. Not all union workers are slackers but the vast majority are. Especially you.Ah yes another idiot who thinks they know all about "union workers" ask Bernie the plumber, he has a union employee in his house. Ask if she is a slacker? I doubt she is.
So there are teams? Everyone in your world is lumped together by skin color?Because they are white. I am giving them to whatever race will have them.
Maybe, but then they over reached and pissed off the middle class.Wasn't America at its greatest when unions were strongest? I mean non-public unions...isn't that when he had a strong middle class?