
I am sure she is not, Bernie wouldn't have it. You on the other hand obviously didn't enough male guidance growing up, I am here for you. All you have to do is drive through any city and check out the city workers, 1 working and 3 watching. Not all union workers are slackers but the vast majority are. Especially you.
My son is in a union.
As Bernie will inform you, as will anyone with a grasp of these things, there is a difference between private industry unions and public ones. You, once again, are convoluting two separate and distinctly different entities.
Yep, everyone's wages and work conditions got better the stronger unions grew. The war on non-public unions, as you put it, is basically the war on the middle class. Production based incentives (having and keeping a job in my case) are what makes companies money. Non-union companies never keep up with safety and production advancements and when they do (due to trying to keep up with union production) they soon fall off. They can attempt to mimic union safety and production, and that is fine, but once the union is gone all standards fall. The cooperation I work for is international, the only union branch is here on the west coast SD, LA, SF areas, and also are the companies most profitable. You pay for what you get as a consumer and as as industry. Low pay, unsafe conditions, lack of benefits lead to a lot of employee turnover and retraining costs. The best always want to be where their compensation is greatest, that is the American way, that is capitalism.
Maybe when the unions started, but they haven't been necessary since WWII.
You preaching capitalism and the American way makes me want to puke.
Unions and capitalism have nothing to do with each other. Oxymoron.
As Bernie will inform you, as will anyone with a grasp of these things, there is a difference between private industry unions and public ones. You, once again, are convoluting two separate and distinctly different entities.
No I am not, private unions are a dying breed and are unnecessary. Public sector union bosses are mostly a bunch of crooks and are all unnecessary.
Maybe, but then they over reached and pissed off the middle class.
Unions made the middle class, unions are the middle class, the middle classes wages rose because of unions. Unions have been fought since day one. The same propaganda machine that tells you the earth can absorb the pollutants we throw at it, are the same ones that have you believing and voting against your own best interests. PEU's are a monopoly and should be reorganized, but their only resemblance to private industry unions is the word union only.

We tried everyman for himself, negotiate your own deal separately back in the late 1880's early 1990's, we ended up with kids as young as 5 working to help feed the family while both parents worked 70, 80, 90 hour work weeks for little to nothing in squalid conditions . . . how do you think the "Robber Barons" came into being?
Maybe when the unions started, but they haven't been necessary since WWII.
You preaching capitalism and the American way makes me want to puke.
Unions and capitalism have nothing to do with each other. Oxymoron.
Look up Reagan/Polish unions . . . "One of the most elemental human rights"
What does polish unions have to do with the US? Being in a union is a human right?
You really do look foolish parroting right wing cooperate sponsored propaganda with no footing in the truth, but what's new . . . do some research if you want to discuss the corporatization of the nation.
You really do look foolish parroting right wing cooperate sponsored propaganda with no footing in the truth, but what's new . . . do some research if you want to discuss the corporatization of the nation.
I am just responding to your post? Is what you posted true? If it is you should be able to answer.
I just think that if Joe really believes this stuff, I hope he's really rich. If not, he's getting played by people who make my kind of money! All the middle-class folks who are losing ground to the rich and blaming the poor are such dupes of the rich! It's like my neighbors across the street said to me at a dinner party they were hosting shortly after Obama was elected and they and their hedge fund friends were bitching about taxes. I said "5% increase, what's the big deal? Be thankful" and he looked at the catering crew and within earshot of the servers said "maybe 5% is the difference between me hiring these caterers or not. It hurts the economy." He was dead serious. Your people, Sheriff Joe!
You are babbling, again.
The only thing Unions do, as far as I am concerned is protect many lazy workers and drive up the cost of production and drive up taxes.
Ironworkers' union boss, 73, gets 19 years in prison - Philly.com
Then you have no idea how my union works and I can only speak for that. We have a few lazy workers, that spend most of their career in the hall sitting on their ass waiting for "the big job". Those who work steady produce for the contractor, the union only helps you find jobs, it's your responsibility to keep it.
You are babbling, again.
The only thing Unions do, as far as I am concerned is protect many lazy workers and drive up the cost of production and drive up taxes.
Ironworkers' union boss, 73, gets 19 years in prison - Philly.com
Nono use to try the same BS until even some on your side of the pitch corrected him. I agree with some of the complaints regarding PEU's, but again that is a completely different world than mine. I've seen many a strong, hearty men drop out trying to do what I do . . . all the union will do for them at that point is offer them welding classes or tell them Burger King needs people too.