
That's not why they won't, if they don't. It is just really hard to compete with the simple message that the reason you don't make enough money and your kid is on opiates and your factory or coal mine shut down is because of taxes, immigrants, homosexuals, environmentalists and blacks. Jesus says pick up a gun and close the borders and stop listening to all those eggheads, like journalists and academics and scientists, who want to force you to give up your entire quality of life to all these "others" taking over. The Dems haven't found the answer to that message.

Hey .....I think Adam Schiff for brains is posting on a Soccer Forum in an attempt to be the " Big " fish in a little pond ...!
What a load.....

If you are you must be one of those under the table, double set of books kind a guys who's accountant does all the thinking...

You have presented enough info on this forum to wonder if you could even run a " Paletas " cart....
The word is "whose" and you have a weird thing with quotation marks and capital letters and bold print, dontcha there, Nono...to go with your witty name. I would say using my example there is hope for you, too, that in this great land of opportunity with some brains and elbow grease and training you can achieve your financial dreams, but I have read your posts and I do not want to give you false hope.
My kids? English and they have two fully American, caucasian parents. Mind telling me the point of your inquiries?

Caucasian.....of Russian decent with light melanin or dark melanin ?

There is an investigation on going instigated by Lying Democrats about Russian influence in America, we wouldn't want
you to get caught up in it due to claims of Business ownership and Russian decedents in your family with " light " melanin skin.

We need a percentage count of the melanin by the melanocytes in your offspring to properly classify their race....
Otherwise we will deposit this post of your into the circular file with your fantasy of business ownership....

Colluding with the Democrats could be detrimental to your existence......
The word is "whose" and you have a weird thing with quotation marks and capital letters and bold print, dontcha there, Nono...to go with your witty name. I would say using my example there is hope for you, too, that in this great land of opportunity with some brains and elbow grease and training you can achieve your financial dreams, but I have read your posts and I do not want to give you false hope.

Ah ya caught me on my English.....See those late night sessions with Bob are paying off.
Now let's work on those Business permits and bid bonds that you so desperately need to continue
working in LA County, whose lackeys will shut you down faster than a broken wheel on a Venice
can collectors shopping cart.
You've got to be kidding suggesting that the individual worker should be expected to negotiate with capital/corporation without a government- or union-mandated wage floor. I think we figured that out about 100 years ago. Unless #MAGA refers to the industrial revolution...and it might!
Individual workers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill levels. Employers have individual needs, circumstances and, skill requirements. Negotiation is a good skill.
That's the way my wife hired gardeners from the corner when we had a big job to do - $50 a day plus lunch and drinks.

And THAT Sir is why we have a problem in the Southwest region of the United States.....

You and your spouse under cut the very rules in place in the United States to keep things in balance.
Mr Spola the hypocrite " I know all the FIFA Rules " and will pontificate as to the strict adherence of

You Fuckin Hypocrite....
Fun debate! Next we can discuss whether or not we should have internal combustion engines. Or slavery.

Not a good analogy, mechanical vs bio mechanical is the squabble of Democrats.....you know the Politicians who created the KKK to enforce their positions after a failed civil war was initiated to stop what you are slightly alluding to.