
Can you ease give us your most trusted news sites.
It sure as hell ain't infowars or Breitbart, those slime ball sites are simply entertainment for nutters, no facts, just hate and fear . . . I know, I know, those are two of your favorites. I surely hope that Alex Jones burns in hell.
The traditional news agencies have been maligned by the news entertainment sites in order to gain viewers and THAT is the fake news. We are in the age, through the power of the internet and social media, that the wannabes in this world are actively attempting to tear down the established to gain ground. Those that buy into that narrative are the naive and gullible. Those people have been cultivated through propaganda tactics that are easy and at basically no cost. Hate and fear are primal motivators and those prone to those emotions are easy to manipulate. So I stick with AP, PBS, Bloomberg, ABC, NBC, CBS.
The traditional news agencies have been maligned by the news entertainment sites in order to gain viewers and THAT is the fake news. We are in the age, through the power of the internet and social media, that the wannabes in this world are actively attempting to tear down the established to gain ground. Those that buy into that narrative are the naive and gullible. Those people have been cultivated through propaganda tactics that are easy and at basically no cost. Hate and fear are primal motivators and those prone to those emotions are easy to manipulate. So I stick with AP, PBS, Bloomberg, ABC, NBC, CBS.
You were saying?
CBS News: Was The Steve Scalise Shooting ‘To Some Degree Self-Inflicted’?
The traditional news agencies have been maligned by the news entertainment sites in order to gain viewers and THAT is the fake news. We are in the age, through the power of the internet and social media, that the wannabes in this world are actively attempting to tear down the established to gain ground. Those that buy into that narrative are the naive and gullible. Those people have been cultivated through propaganda tactics that are easy and at basically no cost. Hate and fear are primal motivators and those prone to those emotions are easy to manipulate. So I stick with AP, PBS, Bloomberg, ABC, NBC, CBS.
Harvard study examines media coverage of Trump — and the results ...
It is worth a read to see just how biased your go to sources are, no better than mine.
I am sure everyone now knows and agrees what a lying piece of shit the corrupt Kenyan bastard child was and is and how happy we all are he is gone,
Team Obama keeps delivering on the ‘historic levels of transparency’
June 20, 2017 08:40 AM by Doug Powers
Judicial Watch today announced that the National Security Council (NSC) on May 23, 2017, informed it by letter that the materials regarding the unmasking by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice of “the identities of any U.S. citizens associated with the Trump presidential campaign or transition team” have been removed to the Obama Library.

The NSC will not fulfill an April 4 Judicial Watch request for records regarding information relating to people “who were identified pursuant to intelligence collection activities.”

The agency also informed Judicial Watch that it would not turn over communications with any Intelligence Community member or agency concerning the alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election; the hacking of DNC computers; or the suspected communications between Russia and Trump campaign/transition officials. Specifically, the NSC told Judicial Watch:

Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.