

BERLIN — Inside the red-brick building that now houses the German capital’s newest and perhaps most unusual mosque, Seyran Ates is staging a feminist revolution of the Muslim faith.

“Allahu akbar,” chanted a female voice, uttering the Arabic expression “God is great,” as a woman with two-toned hair issued the Muslim call to prayer. In another major break with tradition, men and women — typically segregated during worship — heeded the call by sitting side by side on the carpeted floor.

Ates, a self-proclaimed Muslim feminist and founder of the new mosque, then stepped onto the cream-colored carpet and delivered a stirring sermon. Two imams — a woman and a man — later took turns leading the Friday prayers in Arabic. The service ended with the congregation joining two visiting rabbis in singing a Hebrew song of friendship.

And just like that, the inaugural Friday prayers at Berlin’s Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque came to a close — offering a different vision of Islam on a continent that is locked in a bitter culture war over how and whether to welcome the faith. Toxic ills like radicalization, Ates and her supporters argue, have a potentially easy fix: the introduction of a more progressive, even feminist brand of the faith.

entire article:

BERLIN — Inside the red-brick building that now houses the German capital’s newest and perhaps most unusual mosque, Seyran Ates is staging a feminist revolution of the Muslim faith.

“Allahu akbar,” chanted a female voice, uttering the Arabic expression “God is great,” as a woman with two-toned hair issued the Muslim call to prayer. In another major break with tradition, men and women — typically segregated during worship — heeded the call by sitting side by side on the carpeted floor.

Ates, a self-proclaimed Muslim feminist and founder of the new mosque, then stepped onto the cream-colored carpet and delivered a stirring sermon. Two imams — a woman and a man — later took turns leading the Friday prayers in Arabic. The service ended with the congregation joining two visiting rabbis in singing a Hebrew song of friendship.

And just like that, the inaugural Friday prayers at Berlin’s Ibn Rushd-Goethe Mosque came to a close — offering a different vision of Islam on a continent that is locked in a bitter culture war over how and whether to welcome the faith. Toxic ills like radicalization, Ates and her supporters argue, have a potentially easy fix: the introduction of a more progressive, even feminist brand of the faith.

entire article:
This could be good or bad.
It could be good, in that it may be a step toward normalizing Islam to mesh with the rest of the world more peacefully.
It could be bad, if its used as a tool by Islamists to further draw on leftist sensibilities on their march to dominate the world.
This could be good or bad.
It could be good, in that it may be a step toward normalizing Islam to mesh with the rest of the world more peacefully.
It could be bad, if its used as a tool by Islamists to further draw on leftist sensibilities on their march to dominate the world.
The "leftist" are to blame for everything it seems.
Damn straight....Levin has the singular ability to review every politically charged event, going as far back as the OK City bottle rocket mishap, through Gifford being grazed by a spirited lad, then the freelance investigative journalist working the pizzagate scandal, to the Portland transit misunderstanding....to finally concluding the barbarism of the Congressional shooter to accurately conclude the fact that it is always the left that starts, engages and carries out horrible acts of violence in the name of the libturds they are.
Damn straight....Levin has the singular ability to review every politically charged event, going as far back as the OK City bottle rocket mishap, through Gifford being grazed by a spirited lad, then the freelance investigative journalist working the pizzagate scandal, to the Portland transit misunderstanding....to finally concluding the barbarism of the Congressional shooter to accurately conclude the fact that it is always the left that starts, engages and carries out horrible acts of violence in the name of the libturds they are.
Some people mistake entertainment media with news media. In entertainment media, division, hate, fear and shock drive ratings. News media reports the news. We have an entertainment media POTUS and some entertainment media believers amongst us in here . . . rabid believers.
Some people mistake entertainment media with news media. In entertainment media, division, hate, fear and shock drive ratings. News media reports the news. We have an entertainment media POTUS and some entertainment media believers amongst us in here . . . rabid believers.
Can you ease give us your most trusted news sites.