
Do you have personal verification from someone at the game?
It would not surprise me at all if they did.

I personally know someone who got death threats from "Mexican fans" for calling them out.
Do you believe everything that comes from Breitbart?
They played both ours and theirs, they always do. Didn't hear a thing . . . there may have been some as they have been known to throw balloons full of urine . . . there's always a couple bad apples in every crowd.
Wait a minute.
Who said, "Of course not"?

Bad Apples?

What do the "few bad apples" shout every time our goalie kicks the ball?

...and those "few bad apples" are LOUD.
If one didnt know better, one might think, there were more than a "few".

Mexican fans do that for every opponent's goalie, from lowest semi-pro level to World Cup.

In a similar manner, I have noticed American hockey fans chanting the goalies name followed by "You Suck!" after every home goal all the way through the Stanley Cup playoffs. The first place I heard that live was at a San Diego Gulls game. They even treated Ted Leitner to a cheer when he attended a game as a special promotion.
Mexican fans do that for every opponent's goalie, from lowest semi-pro level to World Cup.

In a similar manner, I have noticed American hockey fans chanting the goalies name followed by "You Suck!" after every home goal all the way through the Stanley Cup playoffs. The first place I heard that live was at a San Diego Gulls game. They even treated Ted Leitner to a cheer when he attended a game as a special promotion.
I mentioned that they do the "cheer" for opposing goalies.
Of course, you noted that.

It doesnt bother me. As a matter of fact, I kinda like it.
It adds another dimension to the game.