@espola, stay the "f*$%" off the field. Let the coaches and refs handle it. Once you set foot then another parent will and the ref's lose their ability to control anything. By the time some kid cold-cocks yours, there is nothing you can do. Stay off. PERIOD!!!!
@jpeter, Disagree. Sanctioning an event means that the promoters of the event have assured Cal South that they are (1) members (and in good standing); (2) have adopted and will enforce the US Youth Soccer/Cal South code of conduct and other US Youth Soccer/Cal South rules and regulations; and (3) will employ a referee association approved by Cal South. The tournament pays a whopping $100 (one hundred dollars) and delivers:
- Cal South Application for Tournament Sanctioning
- Receipt & Affidavit of Compliance
- US Youth Soccer Application to Host a Tournament or Games
- US Youth Soccer Tournament Hosting Agreement
- Sanctioned Tournament Referee Association Certification
- $100 Application Fee (club check payable to Cal South or credit card authorization form)
Sanctioning is simply a formality whereby tournaments agree to abide by the rules of US Youth Soccer and its State Association ... Cal South.
There is no review beyond are they in good standing and has the tournament promised to abide by our rules? The $100 is a fair document review fee for the cost of the employee that will take a few hours to review and put the tournament on the website.
The argument that Cal South has any culpability or in your words " a big part of the problem" is akin to saying the State of California, DMV, should be held liable for the acts of drivers that break the law. Bullshit. Adults are 100% responsible for their behavior ... 100%.
@watfly, Agree, but that is not what 90% of the posters here believe. They believe that Cal South is some omnipotent entity that can stop this kind of crap from happening with a magical hand of God. What happens next and how Cal South will engage in the review and punishment process under its PAD process is on Cal South's shoulders and so far, it seems that the preliminary suspensions are valid and the process is moving forward under the rules of Cal South and US Youth Soccer.