I just read this post and why I am replying late! This is good information for parents just starting the recruiting process as well. Obviously, many posters like 3thatplay don't know that student athlete transfers can affect a athletic program.
One great year by the Buffs and your sticking your chest out. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact what I posted about the Buffs having 7-8 players who transferred out this off season. That is still a red flag and you should NOT be sticking your head in the sand ignoring it, just because the Buffs had a winning season and losing to South Carolina in the 2nd round of NCAA playoffs last night doesn't change anything.
Need some information why that should be of concern to you and your DD? It hurts the Buffs NCAA APR score. You are probably asking yourself, what is that? Well read up! A reason why I posted my DD didn't select a school based on NCAA titles College Cup titles!
APR is used to evaluate a coaches athletic program. The NCAA gives scores based on graduate rates. The more transfers or players quit their sport before they graduate at the Univeristy counts against them. If a low APR pattern continues (7-8 transfer will drastically lower the Buffs score for the 2015-2016 season) it suggest the program is more focused on graduating their student athletes. A couple of consequences NCAA could impose are loss of team scholarships, probation, training restrictions, etc.
You are welcome, LMAO!