Girls Development Academy

The data suggests DA has not helped the men's team. They looked terrible in their loss to Costa Rica. They also lost to Mexico.

So why should I believe GDA will be helpful when without the women are doing just fine?

Shhhh! Here, have some cool-aid. If you watched the U17 and U20 Women's World Cup, you wouldn't say the women are doing fine. The positive I see with GDA is that it fixed some problems with ECNL in SoCal and especially in San Diego county. Hopefully there are now enough GDA teams in SoCal that travel out of the area will be limited. I still think any closed system is problematic, and in that sense GDA is no better than ECNL. Well performing teams should be able to earn a spot.
I stated you needed a life... you attacked my daughter's decision to go to the school of her dreams since our family is from Colorado AND play soccer...

And now that Washington is having an off year in soccer and an on year in Football you state that she chose the school based on everything but soccer. Washington is a great school and I think the soccer program will bounce back easily next year, maybe even due to your DD playing there.

You have a lot of info that could help others but you choose to share in a bullying way.

Thank you for the BigSoccer tip. I choose to read that forum now way more than SoCalSoccer mostly due to you and the other jerks on this site.

Cool off and enjoy your daughter's successes, and nice scholarship, and then try to add to the conversation instead of being a narcissistic ass.

I just read this post and why I am replying late! This is good information for parents just starting the recruiting process as well. Obviously, many posters like 3thatplay don't know that student athlete transfers can affect a athletic program.

One great year by the Buffs and your sticking your chest out. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact what I posted about the Buffs having 7-8 players who transferred out this off season. That is still a red flag and you should NOT be sticking your head in the sand ignoring it, just because the Buffs had a winning season and losing to South Carolina in the 2nd round of NCAA playoffs last night doesn't change anything.

Need some information why that should be of concern to you and your DD? It hurts the Buffs NCAA APR score. You are probably asking yourself, what is that? Well read up! A reason why I posted my DD didn't select a school based on NCAA titles College Cup titles!

APR is used to evaluate a coaches athletic program. The NCAA gives scores based on graduate rates. The more transfers or players quit their sport before they graduate at the Univeristy counts against them. If a low APR pattern continues (7-8 transfer will drastically lower the Buffs score for the 2015-2016 season) it suggest the program is more focused on graduating their student athletes. A couple of consequences NCAA could impose are loss of team scholarships, probation, training restrictions, etc.

You are welcome, LMAO!
I just read this post and why I am replying late! This is good information for parents just starting the recruiting process as well. Obviously, many posters like 3thatplay don't know that student athlete transfers can affect a athletic program.

One great year by the Buffs and your sticking your chest out. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact what I posted about the Buffs having 7-8 players who transferred out this off season. That is still a red flag and you should NOT be sticking your head in the sand ignoring it, just because the Buffs had a winning season and losing to South Carolina in the 2nd round of NCAA playoffs last night doesn't change anything.

Need some information why that should be of concern to you and your DD? It hurts the Buffs NCAA APR score. You are probably asking yourself, what is that? Well read up! A reason why I posted my DD didn't select a school based on NCAA titles College Cup titles!

APR is used to evaluate a coaches athletic program. The NCAA gives scores based on graduate rates. The more transfers or players quit their sport before they graduate at the Univeristy counts against them. If a low APR pattern continues (7-8 transfer will drastically lower the Buffs score for the 2015-2016 season) it suggest the program is more focused on graduating their student athletes. A couple of consequences NCAA could impose are loss of team scholarships, probation, training restrictions, etc.

You are welcome, LMAO!

Correction, I meant to post the lower an APR score specifically 930 or below, suggest the athletic program is NOT focused on graduating their student athletes! It also a 930 APR triggers NCAA restriction consequences. Better check that Buffs score come spring time or figure out how it's calculated.
Correction, I meant to post the lower an APR score specifically 930 or below, suggest the athletic program is NOT focused on graduating their student athletes! It also a 930 APR triggers NCAA restriction consequences. Better check that Buffs score come spring time or figure out how it's calculated.

Where are you finding the number of student athlete transfers?

Where are you finding the number of student athlete transfers?
Great question there isn't any and why NCAA APR should be reviewed. I happen to know about the Buffs, because I read Bigsoccer forum. You can also do it manually, comparing the unversity's roster from the previous year minus graduating Sr's. Then see if the frosh, sooh and Jr players are their in the current season.
Rumor in Phoenix last week is that the ECNL has apparently told many members that if they put their best players/teams in the DA, their ECNL membership would be revoked.
Could lead to some difficult choices for some clubs.
I just read this post and why I am replying late! This is good information for parents just starting the recruiting process as well. Obviously, many posters like 3thatplay don't know that student athlete transfers can affect a athletic program.

One great year by the Buffs and your sticking your chest out. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact what I posted about the Buffs having 7-8 players who transferred out this off season. That is still a red flag and you should NOT be sticking your head in the sand ignoring it, just because the Buffs had a winning season and losing to South Carolina in the 2nd round of NCAA playoffs last night doesn't change anything.

Need some information why that should be of concern to you and your DD? It hurts the Buffs NCAA APR score. You are probably asking yourself, what is that? Well read up! A reason why I posted my DD didn't select a school based on NCAA titles College Cup titles!

APR is used to evaluate a coaches athletic program. The NCAA gives scores based on graduate rates. The more transfers or players quit their sport before they graduate at the Univeristy counts against them. If a low APR pattern continues (7-8 transfer will drastically lower the Buffs score for the 2015-2016 season) it suggest the program is more focused on graduating their student athletes. A couple of consequences NCAA could impose are loss of team scholarships, probation, training restrictions, etc.

You are welcome, LMAO!

U Wash APR = 997
CU APR = 997

It doesn't look like our Buff buddies should be concerned about APR. Buy, hey, nice shift from the Buffs' "chemistry problems" to meaningless APR nonsense. I guess that's the only thing left after the Buffs finished top 3 in the Pac-12 this year - obviously little chemistry problems. What place did the Dawgs finish?
U Wash APR = 997
CU APR = 997

It doesn't look like our Buff buddies should be concerned about APR. Buy, hey, nice shift from the Buffs' "chemistry problems" to meaningless APR nonsense. I guess that's the only thing left after the Buffs finished top 3 in the Pac-12 this year - obviously little chemistry problems. What place did the Dawgs finish?

I see that you were able to pull your head out of your rear end. Congrats!

IDIOT, you posted the 2014-2015 APR, which doesn't take into account the 7-8 player transfers this past Summer. Yes this year is 2016! Those transfers will reflect on the Buffs 2015-2016 APR Spring report which I guaranteed will be lower!
I see that you were able to pull your head out of your rear end. Congrats!

IDIOT, that is 2014-2015 APR and doesn't take into account the 7-8 player transfers this past Summer. Yes this year is 2016! Those transfers will reflect on the Buffs 2015-2016 APR Spring report which I guaranteed will be lower!

In other words, it's the team's current APR. And wow, you predict that their APR will drop to what? 990? Who cares? It's meaningless. That score would still be way better than UCLA and other, much better academic institutions. Would your DD choose UW over UCLA because of UW's APR higher score? Please. Keep spinning.
In other words, it's the team's current APR. And wow, you predict that their APR will drop to what? 990? Who cares? It's meaningless. That score would still be way better than UCLA and other, much better academic institutions. Would your DD choose UW over UCLA because of UW's APR higher score? Please. Keep spinning.
You really are an idiot! Learn some basic math. 1 point for each player divided by 1 point for each semester/quarter competed. 4 years = 8 semester points. If a sophomore transferred out after 2 yrs that is 4 points out of 8 = 500 APR. Then take the rest of the roster and do the same. 7-8 transfers will drop well below 990.

As for my DD committing to UDub. She isn't a YNT player and I know UCLA and Stanford recruits from the YNT team, so why bother barking up the wrong tree. Many girls committing to those schools without YNT experience will be challenged to find any pitch time. How many girls are going to beat out Mallory, Fleming and Ashley for playing time? Not many at all. Same applies for Stanford. USC, she didn't like the surrounding area outside of USC. CAL they committed 5 players in my DDs class many from Surf before the 3-4 Surf players ended up decommitting from CAL their HS Jr year.

My DD was also looking for the following, wanted to attend an out of state, large student body, academically ranked University (UDub ranked #54 by U.S. News), offers her major, cooler weather and rain doesn't bother her (she hates hot weather), team that plays the ball on the ground, large city, school with football team.
You really are an idiot! Learn some basic math. 1 point for each player divided by 1 point for each semester/quarter competed. 4 years = 8 semester points. If a sophomore transferred out after 2 yrs that is 4 points out of 8 = 500 APR. Then take the rest of the roster and do the same. 7-8 transfers will drop well below 990.

As for my DD committing to UDub. She isn't a YNT player and I know UCLA and Stanford recruits from the YNT team, so why bother barking up the wrong tree. Many girls committing to those schools without YNT experience will be challenged to find any pitch time. How many girls are going to beat out Mallory, Fleming and Ashley for playing time? Not many at all. Same applies for Stanford. USC, she didn't like the surrounding area outside of USC. CAL they committed 5 players in my DDs class many from Surf before the 3-4 Surf players ended up decommitting from CAL their HS Jr year.

My DD was also looking for the following, wanted to attend an out of state, large student body, academically ranked University (UDub ranked #54 by U.S. News), offers her major, cooler weather and rain doesn't bother her (she hates hot weather), team that plays the ball on the ground, large city, school with football team.

Not to mention she got one helluva coach in Gallimore!!
In other words, it's the team's current APR. And wow, you predict that their APR will drop to what? 990? Who cares? It's meaningless. That score would still be way better than UCLA and other, much better academic institutions. Would your DD choose UW over UCLA because of UW's APR higher score? Please. Keep spinning.
In case you didn't know. Academic Pac12 rankings according to US News are:
1. Stanford #5
2. CAL #20
3. USC #23 (UCLA and USC always flip flops depending on the year)
4. UCLA #24
5. UDub #54
6. Colorado #92
The rest are not in the top 100.
You really are an idiot! Learn some basic math. 1 point for each player divided by 1 point for each semester/quarter competed. 4 years = 8 semester points. If a sophomore transferred out after 2 yrs that is 4 points out of 8 = 500 APR. Then take the rest of the roster and do the same. 7-8 transfers will drop well below 990.

As for my DD committing to UDub. She isn't a YNT player and I know UCLA and Stanford recruits from the YNT team, so why bother barking up the wrong tree. Many girls committing to those schools without YNT experience will be challenged to find any pitch time. How many girls are going to beat out Mallory, Fleming and Ashley for playing time? Not many at all. Same applies for Stanford. USC, she didn't like the surrounding area outside of USC. CAL they committed 5 players in my DDs class many from Surf before the 3-4 Surf players ended up decommitting from CAL their HS Jr year.

My DD was also looking for the following, wanted to attend an out of state, large student body, academically ranked University (UDub ranked #54 by U.S. News), offers her major, cooler weather and rain doesn't bother her (she hates hot weather), team that plays the ball on the ground, large city, school with football team.

Don't forget, UW also had an APR of 997. That's another terrific reason to attend. ;)

On the other hand, University of Kentucky's men's basketball team got a 1000 (perfect score), so I guess APR doesn't say too much, now does it.