Oh yeah almost forgot, she wanted a school by water....and UDub is on the Pugent Sound. UDub students have the option to canoe, rowboat or paddle board up and down the sound!You really are an idiot! Learn some basic math. 1 point for each player divided by 1 point for each semester/quarter competed. 4 years = 8 semester points. If a sophomore transferred out after 2 yrs that is 4 points out of 8 = 500 APR. Then take the rest of the roster and do the same. 7-8 transfers will drop well below 990.
As for my DD committing to UDub. She isn't a YNT player and I know UCLA and Stanford recruits from the YNT team, so why bother barking up the wrong tree. Many girls committing to those schools without YNT experience will be challenged to find any pitch time. How many girls are going to beat out Mallory, Fleming and Ashley for playing time? Not many at all. Same applies for Stanford. USC, she didn't like the surrounding area outside of USC. CAL they committed 5 players in my DDs class many from Surf before the 3-4 Surf players ended up decommitting from CAL their HS Jr year.
My DD was also looking for the following, wanted to attend an out of state, large student body, academically ranked University (UDub ranked #54 by U.S. News), offers her major, cooler weather and rain doesn't bother her (she hates hot weather), team that plays the ball on the ground, large city, school with football team.