Girls Development Academy

I just read US Soccer is re-activating the boys residency program. I guess after a decade of Boys DA and still no super star, maybe Pulisic....then again he had to move to Dortmund at 16 years of age.

IMO, a US Soccer residency program is the BEST way to develop future national team players and potential pro soccer players. They are taking only the ELITE players who want to play professionally. They need to keep the players they want in the program, until they decide to cut the player for someone better. This way, the players get a compounding development effect.

They need to start a program for the girls too! Then all the leagues are just that club soccer leagues!

The Residency program never stopped so how could they reactivate it?
UNC on the academic side is suspect....
Yea - on the edge. But, like UCLA and USC all in the 20s rank (using my not favorite USA News ranking).
Need a thread on rankings how-they-do because some stuff may not be in-line with what parents value - but that is a different thread.
Also missing is a 2018 Upenn commit from surf.
What does it mean to "commit" to an Ivy League school? There are a ton of 5th year high schools that exist back east for kids that were deferred - including athletes. They "committed" to go as well. It's a meaningless term - let's stop using it.
What does it mean to "commit" to an Ivy League school? There are a ton of 5th year high schools that exist back east for kids that were deferred - including athletes. They "committed" to go as well. It's a meaningless term - let's stop using it.

It is still meaningful after NLI day.
US News and World Report Top 26 Universities
Southern California Girls Recruits 2016-2019 Graduation Years

1. Princeton: LA Premier 1, Surf 1, Real So Cal 1, Slammers 1
2. Harvard: WC 1, Blues 1
3. Yale: Blues 1
4. Columbia: Real So Cal 1, Eagles 1
5. Stanford: Strikers 2, Slammers 2, Eagles 1, Blues 3, WC 1, Real So Cal 3
6. University of Chicago: 0
7. M.I.T.: N/A
8. Duke: Surf 1, Slammers 1, Real So Cal 2
9. University of Pennsylvania : 0
10. California Institute of Technology: N/A
11. Johns Hopkins University: 0
12. Dartmouth: WC 1
13: Northwestern: Legends 1, Beach 1
14. Brown: Real So Cal 1, Beach 1
15: Cornell: 0
16. Vanderbilt: Slammers 1
17. Washington University in St. Louis: NA
18. Rice: WC 1
19. Notre Dame: Real So Cal 2, Blues 2, Slammers 1
20. Cal: Blues 1, Surf 2, Beach 1, Legends 2
21. Emory: 0
22. Georgetown: Surf 2
23. Carnegie Mellon: FRAM 1
24: UCLA: Surf 3, Blues 6, WC 3, Slammers 1
25. USC: Carlsbad United 1, Surf 2, Eagles 1, Slammers 1, Real So Cal 2, Beach 2, Blues 2
26. Virginia: 0

That's the scoreboard. Keep it in mind as you comment on clubs and coaches and players in So Cal. Carry on.

Missing from LA Premier:
1 Stanford 2016 (AK)
1 Harvard 2017 (CD)
What does it mean to "commit" to an Ivy League school? ...
A coach sponsors you. Meaning they tell you they will use you as one of their quota to get you through Admin. While they don't give money, they have only so many Admin will allow. It should come with a pre-admit reading from Admin and an e-mail indicating intent, referencing Admin. That was the process pretty much described at each school.

That is as good as any other commit as most commits come before signing day anyway and any athlete is late to the party if that falls through.

But - I agree commits on a Google spreadsheet are suspect. Many change.
What does it mean to "commit" to an Ivy League school? There are a ton of 5th year high schools that exist back east for kids that were deferred - including athletes. They "committed" to go as well. It's a meaningless term - let's stop using it.

Yes, there are several key 5th year college preps (i.e. Andover, Hotchkiss, Taft etc) you know of any Socal kids attending those that aren't on the list?

I suppose for arguments sake, all verbal "commits" are "meaningless" until you sign on the dotted line.
It is still meaningful after NLI day.
They don't have NLI because they don't give scholarships. But I would agree that the timing of NLI is when kids receive early admission or likely letters to Ivys. Then again, looking at the schools' actual rosters would make a lot more sense then looking at "commitment" lists.
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They don't participate in NLI because they don't give scholarships. But I would agree that the timing of NLI is when kids receive early admission to Ivys. Then again, looking at the schools' actual rosters would make a lot more sense then looking at "commitment" lists.

A picture is worth more than a thousand words.....
Circa 2016:
A coach sponsors you. Meaning they tell you they will use you as one of their quota to get you through Admin. While they don't give money, they have only so many Admin will allow. It should come with a pre-admit reading from Admin and an e-mail indicating intent, referencing Admin. That was the process pretty much described at each school.

That is as good as any other commit as most commits come before signing day anyway and any athlete is late to the party if that falls through.

But - I agree commits on a Google spreadsheet are suspect. Many change.
By league rule, this cannot happen until after July 1 before a kid's senior year (at the earliest). The "commitment" list includes kids much younger - rising juniors and sophomores. So either the commitment list is wrong or the term commitment is used differently than what you describe. I do agree with your description of the process, however. Although it is important to note that the level of support a coach gives varies substantially, and that can be the difference between getting in.

Let's look at the schools actual rosters!
Yes, there are several key 5th year college preps (i.e. Andover, Hotchkiss, Taft etc) you know of any Socal kids attending those that aren't on the list?

I suppose for arguments sake, all verbal "commits" are "meaningless" until you sign on the dotted line.
No, I don't know any current kids. But I did know several athletes that didn't get in after receiving a coaches "support" or had to go to 5th year high school. It's why it seems so crazy to me that sophomores or juniors would be on this list.
Yes, kids go to ivys. But no, none of these kids signed a letter of intent. There is no such thing. I'm glad the schools let them celebrate in the day's events.

yaya ok ok.....getting back on point with post 713 by Soccermanifesto.....

Based on the academic list, still feeling like WC and RSC got the shaft:eek:
Watched (skipped through) SC blues v solar Chelsea today. Not sure what to make of that game. The ball was in the air a whole lot. Former team played v SC blues in CRL (they hung 10 on us) I know they can pass the ball around like a pro team, but that game today was tough to watch. Anyway. I will always cheer for a SoCal team in national competition.
Just watched the game myself. Solar Chelsea played some pretty soccer on the ground and connected from back to front. Blues played kick ball all game and ran out of gas with very few subs. With their stud center defender injured in 1st game, their defense was never the same. In the box, Blues was vulnerable. Solar Chelsea was by far the more dominant team and deserved the Championship. For once kickball soccer didn't prevail. Cheers to Solar Chelsea!! Good luck to the Team in Surf Cup!!
It is surprising how well they correlate. The soccer school ranking do change 10-20 spots each year or two, but in general they are the same.
Who am I missing that are in both besides?
Duke, ND, Stanford, UNC, Virginia

This group I think need to make final four a few more times to be "both"


UCLA has made it to more college cups than Virginia or Stanford.'s_Soccer_Championship

I would say that qualifies.
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What is comical? Nothing is funny, if Sweetsplat was receiving threatening PM's from AZ posters.
View attachment 37

No one on the forum is anonymous. Everyone leaves a trail of bread crumbs that eventually reveals their identity and why MessiFTW should be careful, if he is carrying the Sweetsplat banner now.

For example: Sweetsplat used to post A LOT of crap on SoCal players and teams. He was easy to ID, because he concentrated his post on 2 age groups. He was pro ECNL, lived in AZ. There are only 2 ECNL clubs in AZ. He posted a lot about Sereno winning an ECNL Championship, so it was a subconscious tell that his older DD played on that team. Cross reference that Sereno team roster with the younger ECNL roster (age group he posts on) for matching last names. Then Google the player's first, last name and ECNL.... Viola identity uncovered. Some crazy parents post their private information like home address, phone number and email on their DD's ECNL bio. Good thing it's a new forum and ALL the bread crumbs have been swept away.

Do people really do this?

New to these forums and got caught up into this thread, but why do people get so angry with other people on this forum? Aren't we all just soccer fans with kids that play soccer?

By the way, the Pink Panther comments made me laugh since I coached an AYSO team last year named the Purple Panthers. Our banner looked great. :)
yaya ok ok.....getting back on point with post 713 by Soccermanifesto.....

Based on the academic list, still feeling like WC and RSC got the shaft:eek:
Do we think that there will be 1 more list of clubs to be given Academy status in the 1st year? Doesn't seem like there are enough clubs compared to the boys academy?