US News and World Report Top 26 Universities
Southern California Girls Recruits 2016-2019 Graduation Years
1. Princeton: LA Premier 1, Surf 1, Real So Cal 1, Slammers 1
2. Harvard: WC 1, Blues 1
3. Yale: Blues 1
4. Columbia: Real So Cal 1, Eagles 1
5. Stanford: Strikers 2, Slammers 2, Eagles 1, Blues 3, WC 1, Real So Cal 3
6. University of Chicago: 0
7. M.I.T.: N/A
8. Duke: Surf 1, Slammers 1, Real So Cal 2
9. University of Pennsylvania : 0
10. California Institute of Technology: N/A
11. Johns Hopkins University: 0
12. Dartmouth: WC 1
13: Northwestern: Legends 1, Beach 1
14. Brown: Real So Cal 1, Beach 1
15: Cornell: 0
16. Vanderbilt: Slammers 1
17. Washington University in St. Louis: NA
18. Rice: WC 1
19. Notre Dame: Real So Cal 2, Blues 2, Slammers 1
20. Cal: Blues 1, Surf 2, Beach 1, Legends 2
21. Emory: 0
22. Georgetown: Surf 2
23. Carnegie Mellon: FRAM 1
24: UCLA: Surf 3, Blues 6, WC 3, Slammers 1
25. USC: Carlsbad United 1, Surf 2, Eagles 1, Slammers 1, Real So Cal 2, Beach 2, Blues 2
26. Virginia: 0
That's the scoreboard. Keep it in mind as you comment on clubs and coaches and players in So Cal. Carry on.