Get ready folks

I’ve heard it would only be Grad Year for high school grades. Everything else would have new cut offs dates. But this is all up in the air until we hear what happens at us club soccer meeting in a few weeks.
This tells me that ECNL wants to make a change but doesn't have everyone's buy in.

If ECNL went it alone on the change it would ruin tournaments for olders.
This tells me that ECNL wants to make a change but doesn't have everyone's buy in.

If ECNL went it alone on the change it would ruin tournaments for olders.
Calendar year never made sense for ECNL (girls) given the college path is their whole reason for existing/selling. A switch back to the 8/1 cutoff would work for 99%+ of their players, and the college coaches etc.

They give no Fs about tournaments. Their showcases would still work just fine. Any extra tournaments ECNL teams enter would either run special "elite" ECNL brackets or just play ECNL teams up - this happens all the time now anyway.
Calendar year never made sense for ECNL (girls) given the college path is their whole reason for existing/selling. A switch back to the 8/1 cutoff would work for 99%+ of their players, and the college coaches etc.

They give no Fs about tournaments. Their showcases would still work just fine. Any extra tournaments ECNL teams enter would either run special "elite" ECNL brackets or just play ECNL teams up - this happens all the time now anyway.
You're probably correct about ECNL not caring about anyone but ECNL.

However clubs make A LOT of $$$ running tournaments. Does it make financial sense to give all that tournamant $$$ to ECNL by letting them take over the market with showcases? If ECNL makes the switch to grade level groupings non ECNL clubs (that aren't grade level grouping) will not participate in ECNL club tournaments.

I like that Surf Cup, Blues Cup, etc have clubs from all different leagues and geographies participating. I also like that when we participate in club sponsored tournaments that I know a large chunk of the money spent goes to the host club.
You're probably correct about ECNL not caring about anyone but ECNL.

However clubs make A LOT of $$$ running tournaments. Does it make financial sense to give all that tournamant $$$ to ECNL by letting them take over the market with showcases? If ECNL makes the switch to grade level groupings non ECNL clubs (that aren't grade level grouping) will not participate in ECNL club tournaments.

I like that Surf Cup, Blues Cup, etc have clubs from all different leagues and geographies participating. I also like that when we participate in club sponsored tournaments that I know a large chunk of the money spent goes to the host club.

ECNL is already big enough to give a Fs to any club, including Surf. Grad year will benefit ECNL and make it more exclusive. I think that is what they want. It will be Fall 2025. I am not surprised they also allow the change when league resumes next Spring.
ECNL is already big enough to give a Fs to any club, including Surf. Grad year will benefit ECNL and make it more exclusive. I think that is what they want. It will be Fall 2025. I am not surprised they also allow the change when league resumes next Spring.
ECNL tried that back in 2017, and all the top clubs in Socal told ECNL to F off and went to the new GDA. It was the GDA that forced us to switch from 8/1 to 1/1. All the teams our kids had been on for a few years were blown up and it will happen again. Some girls like to play alone and kick against a wall and have a personal trainer and no real team. However, 99% of the girls play soccer for fun, to be on a team and have get togethers, parties and then go compete. This sport is not about team, trust me. ECNL begged Surf to stay with them in 2017 and they almost did because I was there and told by the higher ups that high school sports is supper important to the kids of America. GDA and ECNL told Surf they would be second tier if they didn't put their top team with their league and if they didn't don't obey, they would be kicked to the curb. They got one team for ECNL the first year to change their minds. After the first season, they were told by ECNL, "either put your first team with us, or your out." They went full time GDA. That's the kind of power these bosses have. WHO are one's who get mentally hurt by all these changes? Yup, the girls.
ECNL tried that back in 2017, and all the top clubs in Socal told ECNL to F off and went to the new GDA. It was the GDA that forced us to switch from 8/1 to 1/1. All the teams our kids had been on for a few years were blown up and it will happen again. Some girls like to play alone and kick against a wall and have a personal trainer and no real team. However, 99% of the girls play soccer for fun, to be on a team and have get togethers, parties and then go compete. This sport is not about team, trust me. ECNL begged Surf to stay with them in 2017 and they almost did because I was there and told by the higher ups that high school sports is supper important to the kids of America. GDA and ECNL told Surf they would be second tier if they didn't put their top team with their league and if they didn't don't obey, they would be kicked to the curb. They got one team for ECNL the first year to change their minds. After the first season, they were told by ECNL, "either put your first team with us, or your out." They went full time GDA. That's the kind of power these bosses have. WHO are one's who get mentally hurt by all these changes? Yup, the girls.
Yup, if a big club like Surf switched to GA to keep local club tournaments like Surf Cup from going to ECNL via showcases it would deflate ECNLs sails.

We'll see how things go.
Yup, if a big club like Surf switched to GA to keep local club tournaments like Surf Cup from going to ECNL via showcases it would deflate ECNLs sails.

We'll see how things go.
Yup, Surf is the Mothership of a few rich dads who pilot that ship. Karma coming to them very soon. They had to eliminate Blues by having one of the rich parents (who happened to have a position on the board) buy Blues players. This took poaching to a whole nether level. Surf higher ups told me they were going to stay with ECNL, but they chickened out. I told them 99% of the girls want to play high school soccer and they agreed. I have the texts bro. If they stayed with ECNL, Blues would have as well because Blues was 100% against GDA. You keep those two teams from GDA, then it would have been a second-tier league with Legends and Beach at the top. ECNL was arrogant and a closed league at the time and they blew it and all the girls suffered except the top, top 1%, if that.
As a US track coach that is also involved in youth soccer I can confidently say that most soccer coaches don't know how to train and develope speed and agility. It's a shame.

There is nothing special about soccer. Sprint mechanics is sprint mechanics regardless of sports. +90% of the game is played without the ball.

You get a few kids that work on sprint mechanics, agility, and ankle stiffness. Their athleticism will be noticeable better than their peers who are flat footed. I have seen this first hand. Same soccer skills but the fast player makes the team.
Hey Coach, I hear you… 🫡 & you make a solid point that speed and athleticism are huge advantages in any sport…. Totally 💯 But when it comes to soccer, applying pure track sprint mechanics is like putting a Formula 1 engine in a rally car 😆 Sure, it’s powerful and fast, but it’s going to struggle on dirt roads and hairpin turns. Let’s dive into why soccer running mechanics are a different beast…

Track mechanics emphasize longer strides, straight-line acceleration, and top speed maintenance. This makes total sense when you’re running down a straight lane with nothing but empty space in front of you. But in soccer, most of the action isn’t about speed in a straight line. It’s about managing acceleration, deceleration, quick turns, and being ready to stop and switch directions constantly often in response to an opponent's unpredictable moves… this is 🔑 why mechanics are different applying to attacking and defending.

Imagine telling a track runner to handle a tight curve at 90% of their top speed. What happens? That stride length and high center of gravity work against them. They’ll either slow down drastically or risk wiping out. The same thing happens on the pitch. A soccer player sprinting at full-throttle like a track athlete will struggle to decelerate and change direction quickly. They’ll lose balance, be late on the play, or get beaten because they’re overcommitted.

Soccer players need a lower center of gravity, shorter strides, and more stability…think more like a rally car that handles quick turns, accelerates out of tight spots, and slams the brakes instantly when needed. Those pure sprint mechanics might make a player fast, but they can also make them less agile and more prone to injury. Try telling a Formula 1 car to make a quick U-turn on a gravel road 🤔 it’s going to spin out.

That’s why gait and stride aren’t as much of a focus in soccer. Soccer players need to run with a bit more flex in their knees, a slightly hunched posture, and shorter steps so they can adjust in a split second. We’re not talking about 90% of the game played without the ball in a straight line. We’re talking about managing the constant stop-and-go chaos that is the heart of ⚽

Now, don’t get me wrong, there are areas where track mechanics help. Teaching soccer players proper arm drive, ankle stiffness, and force production are definitely valuable when running without the ball. But pushing long strides, straight line speed, and pure top end sprinting without considering the actual context of the game? It’s like giving a rally car driver lessons on how to handle a drag strip it’s quite helpful, but not when they’re dodging boulders and taking hairpin turns every few seconds.

Bottom line: you’re right that speed matters, but the context changes everything. It’s not about whether pure sprint mechanics are effective but it’s about whether they’re relevant… Soccer players are rally cars, not Formula 1 racers. If we train them like track athletes without adapting to the realities of the game, we’re doing them a disservice. They’ll be fast…sure until they have to turn, stop, or pivot and then they’ll be left in the dust.
You're probably correct about ECNL not caring about anyone but ECNL.

However clubs make A LOT of $$$ running tournaments. Does it make financial sense to give all that tournamant $$$ to ECNL by letting them take over the market with showcases? If ECNL makes the switch to grade level groupings non ECNL clubs (that aren't grade level grouping) will not participate in ECNL club tournaments.

I like that Surf Cup, Blues Cup, etc have clubs from all different leagues and geographies participating. I also like that when we participate in club sponsored tournaments that I know a large chunk of the money spent goes to the host club.
ECNL would not be taking over tournaments. Their showcases are already mandated and where college coaches will go to watch the best players. The clubs can run their tournaments and will cater for the ECNL teams as they want them in the tournies to attract other teams.

Yup, if a big club like Surf switched to GA to keep local club tournaments like Surf Cup from going to ECNL via showcases it would deflate ECNLs sails.

We'll see how things go.
There is zero chance of any club leaving ECNL over this ,inc Surf. The latter went back to ECNL after the GDA debacle and dropped boys DA rather than stay outside of girls ECNL - that showed the "power" ECNL has on the girls side.
ECNL would not be taking over tournaments. Their showcases are already mandated and where college coaches will go to watch the best players. The clubs can run their tournaments and will cater for the ECNL teams as they want them in the tournies to attract other teams.

There is zero chance of any club leaving ECNL over this ,inc Surf. The latter went back to ECNL after the GDA debacle and dropped boys DA rather than stay outside of girls ECNL - that showed the "power" ECNL has on the girls side.
We'll see what happens you never know.

If ECNL changes to an Aug 1 cutoff date by themself Surf Cup will only be ECNL teams. Assuming it also follows the Aug 1 cutoff. Leagues that stick with calender year would be at a 5-6 month disadvantage and won't attend ECNL tournaments.

You speak in absolutes without anything to back it up other than saying "ECNL". This change could dramatically affect the amount of money Surf makes with tournaments at the polo fields. Again this is assuming ECNL switched to a Aug 1 cutoff date but everyone else stayed with Jan 1.

If all the other leagues switched to Aug 1 with ECNL then no big deal and everything works out
We'll see what happens you never know.

If ECNL changes to an Aug 1 cutoff date by themself Surf Cup will only be ECNL teams. Assuming it also follows the Aug 1 cutoff. Leagues that stick with calender year would be at a 5-6 month disadvantage and won't attend ECNL tournaments.

You speak in absolutes without anything to back it up other than saying "ECNL". This change could dramatically affect the amount of money Surf makes with tournaments at the polo fields. Again this is assuming ECNL switched to a Aug 1 cutoff date but everyone else stayed with Jan 1.

If all the other leagues switched to Aug 1 with ECNL then no big deal and everything works out
Surf Cup has been declining for years now. The top ECNL clubs don't even go to Surf Cup anymore (maybe with U13 being an exception). Tournaments are not factoring into this decision. Change to grade year does simplify the recruiting process and trapped players...can you agree to that?
We'll see what happens you never know.

If ECNL changes to an Aug 1 cutoff date by themself Surf Cup will only be ECNL teams. Assuming it also follows the Aug 1 cutoff. Leagues that stick with calender year would be at a 5-6 month disadvantage and won't attend ECNL tournaments.

You speak in absolutes without anything to back it up other than saying "ECNL". This change could dramatically affect the amount of money Surf makes with tournaments at the polo fields. Again this is assuming ECNL switched to a Aug 1 cutoff date but everyone else stayed with Jan 1.

If all the other leagues switched to Aug 1 with ECNL then no big deal and everything works out
Surf Cup is predominantly non-ECNL teams. The ECNL teams commit to their league games and minimum number of ECNL showcases. Every other tournament is up to them. The parents players are in it for college, with the maximum exposure to coaches being playing in the ECNL league and ECNL showcases.

Surf sports, who run the tournaments, is separate to Surf the club. They are entangled, but the former runs a host of tournaments and is expanding all the time. There is zero chance the club pulls from ECNL. Yes, that's an absolute, and anyone with a clue would agree.
We'll see what happens you never know.

If ECNL changes to an Aug 1 cutoff date by themself Surf Cup will only be ECNL teams. Assuming it also follows the Aug 1 cutoff. Leagues that stick with calender year would be at a 5-6 month disadvantage and won't attend ECNL tournaments.

You speak in absolutes without anything to back it up other than saying "ECNL". This change could dramatically affect the amount of money Surf makes with tournaments at the polo fields. Again this is assuming ECNL switched to a Aug 1 cutoff date but everyone else stayed with Jan 1.

If all the other leagues switched to Aug 1 with ECNL then no big deal and everything works out
You are assuming Surf could not host an ECNL only bracket. I’m sure surf has thought of their tournament money and surf and ecnl have worked through it to get to this point.

ECNL president thinks it will happen but nothing final until the deal is done.
It is still within a year. They change it from 1/1 to 12/31 to 8/1 to 7/31. This will better align school grades, so it is easy for college recruiting, which is ECNL's main selling point.
I believe this is how travel baseball works today. Instead of U14 (Under 14) it will be 14U (14 and Under). Some of the parents I know with kids in travel ball said the cut off is 9/1. Parents still hold their kids back in baseball despite not impacting club too much because they are trying to make the Varsity HS team as a freshman. A Freshman who makes (and starts) Varsity catches college scouts attention.
Surf Cup is predominantly non-ECNL teams. The ECNL teams commit to their league games and minimum number of ECNL showcases. Every other tournament is up to them. The parents players are in it for college, with the maximum exposure to coaches being playing in the ECNL league and ECNL showcases.

Surf sports, who run the tournaments, is separate to Surf the club. They are entangled, but the former runs a host of tournaments and is expanding all the time. There is zero chance the club pulls from ECNL. Yes, that's an absolute, and anyone with a clue would agree.
You think Surf Cup and associated Surf tournaments potentially losing half their attendees because of a single decision by ECNL won't be discussed by Surf?

Again, as long as all the rest of the leagues decide to go along with the change there's no issue. If ECNL chooses to go it alone there will be a ripple effect and there will be less cross league play.

From what I've seen Surf somehow seems to get a bunch of $$$ from the tournaments Surf Cup Sports run. This allows them to hire the best of the best coaches and go after the best of the best players.
You think Surf Cup and associated Surf tournaments potentially losing half their attendees because of a single decision by ECNL won't be discussed by Surf?

Again, as long as all the rest of the leagues decide to go along with the change there's no issue. If ECNL chooses to go it alone there will be a ripple effect and there will be less cross league play.

From what I've seen Surf somehow seems to get a bunch of $$$ from the tournaments Surf Cup Sports run. This allows them to hire the best of the best coaches and go after the best of the best players.
Sure, Surf will talk about it, but whatever ... ECNL will make the choice for themselves and all the ECNL clubs will comply and be happy to still be in ECNL.
The truth is starting to come out. ECNL wants the change other groups specifically US Soccer are disinterested.

As I said before everyone needs to make the change or it doesnt work.

What we’ve been told recently:

ECNL seems to be the one pushing this the hardest. As of now they are voting to go back to School Year but ECNL cannot stand alone with this rule change.

They need U.S 🇺🇸 Soccer Approval and the other club leagues to be behind it too.

A survey has been sent out and meetings are being held and for what we have gathered, a lot of Club Directors don’t believe it will be approved as there is no real desire from U.S 🇺🇸 Club soccer to change it again.
The truth is starting to come out. ECNL wants the change other groups specifically US Soccer are disinterested.

As I said before everyone needs to make the change or it doesnt work.

What we’ve been told recently:

ECNL seems to be the one pushing this the hardest. As of now they are voting to go back to School Year but ECNL cannot stand alone with this rule change.

They need U.S 🇺🇸 Soccer Approval and the other club leagues to be behind it too.

A survey has been sent out and meetings are being held and for what we have gathered, a lot of Club Directors don’t believe it will be approved as there is no real desire from U.S 🇺🇸 Club soccer to change it again.
I will just say I do get some insider info. I’m not sure who this director was but this X post is right and wrong at the same time. If you talk to anyone from the governing leagues from us club they will tell you it’s definitely a possibility and US Club and its affiliates are majority on board. Also as of last month USYS is considering and working to align with us club which was told to me weeks before any podcast.

I’m not going to say it’s happening because I won’t know that for another few weeks but I would say I would be highly surprised if it isn’t approved for Fall 25. Lots going on behind the scenes to get the majority on board.

What USSF thinks has never been communicated to me.
I will just say I do get some insider info. I’m not sure who this director was but this X post is right and wrong at the same time. If you talk to anyone from the governing leagues from us club they will tell you it’s definitely a possibility and US Club and its affiliates are majority on board. Also as of last month USYS is considering and working to align with us club which was told to me weeks before any podcast.

I’m not going to say it’s happening because I won’t know that for another few weeks but I would say I would be highly surprised if it isn’t approved for Fall 25. Lots going on behind the scenes to get the majority on board.

What USSF thinks has never been communicated to me.