I'm tired guys. Lot's going down and the truth will smack us all in the face, including me. Watty knows this from lawsuits and mediation. No one is 100% right, no one. 4 Aces is not good enough in that dreaded mediation bullshit, where the lawyers get rich and where the two suckers resolve their shit. Tonight ends the month and tomorrow March Madness begins. Oh boy, this will 100% be the most insane March Madness ever. I really want to work with those who treated me like shit the last 8 years and mend those fences. I have to let go and forgive. It's hard on me because so many like Dad4 didn't give a shit about those of us who said no to the jabs. I know, those are the consequences of saying no to being poisoned by the fraudsters, you lose everything. I do believe in, "what comes around goes around" in the 3D karmic life we all signed up for. Karma works both ways and now the tables will be turned. You know, "the first shall be last and the last first." Not only did these bandits steal your hard earn money, they fucking poisoned you and your children. Let that sink in. You took the jabs because your doctor said so and you could keep your job. Many of you voted for these crooks and supported them like espola. These people do not care about you or your kids, trust me.
Watty, thanks for letting me spar with you today. You got some good smack jabs on me too so it's all fun under the sun brother. Debate is so fucking good for us. I love debate and I love satire and smack talk, especially about politics, money and religion. I also like to talk about other things in private, but I keep that between me and my love. If everyone would keep their love and sex life to themselves and in their bedroom for fun and play, we would all get along. What you like bro, I might not like, you know what I mean? Let each human(s) decide what they like. They & Them forced their sexual desires unto the world and almost made it law. Forcing girls to play with these freaks was what got me to where I'm at today. I'm here to teach you now. When March Madness is over, you will be taught so much truth, I bet you will eat crow and say the magic words, "crush, you the man and so is Trump." I didn't know how bad and powerful these animals were and how it was impossible for them to change their desires for little children. These are creatures of instict and they hunt kids, that all there is to IT.
I have a question for you watty: What is it in a man to kidnap, sell, rape, torture, sacrifice and kill a child?
Let's just say for your argument's sake that there is no Satan and there is no god or gods. Is just us fools trying to get along with people who want to hunt and eat kids. How would you go about stopping this behavior?