You think? Trump kicked his ass out of the White House with none of our cash. Look bro, trust me. Ukraine is not what you think it is. The MSM lied to you, as they always do. The team of souls I came with came to help earth to end all wars, cheating in sports, diseases caused by lying Docs to mankind, paying others to gain access or getting the kickbacks of the cash in play for play. It's all about the cash, cheating, lying and sex on earth. Your brain was taught to trust big brother and big pharma. I think you can see by now you got lied to big time, and so did the kids. I'm not a liar dude. I call it like I see it. I can be wrong, but lie on purpose, no I don't because I love my sleep too much and I have a very guilty conscious, if you know what I mean.Well, it's backfired spectacularly for Zelensky. He grossly overplayed his hand.
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