From Russia With Love

Well, it's backfired spectacularly for Zelensky. He grossly overplayed his hand.
You think? Trump kicked his ass out of the White House with none of our cash. Look bro, trust me. Ukraine is not what you think it is. The MSM lied to you, as they always do. The team of souls I came with came to help earth to end all wars, cheating in sports, diseases caused by lying Docs to mankind, paying others to gain access or getting the kickbacks of the cash in play for play. It's all about the cash, cheating, lying and sex on earth. Your brain was taught to trust big brother and big pharma. I think you can see by now you got lied to big time, and so did the kids. I'm not a liar dude. I call it like I see it. I can be wrong, but lie on purpose, no I don't because I love my sleep too much and I have a very guilty conscious, if you know what I mean.
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He's got some cajones, that's for sure.
He made the mistake of saying they're alone in their fight. That's the part I found insulting. Campaigning for Biden probably didn't help him, either, because you're either with Trump or against Trump and you have to pick a side, but he's got most everybody on his side. Them and their checkbooks.

I'm hoping this was just Trump giving Volody his beat down and they can move on from here, but continuing to throw money we don't have at a war Ukraine probably can't win, it's not good.
You think? Trump kicked his ass out of the White House with none of our cash. Look bro, trust me. Ukraine is not what you think it is. The MSM lied to you, as they always do. The team of souls I came with came to help earth to end all wars, cheating in sports, diseases caused by lying Docs to mankind, paying others to gain access or getting the kickbacks of the cash in play for play. It's all about the cash, cheating, lying and sex on earth. Your brain was taught to trust big bro and big pharma. I think you can see by now you got lied to big time, and so did the kids. I'm not a liar dude. I call it like I see it. I can be wrong, but lie on purpose, no I don't because I love my sleep too much and I have a very guilty conscious, if you know what I mean.
Like I said before, the US doesn't give a shit about Ukraine. We only give a shit about Russia advancing. Ukraine is just a surrogate and politics make strange bedfellows.

Zelensky is acting like that kid that has always been spoiled and enabled, and now an adult has finally has put his foot down, and the kid is having a tantrum.
He made the mistake of saying they're alone in their fight. That's the part I found insulting. Campaigning for Biden probably didn't help him, either, because you're either with Trump or against Trump and you have to pick a side, but he's got most everybody on his side. Them and their checkbooks.

I'm hoping this was just Trump giving Volody his beat down and they can move on from here, but continuing to throw money we don't have at a war Ukraine probably can't win, it's not good.
We've already achieved our goal of preventing Russian expansion. Even if Russia gets a little bit of territory from Ukraine (likely land that was already occupied by Russian people), a settlement to end the war is a huge loss for Russia, given their initial intentions and their nearly catastrophic military and economic losses.
What propaganda is that?

I'll give you the 2nd point, but it pales in comparison to the actions taken by Trump against Putin/Russia.

Your 3rd point is false, even if it were true, actions speak much louder than words. Just a couple recent examples of when Trump criticized Putin/Russia.

Your everything, is nothing.
First you say actions over words then post a trump said he would article? Lol! Way to claim a “W” from off the podium. And oh yeah, acting ignorant is only cute in maga circles.? “What propaganda is that?” 😆
Like I said before, the US doesn't give a shit about Ukraine. We only give a shit about Russia advancing. Ukraine is just a surrogate and politics make strange bedfellows.

Zelensky is acting like that kid that has always been spoiled and enabled, and now an adult has finally has put his foot down, and the kid is having a tantrum.
He's playing a role in the movie and doing exactly what he is told. Daddy kicked him out of the House and little loser left with nothing. He will come back asking for protection and a safe place to be tried, like GITMO for war crimes. Like I said, the military industrial complex doesn't give a shit about anyone but endless wars. My bff bloodline is from Ukraine, FYI. 93.4% of all people on the planet want peace. My lib pal is having full on meltdown telling me, "Can you believe what DOGE is doing to all those fine people that work for us, there getting fired." I about spit my coffee at him. I looked him in my eyes, and he said, "I know you lost everything because of saying no to the jabs but we need to save Ukraine from Russia." Seriously, I have never met a more stupid group of elites in my life. You got the degrees but have no common sense, no spine and no backbone or empathy. I'm so disappointed in so many of you. Eat crow so we can all go and grow!!!
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Like I said before, the US doesn't give a shit about Ukraine. We only give a shit about Russia advancing. Ukraine is just a surrogate and politics make strange bedfellows.

Zelensky is acting like that kid that has always been spoiled and enabled, and now an adult has finally has put his foot down, and the kid is having a tantrum.
Yes, we do care about Ukraine, as you speak for the trump vengeance tour (since “the perfect call” blew up in trump’s face he’s had it out for Zelenskyy and since he was first in Russia he’s never had a bad word for Vlad). Americans care, trump? You trumpist? Not sure you even like America as they destroy us from within and you jackals howl and clap. Sorry fan boy but obviously your hero and his sidekick are the petulant children in that scenario. And yes Putin will not stop or abide by any “deal”. He will roll trump and keep on rolling.
We've already achieved our goal of preventing Russian expansion. Even if Russia gets a little bit of territory from Ukraine (likely land that was already occupied by Russian people), a settlement to end the war is a huge loss for Russia, given their initial intentions and their nearly catastrophic military and economic losses.
Yeah... I'm not sure what Putin hopes to accomplish now other than just saving face. When you're 5' 7" and ride horses shirtless, as he seemingly loves to do, I don't know what else you have to gain. Doesn't seem like his own people are even that supportive.
Like I said before, the US doesn't give a shit about Ukraine. We only give a shit about Russia advancing. Ukraine is just a surrogate and politics make strange bedfellows.

Zelensky is acting like that kid that has always been spoiled and enabled, and now an adult has finally has put his foot down, and the kid is having a tantrum.
So a little bit like Trump. ;)
We've already achieved our goal of preventing Russian expansion. Even if Russia gets a little bit of territory from Ukraine (likely land that was already occupied by Russian people), a settlement to end the war is a huge loss for Russia, given their initial intentions and their nearly catastrophic military and economic losses.
MSM is in your mind. I know how to deprogram the mind bro, FYI
First you say actions over words then post a trump said he would article? Lol! Way to claim a “W” from off the podium. And oh yeah, acting ignorant is only cute in maga circles.? “What propaganda is that?” 😆
This is what happens when one sits on the fence, he can get it from bothside. Your side of the fence has Satan, Fallen Angels, cheaters, killers, liars, Pedos, men who think they a lady, thieves, witches and warlocks vs. God. Good luck little du du🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes, we do care about Ukraine, as you speak for the trump vengeance tour (since “the perfect call” blew up in trump’s face he’s had it out for Zelenskyy and since he was first in Russia he’s never had a bad word for Vlad). Americans care, trump? You trumpist? Not sure you even like America as they destroy us from within and you jackals howl and clap. Sorry fan boy but obviously your hero and his sidekick are the petulant children in that scenario. And yes Putin will not stop or abide by any “deal”. He will roll trump and keep on rolling.
So you don't HAVE full time care but clearly you NEED full time care.
We've already achieved our goal of preventing Russian expansion. Even if Russia gets a little bit of territory from Ukraine (likely land that was already occupied by Russian people), a settlement to end the war is a huge loss for Russia, given their initial intentions and their nearly catastrophic military and economic losses.
“Already occupied by Russian people” awww sweet, you are like a Trump mini-me parroting Putin propaganda. Remember the Putin expansion tour started in 2008 in Georgia, then on to Crimea and eastern Ukraine. Next you will say that Putin has every right to regain all former Soviet territories . . . Russia is considered a conservatives paradise! A white orthodox Christian, gun loving, women bashers dream come true! And take the Tate brothers with you.
Yes, we do care about Ukraine, as you speak for the trump vengeance tour (since “the perfect call” blew up in trump’s face he’s had it out for Zelenskyy and since he was first in Russia he’s never had a bad word for Vlad). Americans care, trump? You trumpist? Not sure you even like America as they destroy us from within and you jackals howl and clap. Sorry fan boy but obviously your hero and his sidekick are the petulant children in that scenario. And yes Putin will not stop or abide by any “deal”. He will roll trump and keep on rolling.
Yeah... I'm not sure what Putin hopes to accomplish now other than just saving face. When you're 5' 7" and ride horses shirtless, as he seemingly loves to do, I don't know what else you have to gain. Doesn't seem like his own people are even that supportive.
Zelensky is going to lose the support from his people if he blows up this deal. Allegedly it was already ratified by the Ukraine parliament.