From Russia With Love

I'm here to now teach you guys the truth about how our brains work. I have been training all of you and myself on how the duality of trying to be right all the time is not good for other humans and what causes fights and quarrels among us. Each soul is equipped with a shadow and an ego and it's the soul's job to figure things out among cheaters, killers, Pedos, kidnappers and liars who steal from the richest country ever and make the people slaves. No short cuts on earth, just pain & suffering most of the time on earth. Yes, we have some fun times but mostly we've had wars that no one seems to win, diseases that have no cures and a debt that keeps climbing as the rich & powerful get richer and try to kill us all off. Tomorrow's title for my first March Madness lesson is as follows. My pal Bernhard taught me and now I will teach you guys. I also will use, "From Russia with love" thread that our amazing brother Husker Du brought back to life.



While there is TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), there is also TWS (Trump Worship Syndrome). To be clear, I 100% don't have TWS but I have met many on Truth Social that are TWS.

TDS is based on negative shadow projection from people like espola, Husker Du and Watty. TWS is the result of positive projections. It's like electricity, one negative charge (TDS) and one positive charge (TWS)

Both result from psychological splitting: dividing the psyche into separate and opposing parts. I think we all can see today that this is 100% true. Us vs Them mentality. Satan (Negative charge) vs God (positive charge)

The conscious self (ego) rejects and represses aspects of the unconscious (shadow) that it finds unacceptable and projects these traits onto others. We all see how espola & Husker Du play with their shadow in front of us.

The repressed parts can contain both negative and positive characteristics and emotions.

Splitting occurs when people and objects are divided into overly simplified judgments of “all good” (Ukraine) or “all bad" (Orange Man Bad).

You can see the tendency to split on the left, right, conservatives, liberals, truthers, and even within yourself (if you engage in honest self-reflection like I do)

Psychological Splitting is typical and expected in infants, yet many adults still suffer (espola & Husker Du) from it since most adults are children in adult suits, psychologically speaking. I hope this helps some of you out with your negativity and all things Trump is bad and Ukraine good. Let's all grow up and grow a pair. From America & Russia with love.
+ vs - con............

Q. Have you ever painted a person completely as "bad" like espola and Husker Du, du? Just because Trumps opinions triggered you two so much (espola & Husker Du) that you started to speak ill of President Trump without seeing anything good in him anymore? This is what Husker Du does. Husker du, can you think of anything good Trump has done?

espola & Husker Du have split psychologically trauma, and their views of Trump are overlaid with their shadow projections.

Splitting results in black-and-white thinking, a lack of nuance, and lack of psychological self-awareness. It shuts down access to spiritual insight and involves projecting disowned aspects onto others. Basically, espola and Husker Du need help from me.

These opposing forces within the psyche must be helped to escape duality

It requires deep inner work. It's not about neutrality or the middle ground fallacy that "Trump is half good/half bad," using TDS/TWS as an example.

It's not a thought process or a contemplation, and you cannot think yourself through it. It's a psycho-spiritual process that can be uncomfortable as it threatens the ego's position. That ego sure is something else.

You may find aspects of yourself you don't like to see in that process. It's always easier to project externally.

The more you integrate your shadow to become whole and “individuated” (it's a process you guys), the more accurately you can perceive others and reality, and the less you are subjected to psychological splitting, hyperdimensional interference, and manipulation.

As long as you have a fractured/split self and engage in psychological splitting, occult entities can come in through the cracks of your unintegrated being and feed off your projections while injecting thought forms (which you mistake as your own thoughts) to feed your projections as you feel justified in them.

I hope this helps. Bernhard is the bomb and cuts through the fake shit. It's time to find out why, where and how we got here.
Watty, thoughts? This is your war and leader that you stood for. You want to eat crow now to start March Madness the right way?

DOGE just cut Fauci's evil experiments on puppies. These fake scientists' doctors are fucking warlocks and witches and have nothing to do with helping us heal. They want you sick all day and their customer for life. True story from crush. My wife and i went on a double date back in the day with my pal and his wifey, who works for big poison. She told us how they & them do experiments on puppies and how puppies deal with pain and what kind of medicine to give them after fireflies eat half their face off. My wife and I basically told her to STFU or were leaving. Yes, she makes $400,000+ a year but she tortures animals for a living so all of you can take her pills. She's a drug dealer in truth and 100% supports everyone mandated to take the jabs.


I had a chance to watch yesterday's cluster with my own eyes. My first impression was that Vance was way out of line. Trump was wrapping up the whole thing and Vance came in over the top of his boss. You never do that, particularly in public. Z was out of line as well and completely overplayed his hand. He came in completely antagonistic. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Apparently, he thought he was still negotiating with Biden. Nevertheless, the dressing down should have occurred in seemed like a bit of an ambush by Vance.
I hate to bring bad news to everyone but these freaks also do this to humans. Yup, in Ukraine they have human labs to do all sorts of experiments on little kids and 100% take organs from child to give to adult asshole.

I had a chance to watch yesterday's cluster with my own eyes. My first impression was that Vance was way out of line. Trump was wrapping up the whole thing and Vance came in over the top of his boss. You never do that, particularly in public. Z was out of line as well and completely overplayed his hand. He came in completely antagonistic. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. Apparently, he thought he was still negotiating with Biden. Nevertheless, the dressing down should have occurred in seemed like a bit of an ambush by Vance.
Are you serious? Go back and watch and report back. That was WWE in its finest hour. It's s show with actors bro. All the world is a stage. Central casting ring a bell in your brain? Trump is a master showman.
