From Russia With Love

There is reason to believe that t became a KGB asset in 1987. It is not clear what method they used -- I personally suspect a mix of a honey trap and cash incentives. Once so trapped, he could be manipulated by threats of exposing his situation -- no pee tape required.
There "ith reathon to believe that the Prethident wuth mentally thtrong and capable of running thith country. Then I wrote a book..."

And? That erases everything? That kind of simplistic thinking is what gets people like Trump elected. Trump is good at throwing you a bone to chew on.
What's everything?
Bueller? What are some actions that Trump has taken that have benefitted Putin? I'll cut you some slack, no need to provide everything, just a few examples. I will cut you even more slack, it doesn't even have to be your opinion, you can just parrot what you've been told (I'll give you some time to Google it). Here are some actions that Trump has taken against Putin/Russia:

-Blocking Nord Stream pipeline
-Sanctions against Russia, including a significant expansion of sanctions in 2018. An extension of sanctions in 2025.
-Bombing Russia's ally and destroying Russian military assets in Syria
Bueller? What are some actions that Trump has taken that have benefitted Putin? I'll cut you some slack, no need to provide everything, just a few examples. I will cut you even more slack, it doesn't even have to be your opinion, you can just parrot what you've been told (I'll give you some time to Google it). Here are some actions that Trump has taken against Putin/Russia:

-Blocking Nord Stream pipeline
-Sanctions against Russia, including a significant expansion of sanctions in 2018. An extension of sanctions in 2025.
-Bombing Russia's ally and destroying Russian military assets in Syria
Look at this little shit folding his arms and talking to the boss and JD like he's some tough guy. He's on coke for sure. This is classic negotiations live on Tel A Vision.

I can't fault a guy for trying to do what he thinks is in the best interest of his country. That's his job.
Oh please, that little punk actor is being used big time. If he plays along with assholes WHO cheat, kill and lie for a living, he gets our money, free cocaine and ski resorts in the French Alps. He's your boy and now you will find out soon what this fucker has been doing with Crooked Joe, Crooked Uncle James, Crooked Barak and his crackhead son. You made your bet, let's see where the truth is in this shitty war.
Oh please, that little punk actor is being used big time. If he plays along with assholes WHO cheat, kill and lie for a living, he gets our money, free cocaine and ski resorts in the French Alps. He's your boy and now you will find out soon what this fucker has been doing with Crooked Joe, Crooked Uncle James, Crooked Barak and his crackhead son. You made your bet, let's see where the truth is in this shitty war.
He's got some cajones, that's for sure.
He's got some cajones, that's for sure.
He's a disrespectful little punk and you support that little shit, who lies when he talks. Good luck Watty, you made your bed with Satan's little cousin. I'm not posting what I found out through the online rumor mill, but it looks like this crackhead is related to Soros.

A Statement from President Donald J. Trump

“We had a very meaningful meeting in the White House today. Much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such fire and pressure. It’s amazing what comes out through emotion, and I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace.”
All you dumb fools that took the bait for endless war, need to eat crow so we can heal together. Picking Ukraine to beat Russia, Russia, Russia is stupid.

TRUMP: "Your country is in big trouble. I know you're not winning. You're not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out, okay?"

ZELENSKY: "We are staying in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we've been alone, and we are thankful."

TRUMP: "You haven't been alone. We gave you, through our stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. Your men are brave but they had to use our military. If you didn't have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks."
I think these psychopaths are all on cocaine and stealing our hard earn tax dollars. WHO would have thought that your own American citizens would cheat, lie and steal your dreams so they can live your dreams instead. These people are fucking high as kites in the sky.

Bueller? What are some actions that Trump has taken that have benefitted Putin? I'll cut you some slack, no need to provide everything, just a few examples. I will cut you even more slack, it doesn't even have to be your opinion, you can just parrot what you've been told (I'll give you some time to Google it). Here are some actions that Trump has taken against Putin/Russia:

-Blocking Nord Stream pipeline
-Sanctions against Russia, including a significant expansion of sanctions in 2018. An extension of sanctions in 2025.
-Bombing Russia's ally and destroying Russian military assets in Syria
He recites Putin propaganda verbatim. He had the US vote with other Russian aligned countries in the UN. He is pressuring Zelenskyy to surrender. He has never criticized, demeaned or even refuted Putin.
He recites Putin propaganda verbatim. He had the US vote with other Russian aligned countries in the UN. He is pressuring Zelenskyy to surrender. He has never criticized, demeaned or even refuted Putin.
Because he's a Russian agent dumb. You see, The USA and Russia took out the Nazis, remember that war? We died together. The Nazi's went to Ukraine to continue their war on children and women and then sent some of their fucking scientists liars to our country to start NASA, NATO and all the rest of their endless bullshit of lies that you and watty believe. If you support Ukraine, you support the Nazi team dumb. You got played so now you and watty look like complete fucking Morons, with super Low IQ type of retard because of your hate or dislike for Trump. You will kneel, trust me......
He recites Putin propaganda verbatim. He had the US vote with other Russian aligned countries in the UN. He is pressuring Zelenskyy to surrender. He has never criticized, demeaned or even refuted Putin.
What propaganda is that?

I'll give you the 2nd point, but it pales in comparison to the actions taken by Trump against Putin/Russia.

Your 3rd point is false, even if it were true, actions speak much louder than words. Just a couple recent examples of when Trump criticized Putin/Russia.

Your everything, is nothing.
Bueller? What are some actions that Trump has taken that have benefitted Putin? I'll cut you some slack, no need to provide everything, just a few examples. I will cut you even more slack, it doesn't even have to be your opinion, you can just parrot what you've been told (I'll give you some time to Google it). Here are some actions that Trump has taken against Putin/Russia:

-Blocking Nord Stream pipeline
-Sanctions against Russia, including a significant expansion of sanctions in 2018. An extension of sanctions in 2025.
-Bombing Russia's ally and destroying Russian military assets in Syria
I can smell the smoke from Little Puppet's dial up.
"Save Ukraine" from my stupid low IQ retard pals rings so shallow today. It's the same dumb folks that said, "take the jabs to stop the spread and not get Covid or get fired." These people are all fucking liars and some of you dummies can't see straight. Wake the fuck up losers!!!

He's a disrespectful little punk and you support that little shit, who lies when he talks. Good luck Watty, you made your bed with Satan's little cousin. I'm not posting what I found out through the online rumor mill, but it looks like this crackhead is related to Soros.

A Statement from President Donald J. Trump

“We had a very meaningful meeting in the White House today. Much was learned that could never be understood without conversation under such fire and pressure. It’s amazing what comes out through emotion, and I have determined that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations. I don’t want advantage, I want PEACE. He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval Office. He can come back when he is ready for Peace.”
Well, it's backfired spectacularly for Zelensky. He grossly overplayed his hand.