Multi Sport
You really are desperate. For one, the Dems are doing a great job at losing this all by themselves and it doesn't require any additional help.I see the Biden administration is going after GOP funded attempts to spread misinformation via fictitious online entities aiming to interfere with the 2024 presidential election. Did I say GOP? Oh wait . . . what thread is this? Friends for life.
"Federal investigators said Russian companies have used the domains, some of which impersonated legitimate news entities and unique media brands, to covertly spread Russian government propaganda, and did so at the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin's administration since at least 2022."
At leat 2022. Not 2020. Not 2021.
Three. The article does not link.the GOP to anything. You did that all by yourself with your critical thinking..or lack of.
Four. All of this "information " is brought to you by the same non biased people who claimed Biden was "never sharper" .
Five. They need low IQ people like you to spread this around....