Espola's newest neighborhood

"In the Summertime" followed by "In the Garden of Eden" just rolled around in my Youtube cycle.

After some thought, I can see how different people might Interpret that differently.

Listen up now -- the Iron Butterfly solos are just beginning.
"three four!'
"three four!'
With my Youtube search pointer aimed in that direction, up popped a video produced by a young lady in Germany (maybe) who played the whole drum part of Garden of Eden, after filtering out the original, including a virtual copy of the whole drum solo in the middle.
With my Youtube search pointer aimed in that direction, up popped a video produced by a young lady in Germany (maybe) who played the whole drum part of Garden of Eden, after filtering out the original, including a virtual copy of the whole drum solo in the middle.
It’s “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida”
Something more to worry about? From an easy-to-worry relative on FB --

Goodbye Meta Al! It has been a nightmare. Please note an Attorney has advised everyone to post this message, failure to do so may result in legal consequences. Meta Al is now a Public Entity, all members must post at least once or it will be assumed you are Okay with them using your information, photos, etc. I personally do not give permission to Facebook, Meta Al or anyone to use any of my personal data, profile information, photos, or anything that concerns me or my family!

Another relative (an even more thoroughly dingbat) posted something similar yesterday.
Today I identified the birds who have been joining the sparrows (House or Song is hard to differentiate at a distance) pecking at the seeds spilled from the hanging feeder onto the patio concrete stoop and paving blocks as Oregon Black-eyed Juncos.

In other bird-watching news of the day -- I am attempting some Skinner operant conditioning training on the Sierra Scrub Jays (there are at least 2 that come every day, distinguished by their behavior) by tossing them a full-shell peanut only when they come down to ground level to eat the peanut kernels waiting there.

The Hummingbirds have returned to the newly cleaned and filled sugar water feeder with more confidence, even feeding while I am sitting outside near the feeder. While the feeder was down from its hook drying out on the ground, the hummers appeared several days flying around its usual location and pecking on the holiday light bulbs hanging there (they're clear glass just like their feeder).
I tried a new way to make french toast this morning --

2 King's Hawaiian rolls, each cut into two thin slices
2 large eggs
cinnamon (to taste)
2 drops vanilla extract
unsalted butter (see below)
maple syrup (too much)

mixing bowl
dinner fork
frying pan
dinner plate

Mix eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla extract in a bowl large enough to hold all 4 pieces of KH rolls at the same time. (I used a fork.)

Add rolls and drench thoroughly on both sides.

Heat up a frying pan large enough to hold the roll slices. Melt a forkful of butter in the pan.

When the butter starts to foam, add the roll slices side by side to form a square. Put the bowl in the sink to soak. Rinse off your fork.

Fry until brown on one side, then flip them over and brown the other side. (I was able to flip them all together.)

Serve on a dinner plate. Add butter to taste and too much maple syrup. The diner may wish to add more cinnamon at this point before consuming. Eat with the same fork used throughout.
This vinyl DJ YouTube channel rocks, especially when playing one of its "Album Rock" series.

"Don't Fear the Reaper" (BÖC) just started up. Not enough cowbell.
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I just proved to my son that despite my Computer Science degree (including extra courses in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics dragged into my resumé because I changed majors several times), and 40 years working experience with electronics, computers, displays, and programming, I am nonetheless a Boomer.
This hurts personally for many reasons --

We lived 8 years of my childhood in Derby (1956-1964).
I attended 6th Grade at a schoolhouse in Derby Line.
While my father was Principal of Derby Academy, he worked the border several summers as an Immigration officer, in the same building as the local Customs House and Border Patrol station.
My mother worked as a dispatcher and office manager for a few years at the Vermont State Police Derby Barracks just east of the I-91 entrance on the Derby-Newport Road (US5).
Many of my schoolmates were children of BP, Customs, Immigration, and VSP officers. I am consoling those affected and still living in the area on the area's FB pages.

I have not flown anywhere in years AND not because of the danger -- Commercial air travel is far and away the safest mode of transportation when measured in fatalities per passenger mile. Not only that, I long ago discovered that the boarding agents at the gate would assume that an old man with a cane should be among those boarding with group A- which includes families with young children.

For a mathematically inclined air traveler, on your next flight, ask one of the flight attendants how many souls are on board and how many miles the flight will travel.
I just finished watching the Netflix 4-parter American Manhunt: O J Simpson.

My conclusions --

-OJ killed them both.
-the police handled the case with corrupt cops in a corrupt manner. Mark Fuhrman, the first detective at both houses was an admitted racist, who, when caught in one of the contradictions in his sworn testimony, started pleading the 5th.
-the prosecution was inept.
-the first (criminal) jury let him go (nullification?).
-the second (civil) jury passed judgment against OJ, but no substantial punishment was ever imposed other than the loss of the Rockingham house to the IRS in a separate action.
I have decided to be a Christian Science adherent, at least for the month of March. That way I won't be getting any older.

I have decided to be a Christian Science adherent, at least for the month of March. That way I won't be getting any older.

Ignorance is bliss, for some.
Something more to worry about? From an easy-to-worry relative on FB --

Goodbye Meta Al! It has been a nightmare. Please note an Attorney has advised everyone to post this message, failure to do so may result in legal consequences. Meta Al is now a Public Entity, all members must post at least once or it will be assumed you are Okay with them using your information, photos, etc. I personally do not give permission to Facebook, Meta Al or anyone to use any of my personal data, profile information, photos, or anything that concerns me or my family!

Another relative (an even more thoroughly dingbat) posted something similar yesterday.
This came back around again yesterday, posted by a relative who is not formally educated beyond high school but who has operated complicated machinery all her working life, from a sawmill to a microchip IC fabrication line.