ECNL vs. DA turf war has created a 'toxic environment'

1250am...3 members logged on. @Ellejustus @pewpew and one other. Why are you still logged on?? Go to bed. At least I have an excuse. I'm at work. I keep bouncing back here to see what you're doing..morbid curiosity on my part I guess. Plus I have popcorn to eat while watching this circus.
And to think..I thought @espola was bat-shit crazy..turns out he's just old. :eek:
Just kidding "E" !! ;)
It's the drinking. I had to switch from the koolaid and get on the vegetable juice. I'm on fire and it's all natural dude. I got truth seeking questions for tmrw about the first TC in San Diego. Thanks for reading. Just looking for answers so I can finally move on. She just wants to play the game wherever and with whomever in any league of her choosing including HS, ECNl, DA, AYSO, CSL, DPL, ECNL 2, Pro, YNT dumb college game if she wants it and a coach wants her. Hopefully no one will remember my toxic posts about BIG CLUB. Stay tune tmrw brah
Life doesn't work the way you want it to, EJ. Sometimes, oftentimes actually, you're gonna be better off playing by the rules of whatever system you find yourself in. Whether that's school or work or society or even youth/college soccer.

Choosing to throw your hands up and not participate (I will never have my daughter write a college) or trying and roll the boulder uphill and fight the system is a recipe for not ending up in a happy place.

You want your girl to receive an offer to play soccer at UCLA. If accomplishing that is the sole bar for your (or your daughter's) ability to find happiness, that's a very, very narrow needle to thread. Thousands of people want that. Dozens will succeed.

You're upset your daughter did not already receive offers from the "big football school near the beach," yet you chose to not allow your daughter to participate in the "societal norms" for how that normally happens because you find the process silly and distasteful. Fair enough. Many agree with you. But that's your choice and it comes with consequences.

Your daughter is not sure that she wants to go to college. Fair enough. But if she's really upset that she didn't get a full ride to her dream school when others did, that seems contradictory.

You want your daughter to play on the YNT, yet are fighting against maximizing the odds of that happening by actively avoiding any DA teams (including, if I understand correctly, the team she wants to play on that includes a lot of her friends). Fair enough. But that's also a choice and it comes with consequences.

It seems like you're more interested in abiding by some "code of honor" you've created for how you believe this process should ideally work, even if it's at the expense of what might be in your daughter's best interest.

You seem to want very specific, high value reward for your daughter, yet appear to me to be sabotaging any possibility of it actually happening. "Doing this your way" is preventing her from participating in actions that would likely increase the odds of her accomplishing her goals (your goals?). Perhaps that's on purpose so that there's eventually an excuse for why it didn't happen (when it was truthfully unlikely to ever happen).

But if not, I think you should either re-evaluate your goals or re-evaluate your plan for how to maximize your chances for reaching those goals. Otherwise, if happiness equals reality divided by expectations, I fear you may struggle to find the joy that so, so, so many others have found in this process.
Thank you for kind words. Looking for answers. You seem nice. You see, my little dd followed the rules of the DA when told No HS soccer for anyone in DA. But right when we switched to other league with those dumb rules like running clock and sub before 1/2, some of the private school kids got a waiver when the rules said no HS Soccer. So I'm trying to find out why at the last minute the private school kids (typically, parents of private school kids have few more $$$ than the rest of us and most likely have college all planned for little baby girl way before their born) got da waiver and the public school kid was told to go to another league or come back and quit HS Soccer because DOC at BIG CLUB said HS Soccer is bad and will make you worse. If that's true than why then the same DOC get waiver for the same players from da winning team?
Thanks for posting that. While 1/3 of the soccer class will need to be adjusted to the later years, I do think the impact on all players is significant (1/3 is not a small number), just as ECNL and GDA impact the players on NPL teams and at clubs none of us has heard of. I have mentioned that I have kids at a small club - their top teams are NPL and they occasionally have a solid age cohort that cause challenges to elite teams. Or caused back in the days that ECNL and GDA did not exist. Now it is tough - there is way more player movement from those small clubs (even non-elite players and even with a longer recruiting pathway). I do think that the new rules will cause a bottleneck at first but, after a class or two, it will sort itself out. (and, given the just-prior rule changes, how did any player commit early w/o actually seeing the inside of the facilities and seeing a coach and players interact from up close? The unofficial visits were absolutely KEY in my daughter making her decision (and my spouse and me feeling comfortable about it))
TY. My dd and I have felt the bottle necking and it sucks. I'm a realist and it's just sad that the 04 and dare I say the 03s got screwed By Big Club and their greed. A couple sharp, smart, determined dads with a few bucks changed soccer for ever. I'm shocked they pulled it off because they originally told me they were going all in ECNL because you guessed it, HS Soccer is big time across the country. Lots of power deals going on in the back room of US Soccer I guess. My dd actually left because she was sold ECNL instead of DA from the Da Club. I was all DA before DA at Big Club if that makes any since. DD got invite to check out the digs in Norco. Dad drank da koolaid for da first time. Then the winning club decided to switch signs overnight and become the BiG CLUB like the others. Confusing times for my dd and me. Which is it going to be, DA or ECNL? Anyway, dd never wanted to leave in first place and missed the gang and we went back. Its sounds horrible but keep in mind at this time my dd was sought after by daclubs and they were offering FREE soccer which at time was short on cash. I see now it was wrong. I think the boys were holding out for the big deal. Anyway, they got the big deal and it was all in DA and bye bye ECNL. (Kicker I know you think they had both but they went with DA and got da reward for it. ECNL was not too happy). ECNL pleaded with them for mercy but it was a no. My dd said I should write a book because you cant make this shit up. All this to make $$$$ off little girls. There is more but I'm tired now. I'll see u all tmrw.
I know it's late but has anyone told their daughters it's ok if they dont go to college? Is that ok to say in today's America? The Pressure parents feel to get kids in college is getting out of hand folks. I think that's the biggest problem I see. It's not really soccer is it? You all feel the pressure. Since I'm not from the education side I now realize I'm the misfit when the whole time I thought all of you were. I dont care about college, just jonesing for some pure competition like the old days. 25% guarantee start is still confusing for me.

The DA posts its waiver rules. The waiver for private schools kids is supposed to be for those private school kids on a scholarship/reduced tuition where playing on the team is part of their discount/scholarship for the private school.

More likely than not, this rule is being abused by the private school parents/private school. The normal method is:

Private School: Jenny's tuition is $12,000 per year, here is your invoice.
Parent: Jenny is on a DA team and still wants to play on the school team, can we reflect a tuition discount of $5,000 on this invoice as an athletic scholarship?
Private School: Maybe, if you donated $5,000 to the building fund.
Parent: Deal.

Now the parent has a invoice reflecting a athletic scholarship and can ask the DA for a waiver.

With regard to your impression of US Soccer and the DA program, let me give you a quick history lesson:

11 years ago, US Soccer looked at the Boys development and said, damn, we have kids all over the board with different quality, we need to take control of this thing, so the Boy's DA league was started. The Boy's DA League was aimed at unifying all the elite boys in a league that could easily be monitored by US Soccer for purposes of tracking the development of these boys.

8-9 years later, after a lawsuit or two by the women claiming discrimination in their treatment (fields, pay, training facilities, etc.), the women pointed to the fact that there was no Girl's DA league as further evidence of a double standard. At the time, US Soccer's response was "Girls don't need a national league because the ECNL (US Club) and ODP and National League (US Youth) is doing a fine job." The Women said "b.s. we want a league of our own or we sue."

10 years after the boys DA was started US Soccer caved to the demand (not wanting to get sued) and started the girls DA. Truth be told, the "powers that be" at US Soccer think its stupid because (1) the ODP and ECNL was doing a great job of identifying top talent and (2) College programs soccer were doing a great job of continuing the development of players after youth development.

Make no mistake, US Soccer (aka the Federation) would prefer to not have the headache because they were doing really great without it and only started the Girls DA because the women in soccer was using the lack of a DA as evidence of discrimination.

US Soccer is in a catch-22 at this time. On the men's side, the MLS is a closed-single entity system that is almost ready to move to the next level but has to deal with a players association run by idiots. The Players Association are idiots because they have threatened legal action if the MLS (with US Soccer's blessing) adopts training and solidarity payments in line with the rest of the world (rather than working with the MLS and US Soccer on a solution). But, we can't say the Player's Association position is entirely wrong at this time, because of the MLS's closed system the avoids a free market. The lack of solidarity and training fees means the DA system is a monumental money loser.

On the women's side, the NWSL is and will be a money loser for may years to come. Success on the National Team level simply doesn't translate to success at the local level. US Soccer is trying to figure out how to keep the NWSL floating while dealing with a USWNT that is solely looking out for themselves and not women's soccer as a whole.

Is US Soccer corrupt? No, it finally has decent leadership now that Sunni is out of the picture. The fact we now have a GM picking the coaches, rather than Sunni, is great. But our problems run deeper than most understand because I doubt all but a very small few have even read Article 19 and how it screws our youth players over.

The DA posts its waiver rules. The waiver for private schools kids is supposed to be for those private school kids on a scholarship/reduced tuition where playing on the team is part of their discount/scholarship for the private school.

More likely than not, this rule is being abused by the private school parents/private school. The normal method is:

Private School: Jenny's tuition is $12,000 per year, here is your invoice.
Parent: Jenny is on a DA team and still wants to play on the school team, can we reflect a tuition discount of $5,000 on this invoice as an athletic scholarship?
Private School: Maybe, if you donated $5,000 to the building fund.
Parent: Deal.

Now the parent has a invoice reflecting a athletic scholarship and can ask the DA for a waiver.

With regard to your impression of US Soccer and the DA program, let me give you a quick history lesson:

11 years ago, US Soccer looked at the Boys development and said, damn, we have kids all over the board with different quality, we need to take control of this thing, so the Boy's DA league was started. The Boy's DA League was aimed at unifying all the elite boys in a league that could easily be monitored by US Soccer for purposes of tracking the development of these boys.

8-9 years later, after a lawsuit or two by the women claiming discrimination in their treatment (fields, pay, training facilities, etc.), the women pointed to the fact that there was no Girl's DA league as further evidence of a double standard. At the time, US Soccer's response was "Girls don't need a national league because the ECNL (US Club) and ODP and National League (US Youth) is doing a fine job." The Women said "b.s. we want a league of our own or we sue."

10 years after the boys DA was started US Soccer caved to the demand (not wanting to get sued) and started the girls DA. Truth be told, the "powers that be" at US Soccer think its stupid because (1) the ODP and ECNL was doing a great job of identifying top talent and (2) College programs soccer were doing a great job of continuing the development of players after youth development.

Make no mistake, US Soccer (aka the Federation) would prefer to not have the headache because they were doing really great without it and only started the Girls DA because the women in soccer was using the lack of a DA as evidence of discrimination.

I feel that I've followed the GDA discussion pretty closely over the years as my oldest was on the early edge of players directly impacted while my youngers are not yet in HS and at a small club and feel the impact of the GDA/ECNL battle. But you recount a part of the history I have never heard before. I believe you but am wondering if there was any reporting on this at the time it was occurring? I ask b/c USSF seems committed to GDA and to undermining ECNL (hey, market forces are what they are) in a way that seems to vary from what I'd expect if litigation avoidance was the driving force. Again, I believe what you wrote but am interested in a bit more color. Thanks in advance.
Are you aware that the US Soccer Federation has no government funding, except for the fact they are a 501(c)(3)? Not funded at all by tax payer dollars.
I thought the same thing until i looked up their 990 and they received a grant for just over $1,500,000 in 2017.

The DA posts its waiver rules. The waiver for private schools kids is supposed to be for those private school kids on a scholarship/reduced tuition where playing on the team is part of their discount/scholarship for the private school.

More likely than not, this rule is being abused by the private school parents/private school. The normal method is:

Private School: Jenny's tuition is $12,000 per year, here is your invoice.
Parent: Jenny is on a DA team and still wants to play on the school team, can we reflect a tuition discount of $5,000 on this invoice as an athletic scholarship?
Private School: Maybe, if you donated $5,000 to the building fund.
Parent: Deal.

Now the parent has a invoice reflecting a athletic scholarship and can ask the DA for a waiver.

With regard to your impression of US Soccer and the DA program, let me give you a quick history lesson:

11 years ago, US Soccer looked at the Boys development and said, damn, we have kids all over the board with different quality, we need to take control of this thing, so the Boy's DA league was started. The Boy's DA League was aimed at unifying all the elite boys in a league that could easily be monitored by US Soccer for purposes of tracking the development of these boys.

8-9 years later, after a lawsuit or two by the women claiming discrimination in their treatment (fields, pay, training facilities, etc.), the women pointed to the fact that there was no Girl's DA league as further evidence of a double standard. At the time, US Soccer's response was "Girls don't need a national league because the ECNL (US Club) and ODP and National League (US Youth) is doing a fine job." The Women said "b.s. we want a league of our own or we sue."

10 years after the boys DA was started US Soccer caved to the demand (not wanting to get sued) and started the girls DA. Truth be told, the "powers that be" at US Soccer think its stupid because (1) the ODP and ECNL was doing a great job of identifying top talent and (2) College programs soccer were doing a great job of continuing the development of players after youth development.

Make no mistake, US Soccer (aka the Federation) would prefer to not have the headache because they were doing really great without it and only started the Girls DA because the women in soccer was using the lack of a DA as evidence of discrimination.

US Soccer is in a catch-22 at this time. On the men's side, the MLS is a closed-single entity system that is almost ready to move to the next level but has to deal with a players association run by idiots. The Players Association are idiots because they have threatened legal action if the MLS (with US Soccer's blessing) adopts training and solidarity payments in line with the rest of the world (rather than working with the MLS and US Soccer on a solution). But, we can't say the Player's Association position is entirely wrong at this time, because of the MLS's closed system the avoids a free market. The lack of solidarity and training fees means the DA system is a monumental money loser.

On the women's side, the NWSL is and will be a money loser for may years to come. Success on the National Team level simply doesn't translate to success at the local level. US Soccer is trying to figure out how to keep the NWSL floating while dealing with a USWNT that is solely looking out for themselves and not women's soccer as a whole.

Is US Soccer corrupt? No, it finally has decent leadership now that Sunni is out of the picture. The fact we now have a GM picking the coaches, rather than Sunni, is great. But our problems run deeper than most understand because I doubt all but a very small few have even read Article 19 and how it screws our youth players over.
THANK YOU!!! I was told by the higher ups at BIG CLUB that waivers were for only kids who needed financial assistance and this was a way for them to get a better education through sports. I can't argue that and if you come from a poor family and a private schools helps you because of soccer I'm all good with that. However, the girls my dd saw do both DA and HS Soccer had very nice castles. So for me and my dd, that's the big disconnect or injustices as some say. LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO THEY say........."I DON'T CARE ABOUT COLLEGE THIS STAGE ON HER CAREER, JUST HS SOCCER AND WHY OTHERS GOT PRIVATE KID WAIVER"
THANK YOU!!! I was told by the higher ups at BIG CLUB that waivers were for only kids who needed financial assistance and this was a way for them to get a better education through sports. I can't argue that and if you come from a poor family and a private schools helps you because of soccer I'm all good with that. However, the girls my dd saw do both DA and HS Soccer had very nice castles. So for me and my dd, that's the big disconnect or injustices as some say. LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO THEY say........."I DON'T CARE ABOUT COLLEGE THIS STAGE ON HER CAREER, JUST HS SOCCER AND WHY OTHERS GOT PRIVATE KID WAIVER"
I thought the same thing until i looked up their 990 and they received a grant for just over $1,500,000 in 2017.
Interesting, TY.
THANK YOU!!! I was told by the higher ups at BIG CLUB that waivers were for only kids who needed financial assistance and this was a way for them to get a better education through sports. I can't argue that and if you come from a poor family and a private schools helps you because of soccer I'm all good with that. However, the girls my dd saw do both DA and HS Soccer had very nice castles. So for me and my dd, that's the big disconnect or injustices as some say. LET IT GO, LET IT GO, LET IT GO THEY say........."I DON'T CARE ABOUT COLLEGE THIS STAGE ON HER CAREER, JUST HS SOCCER AND WHY OTHERS GOT PRIVATE KID WAIVER"
If you are always are comparing yourself and your dd to others you will never enjoy the journey. Do what’s best for you and your family.
If you are always are comparing yourself and your dd to others you will never enjoy the journey. Do what’s best for you and your family.
TY. That's exactly what I'm doing and to WARN all my fellow Americans that something is dirty and messy with Youth Girls Soccer/BIG CLUB,US SOCCER FEDERATION/COLLEGE right here in SoCal. Its all tied together and it seems like one BIG CLUB is getting all the Benjamins, 3 locations with more to come I'm sure. and of course, da waivers for private school kids who want to play HS. Seems unfair, no? All my kid got was being pushed in front of college coaches in 7th and 8th grade and then told No HS Soccer a year later. MAP, did you have big time colleges trying to get to your kid in 7th or 8th? My kid only wanted to make da list, not college when she was 13. Do you understand now? This is a classic bait and switch. You think I got a case? Has anyone ever care to look at the home page on this site? It's seems old with no new news. No new articles, stories, excitement of da future ect. This thing needs to go away. What a joke of org. Piss off 1/3 of the country, put down great college coaches and mock legends in SoCal so you can have power. Stop trying to get girls to be boys, there not!!! I'm sure years from now you will have 18 year old girls wondering what the hell happen to their youth..
Be happy with what you have. It won't be there for long and it goes by quickly. My daughter is a few years away and my son is going off to college next year (this is his last year of soccer).
It could be worse you could have a boy on a DA tier two team and still not be able to play high school and also be told your club is not worthy of tier one status.
Be happy with what you have. It won't be there for long and it goes by quickly. My daughter is a few years away and my son is going off to college next year (this is his last year of soccer).
It could be worse you could have a boy on a DA tier two team and still not be able to play high school and also be told your club is not worthy of tier one status.
I'm having the best time of my life right now. My son, my wife and my baby girl, what more can u ask. Just looking for answers.
I'm having the best time of my life right now. My son, my wife and my baby girl, what more can u ask. Just looking for answers.

You will not find the answers you seek. Private School gets waivers why because sometimes tuition is tied into play. Public school does not. It isn't a rich man poor man scenario it is US Soccer trying to be "fair" and not eliminate or exclude ones education. Now that may be hypocritical since they exclude plenty but that is the only answer you will find.

We all have choices to make right. So no DA but she gets HS. Now if a coach has misled you that is a different talk and different post. there are options too. Why not go ECNL for your daughter. It appears the best option.
I'm having the best time of my life right now. My son, my wife and my baby girl, what more can u ask. Just looking for answers.
You’ve gotten them....playing the role of victim doesn’t suit you or your DD. We’ e ALL been wronged at some point in this soccer landscape.

My DD took it as a que to work harder.

If the NT is her goal, there are plenty of years ahead to accomplish this, even after ECNL or DA. What I can tell you with 100% certainty is that every girl who has made the Camps or YNT roster put in more than 4 days a week when it comes to training. Those who have a real interest in playing for a Top school, are putting in the work not only training, but in writing emails to The Coaches, attending their ID Camps and putting together highlight videos.

If you don’t put in the work to reach your goals, don’t expect the goals to come to you.

Peace out......

Best of luck to you and your DD. That’s the last words I have for you.
***Training Center News Coming****

I think Fact was onto something that slip my mind a few days ago. I got all worked because folks like Fact that I was trying to build a super a team so my dd could win and make da list or get #11. No No No. That's why I got a little worked up with Fact because it's the furthest from da truth. It's much worse than that. DOCs need to go.......get rid of the "middle man" in this sport quickly. Your dds will get deal without them. You don't need da "middle man." Trust me.........
You will not find the answers you seek. Private School gets waivers why because sometimes tuition is tied into play. Public school does not. It isn't a rich man poor man scenario it is US Soccer trying to be "fair" and not eliminate or exclude ones education. Now that may be hypocritical since they exclude plenty but that is the only answer you will find.

We all have choices to make right. So no DA but she gets HS. Now if a coach has misled you that is a different talk and different post. there are options too. Why not go ECNL for your daughter. It appears the best option.

Athletic scholarships for private schools are illegal according to CIF rules - except when they are not.
***Training Center News Coming****

I think Fact was onto something that slip my mind a few days ago. I got all worked because folks like Fact that I was trying to build a super a team so my dd could win and make da list or get #11. No No No. That's why I got a little worked up with Fact because it's the furthest from da truth. It's much worse than that. DOCs need to go.......get rid of the "middle man" in this sport quickly. Your dds will get deal without them. You don't need da "middle man." Trust me.........

Based on what I can make out from your increasingly incoherent ramblings, the Middle Man/DOC that you now seem to blame for your current "predicament" of your daughter not getting an early full ride to UCLA not only asked your daughter to put together a list of top 5 schools so that he could help her connect with them during a window of opportunity that it appears her teammates took full advantage of (meanwhile, you directed her to not participate), but even was able to have the head coach of your daughter's dream school come attend a practice of hers (which you seem to have oddly taken as a personal affront). So far in this story your "middle man" is coming across to me as being quite helpful and capable.

I don't know what to tell you, EJ, but the DOC doesn't seem to be your daughter's problem. You've gotten pages of quality advice for how to navigate the choppy waters of elite youth soccer. It's now clear that you don't want answers, but rather you want validation for your excuses.

The pantomime villain you seek to blame - the one that your daughter should be disappointed in - might live a little closer to home.
Based on what I can make out from your increasingly incoherent ramblings, the Middle Man/DOC that you now seem to blame for your current "predicament" of your daughter not getting an early full ride to UCLA not only asked your daughter to put together a list of top 5 schools so that he could help her connect with them during a window of opportunity that it appears her teammates took full advantage of (meanwhile, you directed her to not participate), but even was able to have the head coach of your daughter's dream school come attend a practice of hers (which you seem to have oddly taken as a personal affront). So far in this story your "middle man" is coming across to me as being quite helpful and capable.

I don't know what to tell you, EJ, but the DOC doesn't seem to be your daughter's problem. You've gotten pages of quality advice for how to navigate the choppy waters of elite youth soccer. It's now clear that you don't want answers, but rather you want validation for your excuses.

The pantomime villain you seek to blame - the one that your daughter should be disappointed in - might live a little closer to home.

There are much nicer campuses in the UC system than UCLA.