ECNL vs. DA turf war has created a 'toxic environment'

Let me just say this too. Black people are by far the most forgiving race I know in America. I never told you guys that I used to have coffee at starbucks at 5am until 8am every morning in Leisure World before Cornoa. We had a retired mens group chatted it up every morning. Everyone was represented. One of the guys is black and from Mississippi. He's 70 something and fought in Vietnam. He told me hoops stories when the white dudes still held court. I won;t bore you with all the stories, but the fact that he can talk with me without hate is truly amazing and I super appreciatedit coming from this dude. The crap Joe had to go through was insane. No fun bus ride with the team to the game. He had to find is own ride. My dd shares about all the fun she has with her teammates and I feel bad for guys like Joe. All because Lester didn;t want to lose his starting spot. Soccer is next folks and were closer then you think. My dd has a better chance of playing with these goats in the future and making a team then she does with this current goat group where you pay to play. That's the God's honest truth from my heart. I just want to be clear about that if anyone is wondering.

Why would he hate you? You didn't do anything to him. Not everybody bases their entire life on skin color. And no... nobody is wondering.
I feel so happy today for so many reasons. Listen to this theme song. I love this song so much I played at my wedding when I walked down with my boys. Bruno was right by myside. Most loving and respectful man I ever met. He has some stories too Lester. I just listen to this football song that makes me want to compete.
I feel so happy today for so many reasons. Listen to this theme song. I love this song so much I played at my wedding when I walked down with my boys. Bruno was right by myside. Most loving and respectful man I ever met. He has some stories too Lester. I just listen to this football song that makes me want to compete.

Brings back my childhood. Reminds me of OJ Simpson... before he got away with double murder. Luckily for us, he's busy checking all the country clubs in SoCal because evidence showed the REAL killer had a "slice".
I remember this commercial. My beloved Steelers. Mean Joe Green. Lynn and John. Franco and Rocky. Jack, the other jack, LC Shell, Blount and Webster and Terry. Complete dominance and all you want to talk about is OJ. Monday football was about winning and getting ready to play outside the next day. Look what comes off your dark, sad and lonely heart. OJ? Really? OJ bro? I know who youre. Yor sick dude. What a serious sick man you are. Wow!!!

This is only for Lester @The Outlaw and anyone else looking for some insight into what life is really about. Split personalities, my ass. My wife is 100% an Angel and I'm not joking. She is the real deal. It made me think if she's my Angel, then who the hell are my Demons? I have two Angels protecting me Outlaw, my wife and my biz partner :) Not everyone has an Angel, let alone two. Two is big league. Most just have Demons to fight with all by themselves all day long.

How to Overcome Your Demons
By Mark
Stop avoiding them. Stop fighting them. Instead, learn to make peace with your demons.

When I was younger, I used to have this quiet, menacing voice inside me. I was starved for attention and affection, but every time I started to receive attention or affection from somebody, that voice would quietly urge me to get away. “You’ll be trapped,” it would say. “You’re going to lose your independence.” And suddenly, I’d begin to have irrational ideas about never being able to eat steak again because the girl I liked was vegetarian, or how moving in with some friends meant that I’d be forced to play Scrabble with them every night for the rest of my life.

We all have demons—parts of ourselves that we don’t like to acknowledge but we see lurking inside us—parts of ourselves that cause us to do irrational and selfish things not out of love for ourselves, but out of fear for ourselves.

But no matter how hard we try to ignore our demons, they’re always there, bubbling up to the surface, seeping out from the lid we try to keep on them. And the harder we try to hold that lid down, the more fucked up our lives become. We get high or drunk to forget our demons. We distract ourselves from our demons with work or competition. We treat others like shit to distort our deep-seated fear that they will eventually treat us like shit.

Anything to keep the demons at bay…

You have probably done battle with your demons at some point—you’ve fought back the feelings of anger or guilt; you’ve hated yourself for your stupid behavior. You’ve promised yourself that you’ll stop listening to that little voice inside or that you’ll finally put the vodka away.

One of the demons I still struggle with is laziness. While we’re all lazy slobs at least some of the time, my struggle with my own “usefulness” in this world often spirals to a dark and lonely place if I’m not careful.

When I procrastinate, I tend to judge myself pretty harshly, telling myself I’m a no good, lazy sack of shit. My general assumption is that everyone is productive and kicking ass every day… except me. I realize now (after many years) how irrational this belief is. But still, that little voice inside whispers that no one else has a problem staying motivated, therefore I must be some sort of loser.

Demons start out as a self-judgment: you’re lazy, you’re dirty, you’re stupid, you’re unlovable, etc.

Then we try our hardest to avoid that judgment, to prove it wrong. We clean the garage six times. We work 11 hour days. We win a blue ribbon at the local skating rink. See! I told you I’m cool and likeable! See! Look at me!

But eventually, that avoidance becomes self-destructive. You clean the garage again instead of picking your kids up from school. You work so long that you fall asleep driving home. Your obsession with skating rink blue ribbons destroys your relationship with your partner, with them leaving and screaming, “You never wanted me! You just wanted someone to watch you skate!”

And worse, no matter how much you prove your demon wrong, it doesn’t go away. The laziness demon never stops making me feel lazy. The cleaning demon, one of my wife’s demons, never lets her feel like everything is clean or organized enough. No matter how hard you work, the demon is never satisfied. So the only alternative is to distract yourself from the demon, or worse, to give in.

For me, I spent many years distracting myself with partying. Sex and alcohol, mostly. But some drugs when I was younger. These days, I have a tendency to fall into a lull of playing video games for 3-4 days straight—all the while hating the fact that I’m doing it.

In this way, our demons morph into a kind of self-loathing. You feel powerless and trapped. You can’t win. No matter how much you succeed, you can’t prove the demon wrong. Yet, when you give up and fail, you just prove the demon right.

Suddenly, that vodka sounds pretty good…

…but there’s got to be a better way.

In her book, Feeding Your Demons, Tsultrim Allione talks about an old Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice where you literally visualize whatever “demon” is haunting you, and then sit down and feed them, the same way you’d feed a guest or a friend at a dinner party. Allione argues that this has a healing effect—that it represents accepting the worst part of ourselves and developing compassion for ourselves.

Inspired by this idea, I decided to try something I had never really tried before: I would become friends with my demon, my tireless inner-critic. So I started by giving that critic a name: I called him Carl.1

Now, Carl is a total dickface. But that’s just Carl’s thing. Dicks. And faces. But mostly just cruelly judging me for even the faintest evidence of my own failures.

But you know what? I’m not going to hold that against Carl. Not anymore.

Like everyone, Carl needs love and compassion too. So, one night in bed, I closed my eyes and imagined sitting down to dinner with Carl.

“Carl,” I said, “you really make my life hell sometimes, you know that? I constantly feel like I’m not doing enough because you never leave me alone.”

To which Carl, whose voice sounded a lot like Morgan Freeman’s, said, “Mark, you’ve made a demon out of me when I’m really just the other side of your fiery ambition. The only reason I cast doubt on everything you do is because you want to do so much. I don’t make you sit down and play video games for twelve-hour stretches. I merely remind you of what you value when you do. And, if that hurts, so be it.”

“Goddamn, Carl. You sound just like Morgan Freeman.”

Carl looked at his claws and buffed them with his craggly hand, “I know, I know. I get that a lot.”

“So, what you’re saying is, you’re just here because you reflect the sacrifices of the things I desire?” I asked.

“You could say that,” replied Carl. “Or you could go even further and say that I’m not a reflection of you. I am you.”

I don’t remember much conversation after that. I fell asleep and dreamt that circus acrobats were performing in my college dorm room. But a couple of days later, the profundity started to sink in…

I’ve long argued that the best thing about people is often also the worst thing about them—that’s because our extraordinarily positive traits often produce extraordinarily negative side effects. A gift for empathy might make you overly emotional at times. A competitive streak that earns you high achievements might also make you kind of an asshole. A spontaneous creative spirit that gives you artistic talent might make you really, really bad at doing your taxes.2

So, in my case, my constant guilt around being lazy is just the flip side of having enormous energy and ambitions. My old demon about getting too close to people is also what made me incredibly independent and allowed me to take risks most people wouldn’t (start a business, move abroad, write a book with “Fuck” on the cover—and then another one.)

In this sense, every demon has its associated angel. And our demons are just the other side of our best qualities. To give up one would be to give up both.

As such, we cannot honor the best in ourselves without also honoring what we also fear to be worst about ourselves. Because what we tend to judge as our “worst” is merely the reflection of what we desire as our best.

The shadowy parts of our fucked up souls aren’t the problem—the problem is our drive to dissociate ourselves from our fucked up souls in the first place. And the stronger our drive is to dissociate from our demons, the larger our demons become.

Put another way, whatever you choose to value in your life, you are also choosing to experience the failure of that value. Read that shit again, motherfucker. Everything valuable and important in this world has a dark underbelly, a subtle shadow, an associated demon with it. And you can’t buy one without the other. It’s a 2-for-1 deal whether you like it or not.

When we don’t face that demon and befriend it, we complicate our ability to live up to our values. This sucks, because living up to our values is what allows us to develop a sense of identity and life purpose. It’s what keeps us happy and healthy and prevents us from falling into vice and addiction.

Addicts have come to hate the unsavory parts of themselves so much that they go to extremes to avoid them. Their addictive substance or behavior of choice becomes not just a distraction from their demons, it’s how they escape from them entirely—assuming they can find the next high.

Addiction is a double-whammy of suckage, psychologically speaking, because not only are you avoiding the demon through addiction, but then you feel guilty and hate yourself for all of the damage and destruction that addiction causes.

In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, I spent much of the book talking about entitlement—the assumption that we deserve special treatment or better results than everyone else.

This drive to dissociate from our demons is a subtle form of entitlement—it’s an assumption or belief that we should be able to live without self-doubt or suffering. An off-shoot of that assumption is often the belief that our pain is special and unique to us, that no one understands what it’s like to be us or to have our problems. It doesn’t help that substance abuse generally destroys relationships, isolating the addict further, causing greater suffering and a greater sense that their suffering is somehow unique.

But here’s the hard truth that we all need to hear: there’s nothing special about your demons. Carl doesn’t just visit me. He visits millions of people around the world every day. And while this might hurt my ego a little bit (damn you, Carl, I felt so special with you), that realization that I’m not as special as I thought is damn liberating.

If everyone faces demons at some point, then it means we don’t have to be ashamed of them. It just means we’re human.

I can’t tell you how many emails I get from readers saying something like, “Hey Mark, I got a really messed up problem. You’ve probably never heard this one before…”

They then go on to mention a problem that 26 other people emailed me about just that week.

Like a shitty partner, our demons delude us into thinking that they’re ours, that our hearts are the only ones they have infiltrated when really, they’re screwing half the people on the block.

Damn you, demons.

But despite the unsavory analogies, we must still befriend our demons. It’s the only way to prevent them from ruling over our lives.

It’s important to note though: befriending the demon isn’t necessarily agreeing with the demon. And it’s definitely not the same thing as indulging them. An alcoholic isn’t made better by drinking more; that just feeds their addiction. And if you hate yourself in some way, indulging that hate with self-destructive behaviors will only feed into your self-loathing.

No, you befriend your demon by treating them the same way you treat your crazy uncle who believes in conspiracy theories about crop circles: you respect them, even if you don’t agree with them.

“Yes, I’m being lazy today. But that’s okay. I’m allowed to have a couple of lazy days here and there. That doesn’t mean I’m a horrible person, but thanks for bringing it up.”

We all have a bundle of voices offering their perspectives in our heads all the time. A lot of our decisions are made as though they are made by committee. One part of you feels bad for your brother who got arrested for drunk driving and wants to go bail him out of jail. Another part of you is resentful and says “fuck him.”

Your demons are just members of that same brain-committee. Let them have their seat. And then, when necessary, out-vote them.

None of this is new, of course.3 Aside from Buddhists encouraging you to be pen pals with the worst parts of your nature, the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung wrote prolifically about what he called “the shadow.” For Jung, your shadow is all of the parts of yourself that you despise or loathe and therefore hide and avoid. Much like a shadow, it’s this dark image that follows you around, always behind you, always attached to you. It is impossible to run away or lose your shadow because ultimately, your shadow is a representation of you.

It is a beautiful metaphor, because no shadow can exist without a source of light. To rid yourself of your shadow would require you to rid yourself of the light in your life and thus, live in utter darkness.

Jung saw that denying our shadows and everything they contained—the good and the bad—was a source of a great deal of human suffering, and even argued that violence and full-on wars within and between societies were often the sad result of denying our collective shadow. As a culture, we avoid and deny the worst part of ourselves. We wage war on ourselves, threatening and killing our most desperate and vulnerable. We avoid and distract ourselves from our own problems by meddling in the problems of other soccer clubs, parents, refs, stealing goats from other teams, cheating, pay to play and all sorts other crap. It’s all the same shit, just played out on a much grander scale.

Jung argued that we must integrate our shadow into ourselves by “turning toward” the darkness. That means embracing the dark parts of ourselves—our worst impulses, our worst shame, our worst fears—and owning them. Accept that they are there. But with that acceptance is a respectful disagreement if you have the balls and the guts to do it.

Because you can’t have light without the dark. Hell no you can;t. Impossible;e Lester. You can’t truly value something unless you also value the lack of that something. You can’t strive to achieve great success if you aren’t also paranoid about failure. You can’t desire wonderful relationships if you aren’t also terrified of those losses. You can’t have the light without the dark, the angel without the demon.

So be nice to your demons. And in time they will be nice to you. That's what I have learned Lester. Go to bed and talk to your Demons and say hi. Be real with them and be yourself dude like you always are.

Wow! We all know that the current state of affairs are going to take its toll on everyone. As we’re all holed up with nowhere to go, it stands to reason that some will start to go stir crazy. @Ellejustus, to most of us here, you’re clearly two steps ahead in that direction. But hey, if this forum is your necessary outlet to deal with things and speak YOUR truth, then go on man. Just keep in mind, YOUR truth is not necessarily anyone else’s. By all means, start your own thread and post all your thoughts and “truths”. See how many followers you get. Personally, I feel sorry for ya bro. Every so often I open up the forum for, maybe, a good read. But, when I look at New Posts, and all I see is your name next to EVERY damn thread, my immediate thought is, “nothing worth reading”. Followed by, “Dude has got to get a life!” I’m the only one up on this sleep late Sunday, so I have time to waste on this.
Wow! We all know that the current state of affairs are going to take its toll on everyone. As we’re all holed up with nowhere to go, it stands to reason that some will start to go stir crazy. @Ellejustus, to most of us here, you’re clearly two steps ahead in that direction. But hey, if this forum is your necessary outlet to deal with things and speak YOUR truth, then go on man. Just keep in mind, YOUR truth is not necessarily anyone else’s. By all means, start your own thread and post all your thoughts and “truths”. See how many followers you get. Personally, I feel sorry for ya bro. Every so often I open up the forum for, maybe, a good read. But, when I look at New Posts, and all I see is your name next to EVERY damn thread, my immediate thought is, “nothing worth reading”. Followed by, “Dude has got to get a life!” I’m the only one up on this sleep late Sunday, so I have time to waste on this.
My family wakes up at around 2pm now, no joke. I wake up at 5am. Sorry. Tell you what, just ignore me dude. No one says much anyways. Listen to Timmy and I promise to go away. TY for letting me speak my truth though :)
Back to soccer. This is the #1 thread by far. Congrats to Vegas Parent. #1 bro, hands down. What will happen with these two leagues for 2020-2021 season for reals? We are having a season for many reasons. I won;t share why I know that. I think GDA will make right somehow and ECNL and GDA will learn to come to the middle and work together to bring peace to the land :)
Back to soccer. This is the #1 thread by far. Congrats to Vegas Parent. #1 bro, hands down. What will happen with these two leagues for 2020-2021 season for reals? We are having a season for many reasons. I won;t share why I know that. I think GDA will make right somehow and ECNL and GDA will learn to come to the middle and work together to bring peace to the land :)

Having a season? Not your ECNL or GDA parents wanting there kids playing soccer right now. Its really not save to say the least. I can be wrong but I think soccer will resume say Oct/Nov with no showcases and team will only play local teams. I can see both leagues coming together for just this season but be careful because players might move to different leagues. GDA and ENCL knows that and might be worried about that unless there's a rule put in place. Just a thought!
Having a season? Not your ECNL or GDA parents wanting there kids playing soccer right now. Its really not save to say the least. I can be wrong but I think soccer will resume say Oct/Nov with no showcases and team will only play local teams. I can see both leagues coming together for just this season but be careful because players might move to different leagues. GDA and ENCL knows that and might be worried about that unless there's a rule put in place. Just a thought!
I mean next season. This season is over. I said 2020-2021?
Plus I hope practice can start at least by August. My dd and I will go crazy if summer is taken. I'm serious. That's not a threat.
Practice in August! Wishful thinking but I hope your right. I can only imagine how players are going nuts not being able to be with there teammates practicing. However our club have daily workouts and 1 day a week breaking down game film. So I guess thats better than nothing. These coaches want to continued getting paid....
Question? Do think clubs are asking for money? Should parents ask for some type of refund given there's no games or practices being held? Paying for fields are expensive no?
Practice in August! Wishful thinking but I hope your right. I can only imagine how players are going nuts not being able to be with there teammates practicing. However our club have daily workouts and 1 day a week breaking down game film. So I guess thats better than nothing. These coaches want to continued getting paid....
I'm not hearing about trying to meet up at practice. All I hear is, "when I can go to the beach." I asked the life guard yesterday and he said he had no idea. This guy has to run up and down and kick little teenage rebels off the beach. One warning and if they don;t listen the cops are called and mom and dad get a $1,000 ticket. Dude, my wife and I got prime rib for our car date yesterday evening looking at the beach. I kid you not these two punk millennial's walk up from the beach that has a fence around it. I give one of them a "locals only" look and he looks at me and tells me, "Go back inside your house." The way he was dressed I knew he was not from Laguna. What a little punk and my wife told me to chill out and I did by getting out of my car and telling him a few things. My phone was in my hand too. This is true dude and worth the share.