Your ignorance almost doesn't deserve a response, but I'm such a mouth breather I can't help myself. If you look at Stanford's roster, there are a grand total of 3 players on the Stanford roster from MVLA or Mustang And this is what you're bragging about. So I'm going to assume you are an MVLA parent.
Second, if there aren't enough good players in the central valley, then why in my daughters age group (08) did a small club team like Stanislaus smash Mustang ECNL's team 5-0 in a league game this fall? No one told those "poor" central valley kids they weren't supposed to beat your precious Mustang team so bad. And no my daughter isn't on SUSC, I'm from a poorer further north. And those "poor", less talented kids from Ajax just beat down Davis ECNL today in the San Juan Tourney.
You keep talking about cost, but one of the best clubs in the country is Crossfire Premier and their program is fully funded through a foundation. Maybe the model you love so much that favors your less talented but rich daughter is broken. Privilege shouldn't play a role which kids get an opportunity to play for the best clubs. This is why our men's national team has never had a shot at winning the world cup. In Brazil, Argentina, and most other countries that regularly kick our butt is men's soccer they don't let soccer become a class system. They have pro/rel and let the best rise to the top regardless of where you come from financially, look at Neymar, Pele, Messi for example.
Third, your geography point makes no sense. Look at the mountain and pacific divisions in the ECNL. Teams have to go to other states just to crush Idaho or Portland. So asking you to get in your Prius and drive to Modesto to play a competitive game shouldn't be an issue. You sound like you just want to keep elite soccer for the rich white kids.
To address your final point, this is the first time in my life I've ever been call PWT, because not one of those letters Poor, White or Trash applies to me.