Do you think if a club has an issue of a coach having inappropriate relations with a child it...

There is no way he is coaching at SD United. That must be an old link you searched as he coached there before he went to Albion. I would venture to say he will not be coaching in SD any longer. Anywhere??
You're right. I checked that link I saw and it had no mention of him coaching at Albion. Maybe it was just cached or they didn't update their website.
Will you please provide a current link? He had been at United prior to Albion but I cannot believe any club in San Diego would touch him until the facts are known one way or another.

It’s definitely an old link. If you google his name the first link to show up is an OLD profile from when he previoussly coached at United prior to coaching at Albion. He hasn’t been at SD United for years and if you check their current website he is nowhere to be found.
It’s definitely an old link. If you google his name the first link to show up is an OLD profile from when he previoussly coached at United prior to coaching at Albion. He hasn’t been at SD United for years and if you check their current website he is nowhere to be found.
Well that's good to know!
Actually that is bad news. Now the parents of those kids will have to hunt him down to teach him a lesson.
Very true. Funny thing. Someone posted above that Albion did not communicate this to some of the kids in HS. When we were on our way to a HS tournament, we were talking about it in the car and one of the girls on our team was shocked to hear that he was fired. I don't know if their team knows now but I thought that it was weird she didn't know it and that was her coach.
I just happened to know what was going on in the club.
Have there been other clubs in the southwest region that have recently fired coaches for alleged predatory behavior?
Have there been other clubs in the southwest region that have recently fired coaches for alleged predatory behavior?

Not so recently, but -- Henry Sosa of Surf went to jail for inviting one of the girls on his team up to his hotel room for drinks and cuddling.

When I was on the local club board, one of our coaches was accused by a girl at his former club of inappropriate behavior. By the time we met to decide what to do, he had already left the country.

The coach of my daughter's team was confronted by a team soccer mom who was offended that he had brought his obviously pregnant girl friend to games - but I don't think that's what you meant.
The coach of my daughter's team was confronted by a team soccer mom who was offended that he had brought his obviously pregnant girl friend to games - but I don't think that's what you meant.
Y is this a problem?
It would have certainly been a surprise.
R u kidding? There was this segment on dateline about a lesbian couple, one of them got pregnant thru sperm donation. They divorced, and the mother sued her husband/wife(?) and sperm donor for child support.

Anyway, the point is lesbians can have kids.
R u kidding? There was this segment on dateline about a lesbian couple, one of them got pregnant thru sperm donation. They divorced, and the mother sued her husband/wife(?) and sperm donor for child support.

Anyway, the point is lesbians can have kids.

If you had read the thread, you would realize that the point is that the pregnancy would not be a surprise.
The whistle was blown by Scheris wife and the club / parents were involved. Albion brought him back and fired him. It was more than texting and the team has fallen apart. They only returned 3 player after the DA break and scrambled to pull players from the second team/ younger team, that’s why they got hammered this weekend. What a train wreck- esp when Albion sells the DA punch that most people are drinking. TS I wonder how they will spin this one
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I heard through the high school girls soccer rumor mill that the pats placentia/yorba linda fired an 03 coach for inappropriate texting with a player.