Do you think if a club has an issue of a coach having inappropriate relations with a child it...

I will not get into names (YET) but Albion SC (San Diego) had a coach in FL last month that was coaching one of their girl DA teams and was found to be having an "inappropriate relationship" with an under aged girl on one of his teams. Albion called the coach and told him to pack his stuff and come home, they fired him when he got back to SD.

Problem is this is not a total surprise to Albion because this coach was accused of the same type of stuff on the East Coast about 17 years ago, a couple parents brought this to Albion's attention about 3 years ago (RE: coach having been in court accused of an inappropriate relationship with a minor.) Albion's response was that they feel it is not important because it was unfounded. Ok, but what we all want to know is.. has Albion issued a warning to all the past families that this coach has come in contact with their children? I am going to guess they have not because they do not want to taint their reputation and will not risk any loss of money.
What are your thoughts as parents?

Sandshark, has Albion responded yet? Have they informed the parents? You have been kind of quiet.
I don’t understand why anyone in a position of power or authority would cover up for a Nasser or Sandusky. You would be risking your job, reputation, future lawsuits, jail time and for what? So some sick dude could get his kicks molesting kids. Makes no sense to me.

I think there’s mandatory reporting for this kind of thing. Why not tell the police, let them conduct an investigation. If law enforcement decides there is a case, you can terminate or suspend the guy as appropriate, and give him a chance to defend himself. That way you protect your institution, future kid victims, your own job and rep, and give the accused a fair shot at defending himself and clearing his name.

Some organizations chose to handle things internally to avoid whats happening now. USA Gymnastics has been blown-up from the top down and now Michigan States next to fall. Im sure when all is said and done we will see money was thrown at more victims to stay quiet. I mean how many more girls need to come forward with the same story? They reported it and were told its going to be handled........they all had dreams of representing the flag and foolishly trusted those put in power and stayed quiet to keep the dream alive.

It all makes me sick.
Some organizations chose to handle things internally to avoid whats happening now. USA Gymnastics has been blown-up from the top down and now Michigan States next to fall. Im sure when all is said and done we will see money was thrown at more victims to stay quiet. I mean how many more girls need to come forward with the same story? They reported it and were told its going to be handled........they all had dreams of representing the flag and foolishly trusted those put in power and stayed quiet to keep the dream alive.

It all makes me sick.

The President of MSU has announced her retirement, apparently hoping to carry off all the anger on her back.
Some organizations chose to handle things internally to avoid whats happening now. USA Gymnastics has been blown-up from the top down and now Michigan States next to fall. Im sure when all is said and done we will see money was thrown at more victims to stay quiet. I mean how many more girls need to come forward with the same story? They reported it and were told its going to be handled........they all had dreams of representing the flag and foolishly trusted those put in power and stayed quiet to keep the dream alive.

It all makes me sick.
If “handle things internally” means letting a predator loose in your organization, you are setting yourself up for more victims, more liability. The Catholic Church, Penn State and now this disaster should make it clear hiding the problem only means multiplying the problem.
So let's assume Albion had some information that something illegal took place. Instead of investigating, they fired him and kept their blinders on and fingers in their ears. Now he is potentially in the hunt for another opportunity to victimize. Is Albion libel for not reporting this? Note I am making the assumption that they did not report whatever they knew to authorities. I know that schools for example must report possible child abuse. Is there a similar requirement for soccer clubs?
No they are not mandated reporters, yes they are liable for criminal endangerment of a child as well as negligence. Haven’t found any police records yet but who knows how long an investigation would go.
No they are not mandated reporters, yes they are liable for criminal endangerment of a child as well as negligence. Haven’t found any police records yet but who knows how long an investigation would go.
Time for a law change. All nonprofits that work with children should be mandatory reporters.
Time for a law change. All nonprofits that work with children should be mandatory reporters.
It's true. That being said the liability is so high that they would have to be even more idiotic than they are demonstrating they are to not report anything that had been going on.
Sandshark, has Albion responded yet? Have they informed the parents? You have been kind of quiet.

I have not heard anything about if they have notified any of the past or present families? I know being everyone he coached is playing HS soccer so maybe that will be their (Albions) excuse on why they did not send out a warning for all involved to talk with their children about this? I would bet Albion will sweep this under the turf if they can, they don't dare expose themselves to any wrong doings? As far as I am concerned they are already guilty by not dealing with this issue right after they fired him. A warning to the other team mates and to all that came in touch with this guy over the past 5-6 years of employment at Albion Sc would be the correct and responsible thing to do! His name is Tony Scheri and was in charge of the girls college placement program. He was texting a girl on one of his teams very late at night about some very inappropriate stuff, the young lady showed the text to her parents and then to the club, they acted on the spot by having Tony fly home from Texas to fire him. I'm going to say if they saw fit to fire him they should also see fit to make sure he has not abused others over the years. Because from what I was told he was FIRED not put on a suspension until they investigated this. I talked to a Mom from his team last week that is contacting the San Diego DA's office and several local news stations to make sure this coach is exposed along with Albion Sc and its employees.
I have not heard anything about if they have notified any of the past or present families? I know being everyone he coached is playing HS soccer so maybe that will be their (Albions) excuse on why they did not send out a warning for all involved to talk with their children about this? I would bet Albion will sweep this under the turf if they can, they don't dare expose themselves to any wrong doings? As far as I am concerned they are already guilty by not dealing with this issue right after they fired him. A warning to the other team mates and to all that came in touch with this guy over the past 5-6 years of employment at Albion Sc would be the correct and responsible thing to do! His name is Tony Scheri and was in charge of the girls college placement program. He was texting a girl on one of his teams very late at night about some very inappropriate stuff, the young lady showed the text to her parents and then to the club, they acted on the spot by having Tony fly home from Texas to fire him. I'm going to say if they saw fit to fire him they should also see fit to make sure he has not abused others over the years. Because from what I was told he was FIRED not put on a suspension until they investigated this. I talked to a Mom from his team last week that is contacting the San Diego DA's office and several local news stations to make sure this coach is exposed along with Albion Sc and its employees.

I am in no way discounting any of the damage done but he should be put away for stupidity. You have to be completely oblivious to life and some kind of stupid to think that doing something like that will not be found out. I just don't get it, how can it not be so obvious?
I am in no way discounting any of the damage done but he should be put away for stupidity. You have to be completely oblivious to life and some kind of stupid to think that doing something like that will not be found out. I just don't get it, how can it not be so obvious?
They are already at such an age at that point that bringing the topic up with parents at all is mortifying let alone in regards to someone they were supposed to trust. Good on the girl for knowing something was wrong and being brave enough to come forward.
So let's assume Albion had some information that something illegal took place. Instead of investigating, they fired him and kept their blinders on and fingers in their ears. Now he is potentially in the hunt for another opportunity to victimize. Is Albion libel for not reporting this? Note I am making the assumption that they did not report whatever they knew to authorities. I know that schools for example must report possible child abuse. Is there a similar requirement for soccer clubs?
This person is now at San Diego United.
Yes. Pretty easy to figure out if you go to their site.
There is no way he is coaching at SD United. That must be an old link you searched as he coached there before he went to Albion. I would venture to say he will not be coaching in SD any longer. Anywhere??
Yes. Pretty easy to figure out if you go to their site.
How many times have we seen this? Some coach or teacher molests kids over the course of many years. He moves everytime someone raises a red flag. At place after place, no one in a position of leadership wants to deal with the issue. They pass the buck to avoid bad publicity for their organization. Who’s looking out for the kids?

This guy will pop up somewhere else.
Anyone know what happened with the Ebert “kid” that was coaching at Strikers a few years ago? Is he coaching anywhere these days?
Yes. Pretty easy to figure out if you go to their site.
Will you please provide a current link? He had been at United prior to Albion but I cannot believe any club in San Diego would touch him until the facts are known one way or another.