Who knew?Didn't say they'd get jail time. But careers are destroyed and that will cost these parents millions. Law firm's chairman on leave (likely out), actors fired, etc.
Never said verification would be limited to high school teams (how many high schools offer sailing?). Plus, as I said, each coach would be required to disclose financial/other interests in athletics organizations up front (before they are hired). Admissions would therefore know up front that the coach runs the club. Failing to disclose/update a disclosure would be a fireable offense in and of itself. Makes it more difficult for any one person to control the flow of info.
Nothing is 100% perfect and this could all be refined, but "filling out forms," as you would call it, is used all the time in my line of work (finance) to help limit fraud. It works.
Apparently there is a Interscholastic Sailing Association....
"The Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA) governs secondary school sailing in the United States, in both independent and public high schools. Sailor eligibility starts at the ninth grade; there are no age limits. As in college sailing, there are seven district associations which schedule events, as well as a system of national championships. While ISSA had its origins in the preparatory schools of the Northeast in 1930, it is now a nationwide organization with active districts in Northeast (NESSA), Mid-Atlantic (MASSA), South Atlantic (SAISA), Southeast (SEISA), Midwest (MISSA), Pacific Coast (PCISA), and Northwest (NWISA)."