Bad News Thread

You are absolutely right in landlords should receive the bailout for the problems they caused with state and federal government moratoriums. Unfortunately Biden’s latest 1.9 trillion bailout plan will focus on state governments. More school union payoffs and any other special interest they need to payoff for his election. Completely corrupt government we have across the board.
Aid for state and local governments: Biden wants to provide state, local and territorial governments with $350 billion in emergency funding to help them keep front-line workers employed and aid with vaccine distribution, COVID-19 testing, reopening schools and "maintaining other vital services."

Funding for state and local governments emerged as one of the most contentious issues during nearly a half-year of relief negotiations between Democrats and Republicans, who decried the proposal as a "blue-state bailout." Unable to compromise on the issue, lawmakers eventually decided to exclude state and local government aid from the $900 billion relief deal they passed in December.
Some states are only letting kids return to practice and/or Play with a mask on at ALL times. LA Co has said gyms can open up outdoors but a mask must be worn at all times. So you ask who is stupid enough...out so called leaders who demand it. That’s who! Especially the one who states we should wear a mask while eating, removing between bites but minimize how often you touch your mask!
Let ‘em play!
Biden has appointed Andy Slavitt to the covid task force. Andy slavit is an Econ/mba guy and doesn’t hold a medical or health policy degree. That’s not fatal for me (but what happened to only listen to epidemiologists?). But worse yet he’s been wrong about everything. Advocated the initial slow the spread lockdowns. Then said if we extended 6-8 we’d all be fine. Then said masks would make it disappear. Then advocated Chinese style lockdowns. But what worst is that he believes these npis failed because we didn’t listen and obey (not because the policies suck). He’s the worst of the worst of team panic. Not reason to be optimistic so far about Biden’s covid task force.

what is optimistic is now d leaders like light foot and cuomo (now that they no longer have trump to take down) are singing new tunes on lockdowns.
Biden has appointed Andy Slavitt to the covid task force. Andy slavit is an Econ/mba guy and doesn’t hold a medical or health policy degree. That’s not fatal for me (but what happened to only listen to epidemiologists?). But worse yet he’s been wrong about everything. Advocated the initial slow the spread lockdowns. Then said if we extended 6-8 we’d all be fine. Then said masks would make it disappear. Then advocated Chinese style lockdowns. But what worst is that he believes these npis failed because we didn’t listen and obey (not because the policies suck).

Biden has appointed Andy Slavitt to the covid task force. Andy slavit is an Econ/mba guy and doesn’t hold a medical or health policy degree. That’s not fatal for me (but what happened to only listen to epidemiologists?). But worse yet he’s been wrong about everything. Advocated the initial slow the spread lockdowns. Then said if we extended 6-8 we’d all be fine. Then said masks would make it disappear. Then advocated Chinese style lockdowns. But what worst is that he believes these npis failed because we didn’t listen and obey (not because the policies suck). He’s the worst of the worst of team panic. Not reason to be optimistic so far about Biden’s covid task force.

what is optimistic is now d leaders like light foot and cuomo (now that they no longer have trump to take down) are singing new tunes on lockdowns.
the entire "science" of a virus changed on November 3rd. Its a new world
the entire "science" of a virus changed on November 3rd. Its a new world
And yet the politicians think the people won’t notice because they waited until January to start changing their tune. I am not sure a majority of people pay enough attention to understand what democratic led states did was just to hurt the economy in turn hurting Trump. They have purposefully hurt our children and small business owners to gain power. Could you ever imagine politicians purposefully hurting their constituents and getting away with it in America? The only hope someone will be held accountable is if Newsom is recalled. Those who vote democrat hated Trump so much they have turned a blind eye to what has been done here. I hope in their hearts they reflect on what took place. I hope both sides start to bring forward moderates so that we get away from the far left and right politicians. They are bad for the people. This comment includes Trump. While his economic policies helped America his willingness to make everyone who disagreed with him an enemy hurt the country. Though you may agree with him that Washington is filled with corrupt politicians on both sides, he should have realized they were necessary to get his policies enacted. His attack on the MSM while the truth has created a democratic marketing tool. Sometimes people might watch just the first 10 minutes of the news. With it being all negative towards Trump it hurt him big time. The MSM is also bad for our country because they have come together under one narrative which is typically left leaning and globalistic. Looks like the Democrats are happy with this as it is benefitting them now. They may want to look long term and tell themselves if they want companies like Twitter and Amazon dictating to them what should happen in this country. Don’t create a monster you cannot stop.
Someone did a breakdown of his prior posts on twitter. If I find them I'll post it....otherwise if you are curious I suggest you slog through the mess that is Slavitt's back twitter posts. He's been very vocal on the pro-scared side.

What does he have to be scared of? Hundreds of thousands of deaths?
Anyone here want to answer the Q? Where are the kids? Husker? Make fun of me all you want. Let's focus on the Q only and not me personally. Fair? What happen to the 800,000 missing kids? I have another Q for you Husker. Are you ok with selling babies parts? Internet will be going down down down soon. Let's fix this shit unless your ok with murdering kids. That's why I came here. To help!!!!!

And yet the politicians think the people won’t notice because they waited until January to start changing their tune. I am not sure a majority of people pay enough attention to understand what democratic led states did was just to hurt the economy in turn hurting Trump. They have purposefully hurt our children and small business owners to gain power. Could you ever imagine politicians purposefully hurting their constituents and getting away with it in America? The only hope someone will be held accountable is if Newsom is recalled. Those who vote democrat hated Trump so much they have turned a blind eye to what has been done here. I hope in their hearts they reflect on what took place. I hope both sides start to bring forward moderates so that we get away from the far left and right politicians. They are bad for the people. This comment includes Trump. While his economic policies helped America his willingness to make everyone who disagreed with him an enemy hurt the country. Though you may agree with him that Washington is filled with corrupt politicians on both sides, he should have realized they were necessary to get his policies enacted. His attack on the MSM while the truth has created a democratic marketing tool. Sometimes people might watch just the first 10 minutes of the news. With it being all negative towards Trump it hurt him big time. The MSM is also bad for our country because they have come together under one narrative which is typically left leaning and globalistic. Looks like the Democrats are happy with this as it is benefitting them now. They may want to look long term and tell themselves if they want companies like Twitter and Amazon dictating to them what should happen in this country. Don’t create a monster you cannot stop.
they don't have souls so nobody is mad that they hurt citizens. The media is awful and pass the garbage along
" Known for his frequent “Twitterhea” length fear-mongering threads preaching subservience" -- this is your source for rational information?

he does pick apart slavitts record if you read the entire thing and set aside the commentary. I get the attack the source thing but that doesn’t distract from how wrong slavitt (in his own quotes words) has been. He makes dad4 even look like a wild anti lockdown anti masker.