My younger bro (who is fluent in German....Dad insisted we all learn a 2 non native languages so we ended up with Chinese/Japanese, Russian/French, German/Italian) says like farfegnugen or schadenfreude since the survey was done in German it's a little hard to translate (there are various words for happiness apparently). He says it's probably something like "satisfaction with life" and malaise is probably something closer to "mild depression".
Yeah, they need a good slogan (probably the furthest from my areas of knowledge), but technically it's not really a summation. If you are distanced (depending on the distance, and particularly outside), you don't need a mask. If you are indoors at someone's house for long periods of times, like my church members on Christmas Eve, if someone is sick masks and 6 ft distance is probably not going to save you. My guess is that masks probably do the most good for short periods of exposure and mainly for the employees such as at a supermarket, doctor's office, restaurant pick up, or car servicing. They aren't all equivalent and out of those distancing is the most important (kind of like safe you know what....don't do it, but if you do use.....which BTW don't work in either protecting you from disease or pregnancy full time.....).
But one of the big problems is, as Fauci has admitted, the health experts just aren't being honest with people. Treat them like grownups. Don't over promise like masks are better than vaccines because then when Los Angeles happens your credibility is shot (masks aren't working because the masks don't meet the goals you set). Better to say hey we think they help a little, particularly indoors for short periods of exposure...distancing is far more important, but care about your fellow person and if you are going indoors please wear a might even reduce the viral loads....and hey one-off surgicals are much better than cloth and you can get rid of those bandanas and gaiters. Well, marketing isn't really my area but I do know lying and manipulating your audience isn't a successful program long term.
The reason why they aren't doing it, BTW, I suspect is the same reason the teachers don't want to go back (and if you look back historically it's related to our supply problems in April/May). They have to tell the grocery store employees, meat packers, factory workers, restaurant workers (who can't afford weekly testing like the studios do on productions) there's nothing we can do to protect them and no one wants to do that....hence masks are better than vaccines.