"Christian" churches are having a hard time. Some preach jab and obey and some preach "stay away from Jab" and other conspiracy theories. Oc Register said, "Leaders of some nondenominational churches in Southern California are using their pulpits to push hard for Trump-brand Republicanism. Some also are
promoting conspiracy theories, such as false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. And some pastors are embracing the broad theory of Christian nationalism, which says America is defined as a Christian nation and must return to those roots."
This is all about "Us vs Them" Game of Life. It's such an easy game to play and evil to implement. WHO likes to teach hate, division, spite, us vs them, my way or the highway and so many more dualistic us vs them games? I know the answer btw

These fools make a buck no matter what side wins because their the one's inventing the game, making the rules up as they go, move goal post anytime they want and they get to be the ref and Commissioner. That's called a twofer or being on both sides of power & control to cash in. Prescott Bush did it as did some other rich assholes. I dont think the claim of the Election fraud is proven yet to be false either. OC writer is implying that folks like me are making up false claims. We dont know yet if these claims are false. Clapper said yesterday all t supporters are Taliban now. So in two weeks the left has called people like me Schmucks, drunk drivers, virus spreaders, super spreaders, conspiracy whackos, freedom fighters, warriors for God and truth, Taliban Terrorist, anti-Vaxxers, anti mask and guilty of giving everyone the Delta after they got Vaccinated twice. The truth is I lost everything and most on here won't if things go the way they hope. I too have hope but my hope is slipping away. However, if my way is the right way and I just have to let it ride, then the tables will be turned. This is all I hope for. The first shall be last and the last first. I played fair you guys and you will all see a miracle.