First, you are a liar. From henceforce I will remind you of that constantly. Liar.I think regular readers here are familiar with your habit of running away from embarrassing positions with a flurry of false ad hominems.
You say you are not advocating either position, but your thread that refers to Campbell's latest video looks like a claim of victory over dad4.
"cue dad4 freakout in 5 4 3 2 1"
So which is it?
Second, I said this was qualified only IF it was true. I personally haven't decided whether Gottlieb is right or the position outlined by Campbell/the UK govt. I said as much originally and since repeatedly. I honestly don't know.
Third, it is pretty self-evident that dad4 is not only afraid of others catching the virus, but that he himself is afraid of getting COVID. The idea, if true, that policy could be that people go out and be exposed to the virus, without masks or NPIS, once vaccinated, would be terrifying to him
Fourth, he illustrated this by his reaction to the video above. He's running from it to keep his faith in tact.
Fifth, have I told you that you are a liar? Because ya are.