Bad News Thread

Classic case of gov screwing stuff up.

By the way I notice the pro lockdown and mask group lead by the esteemed @dad4 have gone silent.

I guess when the preferred solution you have advocated for and states and countries have tried 2 times now clearly doesn't work, there isn't much to fall back on. When other states had spikes they were quick to assign blame...restaurants, masks, etc. When CA who has all those policies in place has the worst spike recently in the nation, there isn't much to say since those policies didn't work...again.

@dad4 and the others have been active on the soccer end of things, still spouting their gospel, only on those end of the boards where they knows their dogma can’t be challenged with non-soccer related facts.
Strange how conservative’s are now the anti-establishment group and the peace and love types are the ones who comply.
This is a very insightful point but the extremes of both parties are in the same posture right now. The establishment center is represented by the likes right now of an aged (and perhaps not full there) joe Biden (whose son further is under a tax/corruption investigation) and Mitch mcconnell (very strange bedfellows). Remember the left too went off on protests of stay at home orders when it suited them, then again to celebrate the Biden victory. The left/right are competing now for minority and working class voters while the establishment has the backing of the upper middle class and big business. The only reason there hasn’t been outright war has been because the right has sided with the police and they still think the police have their backs. The moment that changes is the moment things will unravel (if ever). In the meantime you have this rickety establishmentarian center trying to hold things together but given their history of corruption and cronyism they have no love of the people and no one willing to go to bat for them. Biden won because of revulsion at one really loves him. The rs are already tearing themselves apart with calls for the formation of a patriot party, an alternative to Fox News, and despite establishment dreams trump isn’t going anywhere. The ds will be held together for as long as Biden is able to function but no one thinks he’ll make it through 2 terms.

we may be in for a pause (a colleague and I were hotly debating whether they’ll be a spending holiday after the vaccine due to pent up demand v the devastation lockdowns have done to average folks). But buckle up...2020 may be in the rear view mirror but you ain’t seen nothing yet. Civil society has never been so strained and 2020 was just a giant wrecking ball that went right through it. does explain though why my uncle's radiologist friend, my radiologist godfather, and his hospital risk-assessment manager wife all got it

Grace, I can;t afford LA Times online. Can you share article with me please? My question that is pressing my brain is why were almost half of healthcare workers not wanting to line up for bat virus? My good friend is a Dr and said if your healthy, stay away from the game of Wuhan Roulette. I dont want to play the risky game called, Bells Palsy. Yes folks, step right up and take a chance of not feeling half your fuc*ing face for the rest of your life. My wife and I are so healthy. We wear a dam mask, wash are freaking hands, make our dd wash before she enters our home and she has to wear a mask at all times.
Last edited: does explain though why my uncle's radiologist friend, my radiologist godfather, and his hospital risk-assessment manager wife all got it

Not a great sign when significant portions of the medical field refuse the vaccine. This sounds to me like it has the potential to considerably lengthen the timeline for getting the case infection rate down.
Not a great sign when significant portions of the medical field refuse the vaccine. This sounds to me like it has the potential to considerably lengthen the timeline for getting the case infection rate down.

It's interesting the hospitals haven't mandated it yet (maybe because the liability shield is weak). The assumption had been that in addition to airlines/ticket services (who lose little by requiring a mandate) that employers would. And with Biden (even if he wins both Senate seats) unlikely to have the numbers to pass such a shield, it sets up an interesting fight. I still say California will probably try a mandate (though Newsom is getting worried now about the recall effort....even though its still a long shot his change of tone on schools is an indication he doesn't want to do anything that would push the effort over the line)....probably against the kids since they have the fewest rights and are the easiest targets as the entire lockdown thing has demonstrated.

side note: sorry Crush...can't repost the article...I only have a work subscription and its a violation of the T&C to post elsewhere....why I posted the twitter summary....I wouldn't pay for a personal LA Times subscription (like the NYT or WP it's one of the poorer sources for news.....and I say this despite my friend Megan being a columnist for the WP).
Here is an excerpt that is really not surprising:

Respondents to the Kaiser Family Foundation survey who said they probably wouldn’t get the vaccine said they worried about side effects; they lacked trust in the government to ensure the vaccines were safe; they had concerns about the role of politics in the development of the vaccines; or they believed the dangers of COVID-19 had been exaggerated.
It's still too early to tell because: a) the pre-Christmas testing surge artificially inflated numbers (by how much who knows), and b) testing lags due to the holidays, and c) a slight dip in testing over Christmas, but LA might have hit peak 12-22 at 17,024. Ventura by contrast reported today 1,582 for the period 2-3 days ago so despite the holidays it's still going up there. La County 7 day positivity rate is at 17% and is still rising slightly but not as hard and fast as it was.
Ohio Governor: 60% of Nursing Home Staff Refusing Vaccine


"We aren't going to make them, but we wish they had a higher compliance,”
"Our message today is the train may not be coming back for a while.”
DeWine added, “Everyone makes their own choice about this but we want to make it clear that opportunity may not come back for a while.”
Ohio Governor: 60% of Nursing Home Staff Refusing Vaccine

View attachment 9829

"We aren't going to make them, but we wish they had a higher compliance,”
"Our message today is the train may not be coming back for a while.”
DeWine added, “Everyone makes their own choice about this but we want to make it clear that opportunity may not come back for a while.”

The entire point for the nursing home staff is not to protect the staff but to protect the residents...particularly those residents with compromised systems that might not achieve 90% protection. If they don't force it here, not sure they can force it anywhere (other than schools) at least in the short term....
This is a very insightful point but the extremes of both parties are in the same posture right now. The establishment center is represented by the likes right now of an aged (and perhaps not full there) joe Biden (whose son further is under a tax/corruption investigation) and Mitch mcconnell (very strange bedfellows). Remember the left too went off on protests of stay at home orders when it suited them, then again to celebrate the Biden victory. The left/right are competing now for minority and working class voters while the establishment has the backing of the upper middle class and big business. The only reason there hasn’t been outright war has been because the right has sided with the police and they still think the police have their backs. The moment that changes is the moment things will unravel (if ever). In the meantime you have this rickety establishmentarian center trying to hold things together but given their history of corruption and cronyism they have no love of the people and no one willing to go to bat for them. Biden won because of revulsion at one really loves him. The rs are already tearing themselves apart with calls for the formation of a patriot party, an alternative to Fox News, and despite establishment dreams trump isn’t going anywhere. The ds will be held together for as long as Biden is able to function but no one thinks he’ll make it through 2 terms.

we may be in for a pause (a colleague and I were hotly debating whether they’ll be a spending holiday after the vaccine due to pent up demand v the devastation lockdowns have done to average folks). But buckle up...2020 may be in the rear view mirror but you ain’t seen nothing yet. Civil society has never been so strained and 2020 was just a giant wrecking ball that went right through it.
No one really loves trump? I have seen quite the contrary. He is praised and idolized like some orange King Kong god-like creature.
. . . and the civil war scenario is that of the make believe, dress up, weekend warriors dressed in fatigues who just want to be able to go for a sit down dinner at Applebee’s, and some anarchist locked away in their personal bunkers stroking their glock while 2, 4, 6, 8 Channing their life away.
No one really loves trump? I have seen quite the contrary. He is praised and idolized like some orange King Kong god-like creature.
. . . and the civil war scenario is that of the make believe, dress up, weekend warriors dressed in fatigues who just want to be able to go for a sit down dinner at Applebee’s, and some anarchist locked away in their personal bunkers stroking their glock while 2, 4, 6, 8 Channing their life away.

Biden. Both Trump and Obama beat him out in the most admired Gallup poll.

Far from battling the street, the bigger problem is the collapse of institutions. Health experts have torched themselves. So have the teachers. Supreme Court headed that way if not there. Elections are really scary (after 2016 large chunk of the Ds didn't trust them, now the Rs....once elections breakdown as a legitimate civic remedy there's a real problem). The establishment center (R and D) is loved by no one. Trust in journalism is dead. Banks and financial institutions torched themselves in '08. The CIA/FBI have torched themselves at least with the right. Police with the left. Churches have been bleeding followers except on the right. Pretty much leaves just the military standing (except for the far left).....oh yeah and the political tribes with their respective bases. Not healthy at all.
No one really loves trump? I have seen quite the contrary. He is praised and idolized like some orange King Kong god-like creature.
. . . and the civil war scenario is that of the make believe, dress up, weekend warriors dressed in fatigues who just want to be able to go for a sit down dinner at Applebee’s, and some anarchist locked away in their personal bunkers stroking their glock while 2, 4, 6, 8 Channing their life away.

The analogy would be Sanders. Passionate support by some, but disagreeable to a large liberal constituency and the entirety of the other side... same with the orange man, in reverse.
Biden. Both Trump and Obama beat him out in the most admired Gallup poll.

Far from battling the street, the bigger problem is the collapse of institutions. Health experts have torched themselves. So have the teachers. Supreme Court headed that way if not there. Elections are really scary (after 2016 large chunk of the Ds didn't trust them, now the Rs....once elections breakdown as a legitimate civic remedy there's a real problem). The establishment center (R and D) is loved by no one. Trust in journalism is dead. Banks and financial institutions torched themselves in '08. The CIA/FBI have torched themselves at least with the right. Police with the left. Churches have been bleeding followers except on the right. Pretty much leaves just the military standing (except for the far left).....oh yeah and the political tribes with their respective bases. Not healthy at all.
This post would fit in nicely with my "Thank You Mr. Trump" thread.