Bad News Thread

That's how you know the comparer's have been over-vaxxed.
I talked to one of my besties the other day and he feels me in on his side with what he truly believes. Let me say, he's so left he has no right arm Bruddah. He's true to his beliefs and that's why I like him. He thinks I'm selfish now for not giving in to peer pressure. I told him i did all that peer pressure stuff in grade school. I made a promise to myself I would never let someone peer pressure me into taking experimental drugs ever again and I held true to myself. That is fact bro, I didnt think it would be my best pal who never ever did drugs before to be the one being a drug pusher on me. He bugs me everyday. I think he's jealous because I lost 45 pounds and he is gaining more and more weight and drinking like crazy.
Oh great, Rahm ((EOTL, Espola and Husker Poo)) wants to establish a Reward/Punishment for the last of the hold outs. WTF trust this guy? Honestly, read these quotes.

While appearing on on ABC’s “This Week,” former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that there needs to be a “reward-punishment system” to force people to get vaccinated.

Emanuel said that people should not be able to participate in activities within society unless they take the rushed out jabs.

“There’s a lot of things we can do without calling it a mandate. Just make it almost impossible for people to live their lives without being protected and protect us,” panelist Margaret Hoover said.

“I agree. I’m the son of a pediatrician…The fact is no child can show up at school without showing their immunizations, smallpox and measles. You have to make this familiar to people. Second is, I would close the space. If you want to participate in activities, you have to show you are vaccinated. So it becomes a reward-punishment system. You make your own calculation. The fact is there’s data this week that 30% of health care workers are not vaccinated,” Emanuel responded. “They have got to lead by example.”
Maybe we could get a test that gives us a time stamp for when the corona genetic sequences showed up in those tested. You know, since corona and other respiratory virus have been around for nearly 800 years? That we know of. We seem to have evolved with them. Our existence through viral updates?

Our co-evolution with viruses has been going on way way way longer than 800 yrs and will continue. They can evolve a lot faster than we can. New variants emerge. Fortunately, a product of that co-evolution is an adaptive immune system whose function is to respond to new infectious agents. It works great in healthy people but does require exposure so the adaptive immune system can read, respond and remember the new agent. But its hallmark is specificity; that exposure is unlikely to be nearly as effective as inducing adaptive immunity against related coronviruses. Same reason there is a new flu shot each year.

If you are suggesting that there is somehow a CoV-2 related coronavirus that pre-exists the pandemic, persistantly infects humans, as is being revealed as a CoV-2 false positive in the PCR assay there are a number of negative controls to rule that out. In fact, the precision of PCR, which comes in the primer design, is one of its strengths. Its sensitivity, however, can be both a strength and weakness.

If by time stamp in the infected you mean how rapidly after infection viral genomes can be detected by PCR or otherwise that has been pretty well worked out, most cleanly in cultured cells but also in real infections.
Way too late to ask for alternatives bro. Think about what your saying here, my gosh. They jacked up test results to create fear on all of us around the world. The dude that invented the test warned all the Docs not to use it to pad their numbers. Dude is dead now too so this is scary shit. Like I said so many times, I'm past 9 lives so I dont care. I'm now offically accused of being a drunk driver. Gee, I feel so special now. My best pal tells me I remind him of a cat because I keep landing on my feet when I fall. I used to get so many mean PMs on this site from lawyer dudes and asshole dads in soccer that wanted me to STFU. Anyway, be very careful what type of liguid your willing to shoot up with. My other pal is from Stanford and knows his stuff way more than anyone on here and I'll listen to him and him alone. Talk about a smart cat and is also a real Doctor that gives real advice.

Simple. If you don't want the pop don't get it. Either way, fear is a choice.
Simple. If you don't want the pop don't get it. Either way, fear is a choice.
I have zero fear, I swear. I do have a brain, a mind and a gut and all three say that Dr F, Bill, The other Bill, Jeffrey, the other Jeff, Jack, Mark, Klaus and Chuck are not the type of guys I listen to. Are you afraid of getting the Delta after you got the pop from someone like Bruddah or EJ? I will stay home so you can carry on with life. It's the least I can do for all you scared little men. What are you scared of, seriously?
I'm not sure who all those people are. I got the pop from a young intern I knew from awhile back. Nice kid. My take on the gestalt of the data, as I posted earlier, is that its by and large looking pretty good. I think there is a legit worry that the bigger burst size of variants like delta may have unanticipated effects on small kids, thus changing the susceptibility profile. But there's no clear sign of that so far. So I'm feeling pretty good. If you are choosing shelter in place I take it you must be in some susceptibility group. I wish you all the best.
I'm not sure who all those people are. I got the pop from a young intern I knew from awhile back. Nice kid. My take on the gestalt of the data, as I posted earlier, is that its by and large looking pretty good. I think there is a legit worry that the bigger burst size of variants like delta may have unanticipated effects on small kids, thus changing the susceptibility profile. But there's no clear sign of that so far. So I'm feeling pretty good. If you are choosing shelter in place I take it you must be in some susceptibility group. I wish you all the best.
Thanks bro. I can only speak about myself. It's been hard on me personally ever since I was conceived by my birth mother 55 years ago. It seems like the same assholes are still being greedy and selfish and they never wanted me born in the first place. It's a very long story that most on here know about. I'll fill you in on the shorter side. You see, I was in the womb and my birth mom had some evil forces trying to get her to sell me to some serious sick fuckers and I mean sick dude. The kind of folks who sacrifice kids for their religion. Anyway, a bad man had a change of heart and called my adopted mom to see if she could buy another kid and save my life in 1966. She already bought 7 so she said why not #8. Talk about eight is enough. My birth mother however decided to abort me because of all the stress she was feeling to sell me. My adopted mother talked her out of it and I'm here today to talk with you. Isn;t that cool? After I was born, I was soon diagnosed with hearing loss because my ears were not right on the inside. My adopted parents had some extra dough and got me surgery so I could hear. I'm so appreciative of that kind gesture. At three years old, I couldnt talk and came down with severe stuttering and basically left to figure it out on my own all through grade school. Teachers forced me to read out loud because they wanted the other kids to laugh at me because I also had ADD and caused so much trouble for the typical control freak type teacher. I tried to tell them it made me angry to put me through that fear as a child but they told me to get over it and over come my weaknesses.
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Thanks bro. I can only speak about myself.

My wife and I adopted our second kid. We had to take these courses which were kind of hit and miss. But one thing I remember was one night these young teens who had come through the foster care system told their stories. Maybe not quite as harrowing as yours but some bad shit for sure, in utero drug exposure, physical, sexual, mental abuse. Sitting before us as mature, powerful, articulate kids. Then we heard from foster parents about the heroics and obstacles necessary to overcome to get there. These were the success stories, but came away with an appreciation of how strong people can be and how much love and time it can take to heal.
My wife and I adopted our second kid. We had to take these courses which were kind of hit and miss. But one thing I remember was one night these young teens who had come through the foster care system told their stories. Maybe not quite as harrowing as yours but some bad shit for sure, in utero drug exposure, physical, sexual, mental abuse. Sitting before us as mature, powerful, articulate kids. Then we heard from foster parents about the heroics and obstacles necessary to overcome to get there. These were the success stories, but came away with an appreciation of how strong people can be and how much love and time it can take to heal.
That is awesome for adopting. I was adopted in 1966 and things were a little different back in the day regarding private adoptions. Most people dont know this but kids were sold all the time and still are. The worse creature on the planet is the wolf in sheep's clothing. 33 degree ring a bell? I was a "golden" child and that was worth more for some reason. Talk about living the white life in style. Someone or something was trying to knock me out of the game of life early in my life. At 5 two ladies grabbed me by the arms at Doheny Beach and were dragging me to a waiting car to take me to the master of the world. My foster sister yelled out that they were taking me away. One of the ladies lost her grip of my arm and had to start over and that gave my dad a chance to yell at them to drop me and they did and took off like the rats that they were. Fake license plate. Cops were called and they said I was one lucky kid. I dont lie about this kind of stuff. I do joke around and use satire to communicate point sometimes but I will always let you know when I mean business. This topic is serious and I mean business. I also had a dagger left on my door when I was brought home from hospital my mom told me after I got baptized. Anyway, I feel sad now that people are now telling me I'm a drunk driver and feels like a low blow. I was called moron and damn fool from some of the more senior assholes here at the forum. I'm sure you know the ones I'm referring to, right? I know so many people who got the shots and all they do is drink and now I'm the drunk and I dont drink. It's amazing how some turn the tables on people. These are weird times for sure.
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Our co-evolution with viruses has been going on way way way longer than 800 yrs and will continue. They can evolve a lot faster than we can. New variants emerge. Fortunately, a product of that co-evolution is an adaptive immune system whose function is to respond to new infectious agents. It works great in healthy people but does require exposure so the adaptive immune system can read, respond and remember the new agent. But its hallmark is specificity; that exposure is unlikely to be nearly as effective as inducing adaptive immunity against related coronviruses. Same reason there is a new flu shot each year.

If you are suggesting that there is somehow a CoV-2 related coronavirus that pre-exists the pandemic, persistantly infects humans, as is being revealed as a CoV-2 false positive in the PCR assay there are a number of negative controls to rule that out. In fact, the precision of PCR, which comes in the primer design, is one of its strengths. Its sensitivity, however, can be both a strength and weakness.

If by time stamp in the infected you mean how rapidly after infection viral genomes can be detected by PCR or otherwise that has been pretty well worked out, most cleanly in cultured cells but also in real infections.

“Usually, when people recover from acute viral infections, their immune response kills the cells affected to eliminate the virus,” says Diane Griffin, a virologist at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. But when viruses infect long-lived cells, such as neurons, the immune system can’t afford to destroy them. That means “you don’t actually get rid of all the virus genome,” she says; instead, the virus might hide in parts of the body for long periods.

If so, this persistence may actually be key to long-term immunity. Griffin says that even if the virus isn’t spreading profusely, if its proteins are still being produced in a small number of cells, its fragments may force your body to maintain an immune response—keeping you from getting sick again.

“A PCR test can tell you whether someone has recently caught the disease – but it can’t distinguish between the live replicating virus and non-infectious viral debris.”

This is so crazy and funny at the same time. BTW @ Evil Goalie, I was never like this guy speaking in gibberish tongue language. This is big time prosperity fools gold and fake if you want MO from me. I was way smarter than that and I read my bible every day for over 30 years. The gift of tongues died off soon after the Apostles were put to death for their beliefs. Only they ((the 12 Apostles)) had the ability to hand out special gifts or some like to say talents from God to believers who were worthy. For example, if I was Peter the rock, I could lay my hands on your head and give you the gift of tongues but you could not give the gift of tongues to Bruddah. Only Peter could give gift to Bruddah or one of the other 11. Some sales guys back in the day tried to buy the gifts from Peter and they were rebuked for having such a thought. It was nice chatting with you this evening. I will also look to stay home now and not cause any issues to my fellow brethren and neighbors. I'm now drunk driver 24/7 so stay clear of my lane bro so you stay safe.
Today’s firestorm is that the cdc is revising its masking guidelines for the vaccinated. This includes it is rumored that you should mask if you live with immune compromised or children under 12. That’s obviously causing some eyebrows to be raised because the recommendation would imply you have to mask around your kids even in the home. The White House clarified the cdc was still working on the language.
La times poll shows recall newsom is 47 in favor 50 opposed among likely voters, in margin of error. Newsom should win the recall election but has pretty much no room for error at this point.

Vaxed People:

Can still get Covid
Can still spread Covid
Can still die from Covid
Can potentially die from the Vaccine

Unvaxed Peeple:
Can still get from Covid
Can still spread Covid
Can still die from Covid
Cannot die from Vaccine
Today’s firestorm is that the cdc is revising its masking guidelines for the vaccinated. This includes it is rumored that you should mask if you live with immune compromised or children under 12. That’s obviously causing some eyebrows to be raised because the recommendation would imply you have to mask around your kids even in the home. The White House clarified the cdc was still working on the language.

Guidance apparently will include that everyone in k-12 schools wear masks regardless of vaccine status.
Guidance apparently will include that everyone in k-12 schools wear masks regardless of vaccine status.
This was the Union bargaining chip…you want inperson learning, OK…everyone has to wear a mask on campus regardless of Vax status. But my question is WHY? To protect staff? Well, then the Union should only mandate what their members can do…if they are Vax’d then they should be fine.

I don’t need some corrupt, self serving, bullshit Union dictating what me or my kids can do…..
This was the Union bargaining chip…you want inperson learning, OK…everyone has to wear a mask on campus regardless of Vax status. But my question is WHY? To protect staff? Well, then the Union should only mandate what their members can do…if they are Vax’d then they should be fine.

I don’t need some corrupt, self serving, bullshit Union dictating what me or my kids can do…..

Union bargaining chip? Says who (besides you)?