Again, you misunderstand the point. My problem isn't the rule. It's why I agree this doesn't undermine the argument for an indoor mask mandate. My problem is with the oversell on masks (which was done, in the end it will be shown, to prevent the essential workers from going into a panic while you and I got to sit in front of zoom and have weekly take out). Treat people like adults....tell em why the mask helps (particularly in direct face to face conversation)....don't tell them stuff like masks are better than vaccines, or it's o.k. to fly if masked, or masks will control the outbreak. That way, I know I don't need to wear a mask when walking the dog or if my 5 year old is running around the park, but if I'm going to be sitting with a friend in the park less than 6 feet away even if outdoors I might want to wear one, and I'll definitely want to make sure it's on properly when talking to the grocery store clerk at checkout.