Dad4 + Espola= EspolaYou really think the people dying in this pandemic were all out partying? The octogenarians snuck out of the rest home to go clubbing?
It works more like this: Susan gets covid at Hound’s bar. Susan’s boyfriend Kevin gets covid from Susan. Kevin gives covid to his roommates. One of Kevin’s roommates, Robert, is a janitor at Oak View Retirement Home. Robert goes room to room, carrying out the trash and vacuuming. Now 15 seniors at Oak View have covid. Three days later Robert’s test comes back positive and Oak View locks down. They get the outbreak under control, but only after 45 infections and 4 deaths.
None of the 4 had any “choice” in the matter.
This is the biggest bullshit tracing lie ever btw. Did you come up with this BS from one of your contact tracing pals or out of your little brain? BTW, it was the AC Tech Guy that brought Rona to Hound's Bar & Grill. He snuck in from the back because Hound's Bar has super strict guidelines at the front door.