FYI, and please use common sense, as brought to you by the CDC-
0.0004% of all CoVid Deaths are under the age 17
4.4% of all CoVid Deaths are under the age of 50
95.6% of all CoVid Deaths are above age 50
80% of all CoVid Deaths are above age 65
58.6% of all CoVid Deaths are above age 75
(Average life expectency in the US is age 78)
31% of all CoVid deaths are above age 85
It is a fact that if pass away and test positive for CoVid, the death is included in the overall number. 94% of all CoVid deaths are are paired with an average of 3.8 underlying conditions, whether heart conditions, pneumonia, diabetes, dementia, and even suicide. (Again, per the CDC). Now, looking at the percentages of age of death combined with underlying conditions, ask your self if it's possible or how many of these reported deaths were a result of CoVid with underlying conditions, or perhaps an underlying conditions death with a positive CoVid test.
Now, with that information, we know seniors are all currently getting vaccinated, essentially eliminating the massive death toll we've seen in the near future. Or will it...the yearly morbidity rate may say something different...but anyways. Yes, we'll have a few idiots that are anti-vaxxers and probably learn there lesson the hard. I got my vax with the goal of stopping the chance of spread although I wear my mask everywhere it is required. More on that later.
So kids vs. teachers...
0.0004% of all CoVid Deaths are under the age 17
19.4% of all CoVid Deaths are between the age of 18-64.
In 2019, the Flu killed more kids than CoVid and Flu COMBINED in 2020.
Positive tests of ages 25-65 outnumber positives in children at a rate nearly 4x meaning teachers are more likely to catch CoVid from the break room or grocery store than they would be teaching. Thank your local grocery store worker the next time you see them!
Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddddddd, anyone care to guess how much the suicide rate increased and what the numbers are? Well we don't know yet and will not know for awhile. But I'm willing to bet it could hundreds more than CoVid killed. What about childhood depression? What about falling behind? Both well documented. Thanks Teach!
Oh, and what about youth sports?
Yeah, 0.0004% of all CoVid deaths for those under 18 plus the fact Flu killed more kids in 2019 than Flu and CoVid combined in 2020 did? I don't need to say anything else do I? By the way, out here in the east, Jefferson Cup has been going on for about 4 weeks. Even had some teams from SoCal attend I believe. No restrictions on numbers either. Guess what? No CoVid outbreaks either.
Now my favorite! Masks!!!!!! (Disclaimer - I follow mask rules and mandates)
Not sure if you remember but Mask mandates have been around nationwide for a while now, long before the beginning of November. Same goes for indoor dining along with many other restrictions. If these mandates where thought to work so well, THEN WHY DID WE SEE A DRASTIC RISE IN INFECTIONS FROM NOVEMBER THROUGH JANUARY?????? Oh, I'll tell you why because they haven't bothered to tell you. Every year we see a drastic rise in virus and bacteria infections during the same months. Same goes for deaths. No different than any other year. So I ask you, did all of these mandates have a drastic change in numbers?
But, but, but, the Brazilian Variant!!!!!!!
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well shame on me. Our government just experienced power like they never have before. You think they aren't going to want to keep. Bitch, please.