March weather in TX might be a little different from MI. Could be a second factor there.And yet all 3 have about the same cases per million and deaths per million.
One has to ask themselves...why did CA shut down if the outcome is the same as TX and FL?
I posted above a graph that shows CA still has 70% or so of all students not in any kind of in person class. TX and FL have had in person classes now since the fall.
Just on the kid side alone, CA has screwed parents/kids. And especially the poor and lower middle class. And for what benefit?
It has been hard to justify what CA has done for a long time. And as the data comes in...even more so.
This is fascinating coming from you. So already we can see the affect right?
Cases started going up early March. Lets say March 5. So an immediate rise after mandates lifted...and only a slight loosening at that.
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But when we look at TX who dropped ALL restrictions within a few days of MI...we see ZERO rise. The decline continues.
So square that with your never ending restaurant theory? If MI opening up partially their restaurants is the reason for their bad month, how come TX who opened everything is not having a bad month?
By the way what are you going to blame for the lack of rise in cases in TX? You were aghast they opened up.
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Sorry. The system is complicated. You don't get to look at only one thing and draw a meaningful conclusion.
You look at ten things in 1000 places, run a regression, and see whether there are any of the important things are controllable.
The controllable elements are things like masks, dining, outdoors, distance, ventilation, and vaccines.
You going to help with any of these, or are you still playing for team virus?