EOTL is back as Espola."I have zero background in vaccines"
No shit?
Long Game, is that you?It's a vaccine. Perhaps vaccines don't do what you think they should, especially with a disease for which little is known so far.
This is Espola. "It's a dark day today." Always gloom and doom with Mr Magoo. I dont get him. i told him almost three years ago soccer was going to get flipped on its head and he told me I was coo coo.I certainly haven’t been on these forums as long as the rest of you, but based on my time here (aided in part by the champagne taste test in espola’s neighborhood) I’m more inclined to Droopy Dog.
He may not move fast, but is shrewd enough to outwit his foes.
I certainly haven’t been on these forums as long as the rest of you, but based on my time here (aided in part by the champagne taste test in espola’s neighborhood) I’m more inclined to Droopy Dog.
He may not move fast, but is shrewd enough to outwit his foes.
The blue state train wreck right now is NY, who opened indoor dining.11/24/20
Remember when the CDC credited masks for bringing down "cases" in Arizona?
When they say ridiculous things like this, they give the green light to people who want to blame their neighbors for rises in cases. "Why, since we know masks work, the rise in cases must be because of you stupid anti-science people who refuse to wear them!"
Even though mask compliance is as high as ever, these "pro-science" people just know it can't be, because they just know masks at the very least go a long way toward solving the problem.
Well, anyway, how about we check out Arizona's curve now?
Well, how about that.
Could it be that masks didn't bring the curve down after all? That these curves seem to do more or less the same thing no matter what?
Right now one blue state after another that supposedly "followed the science," is seeing a rise in "cases." And all their people can do is blame their neighbors. Because, don't you know, the "science" works! So if the "science" isn't working, that means someone somewhere must not be sciencing.
Yes indeed, that was my point. Big Pharma is gonna ride this horse.They granted Emergency Use Authorization to provide liability protection to Big Pharma.
Fauci is a fraud. Always has been big pharma shill.Trump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: 'It's a safe vaccine' and it 'works'
Never!!! I dont care what Dr F or T says. My wife and I are 100% a, "No."
So take one of the old fashioned ones once they get approved. They work, too.Why not?? How do you think our species made it this far?
Fauci is a fraud. Always has been big pharma shill.
"And in recent months, the meme has evolved into something new: Coronavirus Karen. This particular form of Karen refuses to wear a face covering in shops, won't stick to quarantine, and thinks the whole pandemic thing is overblown. "
What exactly is a 'Karen' and where did the meme come from?
To many the Karen meme - and its male equivalent Ken - sums up a specific type of white privilege.www.bbc.com
There is a good video embedded in that article with a lot of Grace Karens speaking.
So if I (a person of color) were to be yelled as in a supermarket for not wearing a mask by a white woman I'd be a Karen?
Yet if I (a person of color) were to call the police on the Dangy Bros next door (also persons of color, including one African American) to complain about their monthly keggers (sans masks, with loud music), I'd also be a Karen?
Yet if you (a white person with relatives who are persons of color) were to do either you'd not be a Karen because you are a guy?
Something seems strangely amiss to me. Almost like two spidermen accusing each other of being karen.
Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man | Know Your Meme
Spider-Man Pointing at Spider-Man refers to an image from the 60’s Spider-Man cartoon episode in which two people in Spider-Man costumes are pointing at eaknowyourmeme.com
So much of what Fauci does depends on him not knowing what he is doing. He is a puppet like Biden. They lack the public policy background to even consider trade offs in a meaningful way.He's also a particular kind of shill. Most (IIRC around 90%) of the money allocated early on was directed by him entirely towards vaccines. Only about 10% was allocated towards treatments, mostly the antibody treatments Trump received. He made a deliberate decision not to put money into treatments (either new or repurposed). On the one hand, credit where credit is due, we (unlike the EU) have vaccines. On the other hand, because some treatments like ivermectin were and continued to be ignored, if proven out he will have contributed to the needless death of thousands. Trade offs. Life's messy.