There is a difference between a sacrifice imposed upon you and a sacrifice you willingly accept.Sacrifices?
COVID killed my biz big guy. Totally killed my biz. So don't talk to me about sacrifices when I go from making money one day to having zero customers the next.
You sit there and tell people like me that we shouldn't be able to make a living while you sit at home and make your salary.
You have no idea about sacrifices. Try losing your income and still making payments for schooling, housing, cars, etc.
And that is your problem.
You can do a math problem, but you cannot interpret data when looking at the real world. You have no concept of cost/benefit. It is likely why you are not working in the private cannot apply what you know and adjust based on the actual data. You keep running around WISHING the world would confirm to want it to do.
So when you lose your biz and go from making good money to none, then you can talk about sacrifice. You advocate the closure of biz like mine and others while comfortably having a paycheck week to week. You have no concept of the fact that people need to work, to go out and do things to survive. We cannot just arbitrarily close this or that because some idiot like you deem that certain business and/or that families needs are NON ESSENTIAL.
We cannot sit here will idiots like you say kids shouldn't be in school. That somehow teachers can't go to work despite the data showing otherwise. Every other profession is putting on the shoes and going to work.
Sacrifice. You have no idea.
The first you have in spades.
The second, whether large or small, you consistently argue against.
We’ve been round and round on cost/benefit. But it’s never data based, because we can’t even agree to accept the CDC data on indoor dining. that kind of limits our ability to assess the cost side of things.