An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America

White people with guns is by far the biggest terrorist threat facing this nation. Where is our leadership?!

A picture is worth a 1000 words.
Sure is. White dudes with guns. A clear and present danger to our nation. Happens again and again. Vegas, Columbine, Connecticut, etc. Much more dangerous than Jihadis or immigrants. I knew it before we saw the picture...gun-wielding Caucasian murderer.
Sure is. White dudes with guns. A clear and present danger to our nation. Happens again and again. Vegas, Columbine, Connecticut, etc. Much more dangerous than Jihadis or immigrants. I knew it before we saw the picture...gun-wielding Caucasian murderer.
How do you know he's not a "dreamer"?
Sure is. White dudes with guns. A clear and present danger to our nation. Happens again and again. Vegas, Columbine, Connecticut, etc. Much more dangerous than Jihadis or immigrants. I knew it before we saw the picture...gun-wielding Caucasian murderer.
If Fidel Castro had a son, he'd look alot like Nicholas Cruz. (and Justin Trudeau)
Other than calling President Trump a liar, as in “duh,” what else is that article saying? It doesn’t seem to address the massive amount of mass murder by guns, such as today...and who does those.
Murders are down...even with "mass murders"... most gun violence is gang related.