An amazing case for reducing gun ownership in America


Wow a partial sense of Logic was used there......Amazing !

The last six words were useless and to be expected from a
Democratic follower.....Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a Day !
Careful counselor, that knee jerk reaction might wack you in the forehead...our leadership in DC is a ship of fools.
I assume the assailant was part of a "well-regulated militia," which is a key concern of the 2nd Amendment folks. You know, if all those kids had guns in their backpacks, fewer of them would have been shot. Hey, look, I'm a dumbshit!
I assume the assailant was part of a "well-regulated militia," which is a key concern of the 2nd Amendment folks. You know, if all those kids had guns in their backpacks, fewer of them would have been shot. Hey, look, I'm a dumbshit!
You shouldn't go assuming anything counselor.
I'm not gonna try to talk you out of your last statement.
I assume the assailant was part of a "well-regulated militia," which is a key concern of the 2nd Amendment folks. You know, if all those kids had guns in their backpacks, fewer of them would have been shot. Hey, look, I'm a dumbshit!

After of a few decades of gun manufacturers' propaganda funneled through the once-honorable NRA, it is too late for any politician to propose enforcing the original intent of the 2nd Amendment with a program of universal militia training, after which the successful graduates would be free to purchase and possess any firearm they wished.
After of a few decades of gun manufacturers' propaganda funneled through the once-honorable NRA, it is too late for any politician to propose enforcing the original intent of the 2nd Amendment with a program of universal militia training, after which the successful graduates would be free to purchase and possess any firearm they wished.

Once again you're waaaaaaay off target.


Here....Let me repeat it AGAIN !

Parenting .......
After of a few decades of gun manufacturers' propaganda funneled through the once-honorable NRA, it is too late for any politician to propose enforcing the original intent of the 2nd Amendment with a program of universal militia training, after which the successful graduates would be free to purchase and possess any firearm they wished.
Oh, so that's what they meant.
Thanks for clearing that up.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Had The Absolute Most Disgusting Response To The Florida Shooting, And Yes It's All About Trump

Politics | Christian Datoc
